Resource Hacker


タイトル Resource Hacker
バージョン ver 5.2.7
更新日 2023/11/19
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 実行ファイルのリソースを修正。






Version 5.2.7
Last updated: 19 November 2023
Download version 5.2.7:
Changes in 5.2.7:
fixed minor bugs in commandline scripts
Version 5.2.6
Last updated: 18 November 2023
Just about all the functionality of Resource Hacker can be accessed from the command line without having to open the Resource Hacker GUI.
Command line instructions and Resource Hacker scripts can remove the drudgery entailed with repeating Resource Hacker tasks.
Resource Hacker Scripts:
Resource Hacker Scripts are executed from the command-line using the following syntax:
Resource Hacker Scripts are text files with the following format:
Resource Hacker Script examples:
Download version 5.2.6:
Changes in 5.2.6:
fixed a bug incorrectly detecting text encoding
fixed several other minor bugs
Version 5.2.5
Last updated: 14 November 2023
Download version 5.2.5:
Changes in 5.2.5:
added a scale slider to the image viewer (right-click)
fixed messagebox dialogs missing icons
fixed crash when viewing another resource after an animated GIF.
Version 5.2.4
Last updated: 31 October 2023
Download version 5.2.4:
Changes in 5.2.4:
bugfixes for overflow errors
Version 5.2.1
Last updated: 7 October 2023
Copyright © 1999-2023 Angus Johnson
Download version 5.2.1:
EXE install (4.1MB)
ZIP install (3.3MB)
Changes in 5.2.1:
Minor bug fixes only
Version 5.1.8
Last updated: 14 November 2020
Copyright © 1999-2020 Angus Johnson
Download version 5.1.8:
EXE install (4MB)
ZIP install (3MB)
Changes in 5.1.8:
Added:Zooming/scrolling views of image resources
Update:Enabled scrolling for very tall dialogs
Bugfix:Very large binary resources (>>100Mb) could crash the hex editor
Bugfix:Occasional bug decompiling dialogs styles (WS_TABSTOP)
Bugfix:RC file missing when extracting a binary resource type from commandline
Version 5.1.7
Last updated: 3 January 2019
Copyright © 1999-2019 Angus Johnson
Download version 5.1.7:
Changes in 5.1.7:
Bugfix: fixed broken Accelerator compiling
Version 5.1.6
Last updated: 31 July 2018
Download version 5.1.6:
Version 5.1.5
Last updated: 30 July 2018
Download version 5.1.5:
Version 5.1.4
Download version 5.1.4: