Default Folder X


タイトル Default Folder X
バージョン ver 6.0.8
更新日 2024/07/08
追加日 2016/03/17
種別 シェアウェア(4360円)
説明 Macのフィルを開く・保存するダイアログを大幅に強化することができるユーティリティ。






July 8, 2024
Default Folder X 6.0.8 previews audio and video, supports web URLs as favorites, and warns about unsupported OS versions.
To get compatibility with Apple's latest Sequoia beta, download the beta version of Default Folder X 6.1.
If you're still running version 5, here are the major changes you'll see when upgrading to version 6. More details and screenshots are on the Default Folder X 6.0 Tour page.
What's new in version 6.0.8:
The previews below Open dialogs can now play audio and video content.
You can add web URLs as Favorites and Default Folder X will open them in your browser.
There's now a warning when Default Folder X is run on an unsupported version of macOS.
A keyboard shortcut is available for opening Default Folder X's settings. Set it at the bottom of the Shortcuts tab in your settings.
Quick Search queries for Recent items will show recently closed Finder windows as well as recent files & folders.
The information pane below file dialogs truncates very long filenames in the middle instead of at the end.
The Shortcuts settings are more intelligent about keeping the Quick Search and Search All shortcuts in sync.
The layout of the information pane has been improved to accommodate very long file and folder names.
Download Default Folder X 6.0.8
version of Default Folder X 6.0.8
version of Default Folder X 6.0.8
version of Default Folder X 6.0.8
version of Default Folder X 6.0.8
Download Version 6.0.8 
May 17, 2024
Default Folder X 6.0.7 corrects issues that could cause problems in Open and Save dialogs and adds a way to use the arrow keys to edit in Quick Search.
What's new in version 6.0.7:
Fixed a bug that could cause folder switching to fail in Open and Save dialogs. This could result in the mouse cursor disappearing or the file dialog hanging until you clicked on it.
Corrected two issues that could leave Default Folder X's toolbar displayed even when a QuickLook window popped up in front of an Open or Save dialog.
Improved error handling when Default Folder X is unable to select the last selected file in an Open dialog.
Fixed a problem with Open and Save dialogs hanging when using the macOS Accessibility Zoom feature.
Improved the wording in the "Launch Default Folder X automatically when you log in?" dialog.
Fixed the text alignment in the menu configuration sheet.
Added a setting so you can use the left and right arrow keys to edit text in the Quick Search window. To move into and out of folders in the search results, use the Tab and Shift+Tab keys instead. Use this command in Terminal to enable the setting:
defaults write com.stclairsoft.DefaultFolderX5 quickSearchTraversesWithTabKey -bool YES
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version of Default Folder X 6.0.7
version of Default Folder X 6.0.7
version of Default Folder X 6.0.7
version of Default Folder X 6.0.7
Download Version 6.0.7 
macOS 10.13 through 14.5
April 19, 2024
Default Folder X 6.0.6 improves support for cloud-synced folders, handles paths pasted into Quick Search, makes its Finder drawer smarter and more.
What's new in version 6.0.6:
Fixed a bug that could cause slow performance when gathering information about files and folders in Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive or Box Drive.
In Microsoft Word Save dialogs, "Default to the current document's folder" now works with files saved in OneDrive.
What was new in the recent 6.0.5 release:
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version of Default Folder X 6.0.6
version of Default Folder X 6.0.6
version of Default Folder X 6.0.6
version of Default Folder X 6.0.6
Download Version 6.0.6 
April 15, 2024
Default Folder X 6.0.5 improves support for cloud-synced folders, handles paths pasted into Quick Search, makes its Finder drawer smarter and more.
Version 6 has new time-saving features and an updated look. It supports macOS 14 Sonoma while still running on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and later.
What's new in version 6.0.5:
You can paste or type a complete path into the Quick Search window to open an item at that location.
Default Folder X now shows the correct name, icon and location for OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and Box folders.
The history of recent Finder windows is updated when any tab of a Finder window is closed, not just when a window or its frontmost tab is closed.
Items that you've added to the Finder drawer or Drag Zone are updated instead of being removed when the items they refer to are moved or renamed.
Fixed a bug that could cause a Finder window to jump back to its previous location and size after being resized if Default Folder X's drawer was attached to it.
