

タイトル Itsycal
バージョン ver 0.15.3
更新日 2024/03/15
追加日 2018/03/26
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(MIT)
説明 メニューバー常駐型のコンパクトなMac用カレンダーアプリ。






Itsycal 0.15.3
Fix: Go to Date can be invoked with the "return" key - you don't have to click the button.
Fix: Addressed a crash in the rare case that an event's attendee name is set to nil.
Fix: A hack to address corrupted window drawing on macOS Sonoma when the user has multiple monitors and a large number of events in the agenda.
Fix: Long calendar names wrap in the General Settings calendar list.
Itsycal 0.15.2
Go to Date (shift-command-T) provides a quick way to navigate to an arbitrary date.
Itsycal has a URL scheme: itsycal://date/DATE
which will open Itsycal at the DATE specified in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Instead of DATE use now to open Itsycal to today.
(Thank you, Nick K!)
Fixed a bug where Itsycal wasn't opening the Date/Time System Preference panel correctly on macOS 13+.
(Thank you again, Nick K!)
Itsycal 0.15.1
Bug fixes.
Attendees in the Agenda Info popover.
Two new generic menu bar icon options.
Bug fixes.
Itsycal (latest) for macOS 11+
Itsycal 0.14.1 for macOS 10.14+
Itsycal 0.15.0
Attendees in the Agenda Info popover.
Modernized the New Event popover.
This release requires macOS 11 (Big Sur) or higher.
Itsycal 0.14.1
Two new generic menu bar icon options
Bug fixes
Itsycal 0.14.0
Updates for macOS 14 Sonoma compatibility.
The new event popover has a notes field.
Minor fixups.
Upgraded MASShortcut, the shortcut recorder component.
Upgraded Sparkle, the software update component.
Itsycal 0.13.4
Upgraded Sparkle software update component.
Hopefully fix a startup crash for some users on macOS Ventura.
Fix the New Event popover functionality for some users on macOS Ventura.
Fix All-day event dates on macOS Ventura.
Itsycal 0.13.3
A URL field in the New Event popup. This field is pretty unforgiving so if you enter an invalid URL, it will simply be ignored.
A new General preference enables an optional hourly beep. It might be useful if you, like me, sometimes lose track of the time. This feature has existed hidden for a while, but now is exposed in the user interface.
The Zoom button link detector should now work with /my/ links.
Itsycal 0.13.2
The calendar button opens in its last opened view rather than forcing month view.
There is less padding around the menu bar icon.
If you use a date-time pattern in the menu bar, it is automatically formatted according to ISO 8601 without having to set your calendar to ISO 8601 in System Preferences. This is particularly relevant for displaying week-of-the-year in the menu bar.
Added, FaceTime, Workplace virtual meeting detection.
An experimental feature to display a virtual meeting indicator in the menu bar. To try it, open and enter defaults write com.mowglii.ItsycalApp ShowMeetingIndicator 1.
Itsycal 0.13.1
Tentative and pending events are visually indicated in the agenda. Tentative events have an open circle and pending events have an open circle and striped background.
Buttons have a subtle hover effect.
The menu bar icon now has an accessibility title.
Fix: The menu bar icon consistently toggles Itsycal on Big Sur. (Thank you, David)
Fix: The agenda updates when the user changes 12/24 hour system preference.
Fix: The shortcut recorder UI renders properly on Big Sur.
Fix: The new-event popover position is stable when navigating calendar.
Itsycal 0.13.0
Itsycal is a Universal app which runs natively on both Intel and ARM Macs.
When creating a new event, Itsycal will attempt to honor the default alert time set in the Mac Calendar app's preferences and display that in the 'Alert' popup control.
Updated German localization. (Thank you, 3bbing)
Chime meeting link detection. (Thank you, Pratik)
Fixed a bug that prevented localization of the calendar buttons.
Fixed a bug where the end date of multi-day all-day events was off by one.
Fixed a bug where the delete button would disappear after being clicked.
Fixed a bug where all-day events were sorted incorrectly.
Fixed a bug where events that start or end at midnight were displayed poorly.
Itsycal 0.12.6
Video button opens Zoom and Teams meetings in app, if available.
Event URL fields are now shown in the details popover.
Bigbluebutton meeting detection for video button.
Various fixes for macOS Big Sur (Thank you, Carlos).
Itsycal 0.12.5
Addresses Microsoft's annoying habit of embedding links in angle brackets.
Previously, these links were rendered invisible. They are now visible.
Agenda detail popover fits to size so you can see the whole thing at once. If your event detail is too long for the screen, it scrolls.
Calendar tooltip width adjusts for your font size preference.
Agenda scroller is further right so as to not overlay text when you have a long list of events.
Itsycal 0.12.4
Itsycal now offers 3 text sizes and a new slider user-interface to choose among them in the Appearance Preference pane.
Agenda popover design has been improved for better readability.
The formatting of dates in the menu bar is slightly different for certain languages like French and Spanish which normally do not capitalize dates. Now, the first word of a date is capitalized, but the rest are still lowercase.