



タイトル DevToys
URL https://devtoys.app/
バージョン ver
更新日 2023/07/24
追加日 2022/01/24
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(MIT)
説明 開発者のためのスイスアーミーナイフツール。






v1.0.13.0 (7/25/2023)
New Features
Password Generator tool!
General improvements to JWT Encoder / Decoder
Show X.509 extensions in Certificate Encoder / Decoder
CRON Parser shows description of the CRON expression
Text Inspector can now sort lines
Many tool's output can now be expanded
Many translations improved
Bug Fixes
Many bug fixes in JWT Encoder / Decoder
v1.0.12.0 (5/29/2023)
New Features
SSL Certificate Decoder tool!
Selected options are displayed in RegEx Tester
Clear Payload when empty JWT provided
Bug Fixes
SQL Formatter issue with operators
v1.0.11.0 (4/7/2023)
XML Validator can now detect inconsistent XML namespace references
UI tweaks in JWT Encoder / Decoder
Bug Fixes
SQL Formatter issue with VALUES
URL Encoder / Decoder was encoding new lines incorrectly
DevToys won't appear as a file picker anymore
v1.0.10.0 (September 20th 2022)
Copyright © 2023, Etienne Baudoux
v1.0.10.0 (September 20th 2022)
JWT Decoder can now also Encode!
Regex Tester shows matching groups
Better handling of brackets in SQL Formatter
Smart Detection now prioritize favorite tools
Bug Fixes
JSON Formatter wasn't sorting arrays
JSON Formatter was failing to parse an empty array
Wrong highlighting in Regex Tester
v1.0.9.0 (July 20th 2022)
New Features
v1.0.9.0 (July 20th 2022)
Added a Color Picker tool!
Added Contrast Ratio Checker tool!
Added XML Validator tool!
Added Cron Parser tool!
Update French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Italian, Czech, Vietnamese, Indonesian, German, Polish, Spanish, Spanish (Argentina), Hungarian, Tamil, Arabic and Turkish translation.
Help us translating in more languages!
Moved “Now” string key.
Apply the font set in settings to certain output text boxes.
Added HMAC authentication mode in Hash generators.
JSON Formatter can now sort properties alphabetically.
Added an option to clear text editor when pasting from the clipboard.
Replaced all SVG icons by TTF font.
Bug Fixes
Fixed SearchKeywords value.
Fixed Json Formatter altering date's time zone.
Fix in YAML to JSON involving boolean conversion.
Fixed inconsistent casing in the Settings page.
v1.0.8.0 (May 23th 2022)
Unix Timestamp Converter now supports timezones!
Updated Simplified Chinese translation
Improved the layout of many tools in Picture-in-Picture mode
Bug Fixes
Performance issue in Base64 Image Encoder / Decoder
Potential crashes in Base64 Image Encoder / Decoder
v1.0.7.0 (May 16th 2022)
New Features
v1.0.7.0 (May 16th 2022)
Added Base64 Image Encoder / Decoder tool!
Update Korean and Italian translation
Added Now button to bring timestamp to current date and time.
Added “One tab” indentation for SQL Formatter
Added some file types to open file dialogs.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Command Palette that has a transparent background color
Checksum/Hash generator now accepts empty file/input
Fixed title being hidden under header.
v1.0.6.0 (Apr 04th 2022)
New Features
ARM64 support!
Update Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese and Japanese translation
v1.0.5.0 (Mar 27th 2022)
Text Escape / Unescape!
Unix Timestamp Converter!
Number Base Converter now has an Advanced mode!
Updated Japanese, Czech, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Added Portuguese-Brazil translation
Added a refresh buttong to Lorem Ipsum Generator
Base64 Decoder now supports unpadded Base64 value
Bug Fixes
Cut command in input field was not working correctly
v1.0.4.0 (Mar 15th, 2022)
New Features
v1.0.4.0 (Mar 15th, 2022)
You can mark a tool as favorite!
Updated Japanese, Italian, Simplified Chinese
Lorem Ipsum Generator can now be forced to start a text by “Lorem Ipsum”
Bug Fixes
Various issues in Checksum generation
Incorrect Base64 hash
Various issues in JSON <> YAML converter
v1.0.3.0 (Feb 14th, 2022)
New Features
v1.0.3.0 (Feb 14th, 2022)
Chocolatey support. You can now install DevToys through the command line choco install devtoys.
Added Korean translation
Updated Japanese, Italian, Indonesian, Traditional Chinese
Search bar now support alternative keywords
SQL Formater is faster an use less memory
Minor UI update in JWT Decoder
Number Base Converter UX updated
Bug Fixes
Crash with text fields and folder selector
Crash with decimals in JSON <> YAML
Bugs impacting RegEx Tester, Base64 Encoder / Decoder, JSON Formatter, XML Formatter, JSON <> YAML, Number Base Converter
v1.0.2.0 (Feb 1st, 2022)
New Features
v1.0.2.0 (Feb 1st, 2022)
GZip Compressor / Decompressor!
Image Converter!
Checksum Generator!
SQL Formatter!
XML Formatter!
Added Polish translation
Added Hungarian translation
Added Japanese translation
Added Traditional Chinese translation
Added Italian translation
Hash Generator can now output in Base64
We can now copy the Markdown Preview output
Bug Fixes
Fixed many minor issues in Number Base Converter
Fixed a few issues in JSON <> YAML Converter
Fixed one issue in UUID Converter
Fixed a bug with Language setting
v1.0.1.0 (Jan 24, 2022)
New Features
Color Blindness Simulator!
Lorem Ipsum Generator!
Added Indonesian translation
Added Spanish (Spain & Argentine) translation
Added German translation
Minor UI update in encoders / decoders
Bug Fixes
v1.0.0.0 (Jan 18, 2022)