

タイトル Mathematica
バージョン ver 14.1
更新日 2024/08/01
追加日 2016/03/06
種別 シェアウェア(66300円)
説明 著名な数式処理システム。価格は個人用ライセンスで1年あたり。







Mathematica 14.1
  |   July 2024   |   14.1 Documentation
Flip one of the bits of an integer number with BitFlip
Added several functions to test elements of a list: AllSameBy, AllMatch, AnyMatch, NoneMatch
LLMPromptGenerator allows adding context-dependent messages to an LLM prompt
Search in a text corpus by semantic similarity with SemanticSearch
Create and update semantic similarity indices with CreateSemanticSearchIndex and UpdateSemanticSearchIndex
New service connections to LLMs: AlephAlpha, GoogleGemini, MistralAI, Cohere, DeepSeek, TogetherAI and Groq
Create, update and search vector databases with CreateVectorDatabase, AddToVectorDatabase and VectorDatabaseSearch
Support for symbolic vector, matrix and array symbols with VectorSymbol, MatrixSymbol and ArraySymbol
Added support for symbolic vectors, matrices and array inputs to numerous functions, including D, Grad, Div, Laplacian, Transpose, TensorTranspose, Dot, Cross, TensorContract and more
Standard constructors needed for symbolic vector, matrix and array formulas added: SymbolicZerosArray, SymbolicOnesArray, SymbolicIdentityArray and SymbolicDeltaProductArray
Stability analysis for systems of differential equations added with DStabilityCondititions
Stability analysis for systems of difference equations added with RStabilityCondititions
Added versions of the trigonometric functions for use with degree arguments: SinDegrees, CosDegrees, TanDegrees, CotDegrees and more
PascalBinomial is a binomial that preserves Pascal's identity for all integers
Conform a list of dates or times to have shared granularity and calendar with ConformDates
Descriptive statistics functions like Mean, Median, Variance, Correlation and others have been updated to work on dates and time data
AstroRiseSet computes rise and set times for any astronomical object, observed anywhere on any date
Mathematica 14
  |   January 2024
Version 14.0 continues to expand the scope and breadth of our computational coverage while streamlining and polishing existing areas.
Apply a list of functions to an expression with Comap and ComapApply
DigitSum computes the sum of the individual digits in an integer
UnitConvert is now faster
Create intermediate tests inside TestCreate using IntermediateTest
Compute numerical vector line integrals, vector surface integrals or complex contour integrals using NLineIntegrate, NSurfaceIntegrate and NContourIntegrate, respectively
UnilateralConvolve performs unilateral (AKA causal, one-sided) convolutions
TruncateSum makes it easy to work with infinite sum representations produced by DSolve and other functions
Convert expressions to and from finite field versions with ToFiniteField and FromFiniteField
Convert to and from finite field index representation with FiniteFieldIndex and FromFiniteFieldIndex
Several new structured matrix types added: SymmetricMatrix, HermitianMatrix, OrthogonalMatrix and UnitaryMatrix
TextSummarize automatically produces different types of summarization of text data
Multiple new visualization functions added for plotting all pairwise 2D projections of data: PairwiseListPlot, PairwiseDensityHistogram, PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram, PairwiseQuantilePlot and PairwiseProbabilityPlot
SolarEclipse has been overhauled; support was added for more than seventy thousand eclipses and 50 new properties
Functions for computing the date of a new moon, a full moon or any moon phase added: NewMoon, FullMoon and MoonPhaseDate
Mathematica 13.3.1
  |   August 2023
Version 13.3.1 includes multiple critical bug fixes and improvements to Chat-Enabled Notebook stability and usability.
Compute vector line integrals with LineIntegrate and vector surface integrals with SurfaceIntegrate.
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Mathematica 13.2.1   |   February 2023 Reference »
Version 13.2.1 includes over a hundred bug fixes, feature enhancements, performance improvements and security updates.
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Quantum Computation Framework
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Mathematica 13.2   |   December 2022 Reference »
Improved performance of several Quantity operations.
Uniformly distributed random sampling of dates and times with RandomDate and RandomTime.
Fine-tuned abort handling using PropagateAborts.
Faster univariate and multivariate polynomial operations.
Added support for modular factoring of multivariate polynomials.
Faster symbolic linear algebra involving matrices with univariate rational functions.
Two new structured matrix types: VandermondeMatrix and CauchyMatrix.
Numerical fractional differentiation with NFractionalD.
Numerical Caputo differentiation with NCaputoD.
Many functions and options related to astronomical computation and visualization have been added, including AstroPosition, AstroDistance, AstroAngularSeparation and AstroGraphics.
Soften or hide features in graphics using Blurring.
Analyze the result of a clustering process with ClusteringMeasurements.
Represent an external model that can be used for inference with NetExternalObject.
FileSystemTree creates a tree of subdirectories and files in a directory.
Compute step response analytics for control systems with SystemModelMeasurements.
Mathematica 13.1   |   June 2022 Reference »
Version 13.1 includes 90 completely new functions—plus 203 functions with substantial updates, new user interface features and enhanced compiler functionality.
