


タイトル Electron
URL https://www.electronjs.org/
バージョン ver 21.0.1
更新日 2022/10/06
追加日 2016/05/12
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(MIT)
説明 HTML/CSS/JavaScriptといったWeb関連技術を使ってネイティブアプリを作成できるクロスプラットフォームのフレームワーク。






Electron 21.0.1
Fixed: If a custom Electron build contains an electron.d.ts file, it is now being used. #35822 (Also in 20)
Other Changes
Updated Chromium to 106.0.5249.61. #35833
Electron 21.0.0
Chromium 106.0.5249.51
New in 106
New in 105
Node v16.16.0
v16.16.0 release notes
V8 v10.6
Enabled the V8 memory cage for external buffers. See https://www.electronjs.org/blog/v8-memory-cage for more details. #34724
Refactored webContents.printToPDF to align with the Chrome Devtools implementation. #33654
Added LoadBrowserProcessSpecificV8Snapshot as a new fuse that will let the main/browser process load its v8 snapshot from a file at browser_v8_context_snapshot.bin. Any other process will use the same path as is used today. #35695 (Also in 20)
Electron 20.0.0
Stack Upgrades
Chromium 104.0.5112.65.
New in 104
New in 103
Node v16.15.0
v16.15.0 release notes
V8 v10.4
Breaking Changes
Removed the skip-taskbar feature on Linux. #35156
Renderers are now sandboxed by default unless nodeIntegration: true or sandbox: false is specified. #35125
Added safeguards when building native modules with nan. Use node-gyp >=8.4.0 and electron-rebuild >=3.2.9 for when rebuilding native modules. #35160
Added a warning for building native modules with node-gyp and electron-rebuild, asking users to upgrade to >=8.4.0 for node-gyp and >=3.2.8 for electron-rebuild if using Electron 20 or higher. #35160
Added app.isHidden() to check if the app is hidden (e.g. with Command-H) on macOS. #32155
Added browserData to app.setPath/getPath. #33554
Electron 19.0.8
Fixed an issue where DataList bounds had part of the item text cut off vertically. #34785 (Also in 20)
Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.148. #34824
Electron 19.0.7
Fixed an issue where Windows Control Overlay buttons did not respect maximizable/minimizable/closable states of a BrowserWindow. #34722 (Also in 17, 18, 20)
Fixed missing Sec-CH-UA headers and empty navigator.userAgentData. #34757 (Also in 17, 18, 20)
Other Changes
Security: backported fix for CVE-2022-2162. #34712
Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.134. #34702
Electron 19.0.6
Fixed an issue where calling w.setWindowButtonVisibility(true) immediately after exiting fullscreen fails to show window buttons. #34674 (Also in 18, 20)
Electron 19.0.5
Fixed a performance problem in crashReporter.start() on macOS. #34638 (Also in 17, 18)
Fixed an error where setWindowOpenHandler() would crash if the callback threw an error. #34546 (Also in 18, 20)
Electron 19.0.0
Stack Upgrades
Chromium 102.0.5005.61
New in 101
Node v16.14.2
v16.14.2 release notes
v16.14.1 release notes
v16.14.0 release notes
V8 10.2
Added BrowserWindow method to change the button color, symbol color, and height of a window with WCO enabled. #33066 (Also in 18)
Added nativeTheme.inForcedColorsMode API to allow detecting forced color mode. #32956 (Also in 15, 16, 17, 18)
Added ses.setCodeCachePath() API for setting code cache directory. #31154 (Also in 17, 18)
Added ability to configure if window should close when opener closes. #31314
Added support for more color formats in setBackgroundColor. #31868 (Also in 18)
Added warning that preload scripts will be sandboxed by default beginning in Electron 20. #32868 (Also in 18)
Electron 18.2.1
Fixed an issue where BrowserWindow#isFocused() was returning false when blur() was called on macOS. #34030 (Also in 17, 19)
Fixed an issue where mixed-case extension filters in file dialogs were ignored on Linux. #34016 (Also in 19)
[Mac] Fixed Partition Alloc related crash in pre-BigSur (macos <= 10.15). #33965 (Also in 19)
Other Changes
Backported fix for CVE-2022-1492. #34048
Electron 18.2.0
Fixed an issue where the PDF Viewer would fail if a user attempted to reload. #33711 (Also in 19)
Fixed an issue with the app.requestSingleInstanceLock() API where it would sometimes hang. #33778
Other Changes
Fixed child_process.spawn ENOENT error with cwd option. #33871 (Also in 16, 17, 19)
Updated Chromium to 100.0.4896.143. #33948
Electron 18.1.0
Enabled systemPreferences.subscribe{Local|Workspace}Notification to take a null value for the event parameter. #33771
