

タイトル TimeMachineEditor
URL http://timesoftware.free.fr/timemachineeditor/
バージョン ver 5.2.2
更新日 2023/02/17
追加日 2016/03/07
種別 フリーソフト
説明 TimeMachineのバックアップ間隔を変更するためのソフトウェア。




  • 不使用時: Macを使用していない時にバックアップ。
  • インターバル: 一定の時間間隔でバックアップ。
  • カレンダー: 指定日時にバックアップ。


  • バックアップしない時間帯。
  • アプリがディスプレイスリープを防いでいる場合バックアップしない。
  • アプリがシステムスリープを防いでいる場合バックアップしない。
  • ネットワークに接続している場合だけバックアップ。
  • 一時間ごとにローカルスナップショットを作成。





TimeMachineEditor 5.2.2 (2023, February 16) - macOS 10.13 or newer
TimeMachineEditor 5.2.1 (2022, October 12) - macOS 10.13 or newer
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.2.0 (2022, February 24) - macOS 10.9 or newer
If you are a Homebrew user: brew install --cask timemachineeditor
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor is a software for macOS that starts backups in Time Machine at particular times. You can choose an interval or create other types of scheduling (see the screenshots below).
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.9 (2021, May 9) - macOS 10.9 or newer
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.8 (2021, January 13) - macOS 10.9 or newer
This version includes minor fixes and improvements
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.7 (2020, November 16) - macOS 10.9 or newer
New in this version:
Added option to prevent backup when not wired to the network (part of the advanced options in preferences, requires macOS 10.14 or newer)
Added Apple Silicon support
Fixed an issue with the "Revert to currently applied settings" command that could sometimes fail to correctly revert settings
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.6 (2020, October 4) - macOS 10.9 or newer
This version fixes an issue that in some circumstances causes backups to not run.
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.5 (2020, August 25) - macOS 10.9 or newer
This version includes improvements to the local snapshots and logs viewers.
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.4 (2020, July 24) - macOS 10.9 or newer
TimeMachineEditor is a software for macOS that lets you change the default one-hour backup interval of Time Machine. You can change the interval or create other types of scheduling (see the screenshots below).
This is useful if you don’t need to backup every hour and don’t want the performance penalty. For example you might be frequently creating or modifying files which would cause long-running backup operations throughout the day.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.3 (2020, July 15) - macOS 10.9 or newer
Note to Catalina and Big Sur users
You can still install: control-click the installer package, then choose Open from the shortcut menu, then click Open. Alternatively you can install version 5.0.8 and update from within the application (main application menu > Check for Updates).
What are local snapshots?
You can't totally disable snapshots. New snapshots are created every time a regular backup is made (snapshots are used as the data sources for the backups). That's how Time Machine works.
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.
TimeMachineEditor 5.1.2 (2020, July 2) - macOS 10.9 or newer
This version includes fixes and improvements.
You can contact me by email at timemachineeditor@tclementdev.com.