Thread arrays at deep levels of other arrays with Threaded
New language convenience functions for list manipulation: DeleteElements, DeleteAdjacentDuplicates, SymmetricDifference and UniqueElements
Added functional programming convenience functions: ReplaceAt, MapApply, Until and SameAs
Compute change of variables in integrals and differential equations with IntegrateChangeVariables and DSolveChangeVariables
Support for fractional derivatives and fractional differential equations with FractionalD, CaputoD and an update to DSolve
Compute derivatives of implicitly defined functions using ImplicitD
Added several new types of structured arrays: PermutationMatrix, BlockDiagonalMatrix, LowerTriangularMatrix, UpperTriangularMatrix, BlockLowerTriangularMatrix and BlockUpperTriangularMatrix
Interval evaluation via CenteredInterval or Interval added to multiple special mathematical functions
Plot ratios of quantities with TernaryListPlot
Enhanced support for the ScalingFunctions option in visualization functions, and added NominalScale and OrdinalScale
VoronoiMesh now supports 3D Voronoi decompositions
Reconstruct 1D, 2D and 3D meshes from point clouds using ReconstructionMesh
EstimatedPointNormals can estimate normals to points in a point cloud
Added functions for operations on graphs: GraphProduct, GraphJoin and GraphSum
Emoji and more multilingual support
Create 2D drop shadow effects with DropShadowing
Several new shaders for graphics added: FlatShading, GouraudShading and PhongShading
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Mathematica Quick Revision History
Mathematica 13.0.1   |   February 2022 Reference 損
Version 13.0.1 continues an ongoing effort of incremental quality development of the Wolfram Language. This release includes hundreds of bug fixes, feature enhancements and performance improvements, including a security update for log4j.
Mathematica 13   |   December 2021 Reference 損
Version 13.0 adds a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.
New linear algebra functions: Adjugate, DrazinInverse and CoreNilpotentDecomposition
Implemented several Coulomb wavefunctions: CoulombF, CoulombG, CoulombH1 and CoulombH2
Perform interval computations for real and complex centered intervals using CenteredInterval
Compute the bilateral or double-sided Z transform and the inverse transform using BilateralZTransform and InverseBilateralZTransform
Create 2D and 3D displacement plots using new functions VectorDisplacementPlot, VectorDisplacementPlot3D, ListVectorDisplacementPlot and ListVectorDisplacementPlot3D
Visualize geo flows via GeoGraphValuePlot
New constructive solid geometry region CSGRegion, built by Boolean operations on basic regions
Create regions from a set of points using RegionFit, GradientFittedMesh and ConcaveHullMesh
Find an affine transform from one region to another with FindRegionTransform and check for congruity and similarity for two regions using RegionCongruent and RegionSimilar
New functions for finding isomorphic subgraphs and subgraph isomorphisms: IsomorphicSubgraphQ, FindSubgraphIsomorphism, FindIsomorphicSubgraph
Find minimal edge and vertex colorings for graphs with FindEdgeColoring and FindVertexColoring
Find face coloring for a planar graph layout using FindPlanarColoring
Compute dominators for directed graphs using DominatorTreeGraph and DominatorVertexList
System Modeler
Mathematica 13   |   December 2021 Reference 損
Version 13.0 adds a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.
Create convenient aliases for context names using $ContextAliases
New linear algebra functions: Adjugate, DrazinInverse and CoreNilpotentDecomposition
Implemented several Coulomb wavefunctions: CoulombF, CoulombG, CoulombH1 and CoulombH2
Perform interval computations for real and complex centered intervals using CenteredInterval
Compute the bilateral or double-sided Z transform and the inverse transform using BilateralZTransform and InverseBilateralZTransform
Create 2D and 3D displacement plots using new functions VectorDisplacementPlot, VectorDisplacementPlot3D, ListVectorDisplacementPlot and ListVectorDisplacementPlot3D
Visualize geo flows via GeoGraphValuePlot
New constructive solid geometry region CSGRegion, built by Boolean operations on basic regions
Create regions from a set of points using RegionFit, GradientFittedMesh and ConcaveHullMesh
Find an affine transform from one region to another with FindRegionTransform and check for congruity and similarity for two regions using RegionCongruent and RegionSimilar
New functions for finding isomorphic subgraphs and subgraph isomorphisms: IsomorphicSubgraphQ, FindSubgraphIsomorphism, FindIsomorphicSubgraph
Find minimal edge and vertex colorings for graphs with FindEdgeColoring and FindVertexColoring
Find face coloring for a planar graph layout using FindPlanarColoring
Compute dominators for directed graphs using DominatorTreeGraph and DominatorVertexList
New lighting options for three-dimensional graphics: AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight and SpotLight
Create spatial predictions with SpatialEstimate
Mathematica 12.3.1   |   June 2021 Reference 損
Streamlined product activation for site licenses supporting single sign-on
New features for Wolfram|Alpha-Mode notebooks include 2D typesetting for math constructs, additional support for chemical computations and biomolecular sequences and interactive plot quizzes
Native support for macOS for Apple Silicon
Application Server
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Mathematica 12.3   |   May 2021 Reference 損
Get direct solution values for equations with SolveValues and NSolveValues
Carlson elliptic integral functions have been implemented, as well as the Fox H-function
Compute the bilateral or double-sided Laplace transform and its inverse with BilateralLaplaceTransform and InverseBilateralLaplaceTransform
Plot streamlines for vector field functions and vector field data with StreamPlot3D and ListStreamPlot3D
Plot lines through 3D data with ListLinePlot3D
Display a graph plot with geographic vertices on a map with GeoGraphPlot
New framework for the construction and manipulation of symbolic trees
Solve and Reduce now support systems of transcendental equations
Root now supports multivariate roots
DSolve now solves any linear system of ODEs with rational function coefficients and any linear ODE with q-rational function coefficients
New AxisObject to represent a generalized quantitative axis
MaterialShading allows for realistic rendering of surface material
Change the representation of a region with CanonicalizeRegion and RegionConvert
Test whether geometric objects satisfy given properties or relations with GeometricTest
Generate different kinds of videos with AnimationVideo, SlideShowVideo and FrameListVideo
Improved video processing capabilities, including addition of VideoRecord, VideoTimeStretch, VideoInsert and VideoReplace