Fixed crash when img without alt is shown with accessibility features enabled. #33843 (Also in 19)
Fixed crash when opening gtk file dialogs due to mismatched versions. #33812 (Also in 19)
Other Changes
Updated Chromium to 100.0.4896.127. #33730
Electron 18.0.4
Apply senderFrame details to ipcMain port event. #33782 (Also in 16, 17)
Fixed an issue where Escape keyboard events would not be properly propagated to the parent window after entering fullscreen and then exiting it again on Windows. #33787
Fixed the built-in PDF renderer. #33664
shell.openExternal() now reports more detailed errors on Windows. #33659 (Also in 15, 16, 17, 19)
shell.openExternal() now reports more detailed errors on Windows. #33705 (Also in 15, 16, 17, 19)
Electron 18.0.3
Other Changes
Updated Chromium to 100.0.4896.75. #33619
Electron 18.0.2
Fixed a potential crash in Browser.getFocusedWindow() when child windows are closed. #33538 (Also in 17)
Fixed an issue where the the window bounds would incorrectly change if BrowserWindow.unmaximize was called on a window whose user bounds were maximized. #33550 (Also in 16, 17)
Fixed behavior of BrowserWindow.maximize on macOS for not shown windows. #33537 (Also in 15, 16)
Fixed incorrect return value of app.requestSingleInstanceLock() when setting non-existent user data folder. #33592 (Also in 16, 17, 19)
Fixed issues with frameless window animations and styling. #33610 (Also in 19)
Fixed potential crash while generating accessibility trees for certain images. #33616 (Also in 19)
Electron 17.4.0
Added BrowserWindow method to change the button color, symbol color, and height of a window with WCO enabled. #33439 (Also in 18)
Fixed a potential crash in Browser.getFocusedWindow() when child windows are closed. #33539 (Also in 18)
Electron 4.0.1
Release Notes for 4-0-x
Allow passing a trace config as options to a "contentTracing.startRecording" call. #16158
Fixed crash on macOS when using globalShortcut for media keys when accessibility access is not granted. #16262
Throw an error if app.setAccessibilitySupportEnabled() is called before the ready event is emitted. #16268
Fixed incorrect foreground color on GTK menubar. #16223
Electron 3.1.0-beta.5
Note: This is a beta release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.
This release is published to npm under the beta tag and can be installed via npm install electron@beta, or npm i electron@3.1.0-beta.5.
Bug Fixes/Changes
chore: release.id => release.data.id. #16134
fix: extending tracing startRecording API to take a full tracing config. #16159
fix: ensure that file descriptors 0/1/2 are opened at startup (backport: 3-0-x) (backport: 3-1-x). #16167
fix: UAF with http auth preferences (3-1-x). #16140
Electron 4.0.0
Release Notes for v4.0.0
Breaking Changes
Upgraded to Chromium 69.0.3497.106 and Node 10.11.0. #13756, #14964, #14972
Changed to the new single instance API. #12782, #14518
Bumped minimum supported macOS version to 10.10. #15357
Added "will-move" event to the BrowserWindow. #14283
Added BrowserWindow.setWindowButtonVisibility(). a42ca9ee
Added Version key to Electron Framework Mac bundle's Info.plist. #14296
Added systemPreferences APIs to help apps respect Mojave dark mode settings. #14755
Added webPreferences.enableRemoteModule option allowing to disable the remote module to increase sandbox security. #15222
Added getNormalBounds() API for the BrowserWindow class to fetch window bounds while minimized. #13290
Added will-redirect event on webContents to capture, handle and prevent redirects during navigations. #13866
Added an option to MenuItem that makes it possible to skip accelerator registration. #15840
Added app.enableSandbox(). #14999
Added creationTime method to process. #13542
Electron 4.0.0-beta.11
Note: This is a beta release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.
This release is published to npm under the beta tag and can be installed via npm install electron@beta, or npm i electron@4.0.0-beta.11.
Release Notes for v4.0.0-beta.11
Fixed Electron not starting in development from the CLI. #16118
Fixed <webview> tag not working when using contextIsolation. #16069
Electron 2.0.16
Bug Fixes/Changes
chore: bump libcc submodule to daf9bdcdfdfd6bad258b5e1e48b2e17d06c1a987. #16112
chore: add additional logging for release upload failures. #16127