Apple Music Connectが2019年に終了

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S 20181214 84546

Appleは12月13日(現地時間)、「Changes in the new Artist Pages」と題したサポートドキュメントを公開し「Apple Music Connect」機能が終了することを案内しています(MacRumors)。

Connect posts from artists are no longer supported.

Apple Music Connectはアーティストが、Musicアプリを通じて直接ファンと交流することができる機能で、Apple Musicの公開とともに大々的に導入されましたが、以後開発が滞っていました。


We're always looking for ways to enhance our focus on artists and help them better connect to fans. So we've given Artist Pages an all-new design and added new, personalized Artist Radio.

Today we're streamlining music discovery by removing Connect posts from Artist Pages and For You. This means you'll no longer be able to post to Connect as of December 13, 2018, but all previously uploaded content will still be searchable until May 24, 2019. You can still create Artist Playlists with the latest version of Apple Music.

We're also excited about the latest beta of Apple Music for Artists, which gives you everything you need to understand your music's impact across Apple Music, as well as valuable audience insights. You can even upload your own photo to use on your Artist Page. Sign up for free today.

Thank you for helping us make Apple Music a vibrant community for artists and fans.

Appleは過去に音楽をベースとしたSNS「iTunes Ping」を廃止した経験もあり、「Connect」も同じような経緯をたどったようだと指摘されています。

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