If you've customized the name of a Favorite, changing that Favorite to point to a different folder will not change its name.
The ToggleFinderDrawer AppleScript command returns a boolean result indicating whether the drawer is open.
Fixed a bug in Finder-click that prevented it from recognizing QSpace windows on a second display.
There's a new Info button in the Folders tab of the settings to explain what a Folder Set is.
Updated support for Alfred 5.
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version of Default Folder X 6.0.5
version of Default Folder X 6.0.5
version of Default Folder X 6.0.5
version of Default Folder X 6.0.5
January 2, 2024
Default Folder X 6.0.4 adds support for QSpace, refines Quick Search, and fixes slowness in Save dialogs.
Version 6 delivers new time-saving features and an updated look. It supports macOS 14 Sonoma while still running on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and later.
What's new in version 6.0.4:
Eliminated a delay that could occur when Save dialogs initially pop up.
In the Menus settings, you can specify the app you want Default Folder X to use when opening folders.
Added Finder-click support for QSpace and QSpace Pro. You must be using at least QSpace 4.2.1 or QSpace Pro 4.2.2.
Quick Search results now include an icon to indicate whether the result was found in your favorites, recent items, or apps.
When there is nothing in the search field, Quick Search will show a list of recently used items in all modes except Spotlight search.
There's a new command in the Quick Search contextual menu to copy a file or folder to the clipboard so you can paste it in the Finder, into emails, etc.
The Quick Search contextual menu contains commands to add or remove an item from favorites or from your recent history.
Pressing Command-, (comma) in the Quick Search window will bring up Default Folder X's settings window.
Added a keyboard shortcut to pop up the menu in the Quick Search window.
Disabled "smart" insert and delete in the wide filename field in Save dialogs so extra spaces aren't added or removed when cutting and pasting.
The menus for recent files, folders, apps and finder windows would display incorrectly after clearing all items in the menu. This has been fixed.
Fixed a bug that prevented you from entering comments or tags in a Save dialog on Monterey or earlier.
Improved the tracking of recently used files, folders and applications.
Download Default Folder X 6.0.4
version of Default Folder X 6.0.4
December 7, 2023
Default Folder X 6.0.3 adds convenience features and fixes a number of issues.
What's new in version 6.0.3:
Any folder or file opened or revealed using Default Folder X will be added to its appropriate "Recent" menu. Previously, items selected from Favorites would not be added.
When selecting text in the filename edit field within Save dialogs, periods are treated as word boundaries in all cases, rather than just between the filename and extension.
In the Quick Search window, pressing Option+Return copies the path of the selected item. This is reflected in the keyboard shortcuts shown in the contextual menu.
Items dragged and dropped to Default Folder X's icon in the menu bar are added to its "Recent" menus.
Command+S works correctly to confirm a Save As dialog with the wider filename edit field enabled.
Added a "Close Drawer" command to the contextual menu for the Finder drawer.
In the Tags pane below file dialogs, tags added using Default Folder X are listed before recent tags assigned to files and folders by other apps.
Worked around a bug in Sonoma that caused menu items to shift to the right when the Option key was pressed to change the sorting order.
In macOS Monterey and earlier, Spotlight, RayCast, Alfred and LaunchBar work correctly when invoked while a Save As dialog is on-screen.
Fixed errors that occurred when recent items (Files, Folders, Apps or Finder Windows) were included inline in Default Folder X's menu.
An alert is displayed if Default Folder X's menu bar icon is hidden behind the notch on newer MacBooks.
Corrected a bug that could prevent recent menus from being sorted correctly.
Added support for the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) java app.
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version of Default Folder X 6.0.3
version of Default Folder X 6.0.3
November 22, 2023
Default Folder X 6.0.2 adds convenience features and fixes a number of issues.
What's new in version 6.0.2:
In the Quick Search window, you can now browse through all recent items by hitting the Down Arrow key when there's no search string.
Added Command-L as a default keyboard shortcut for "Enter Filename" in Save dialogs so you can easily move back to the filename edit field.
Changed the layout of items in the Finder drawer so they're clustered together in the center rather than distributed across the entire width of the drawer.
In Default Folder X > Settings > Recent, "Forget All Recently Used Items" now also removes recent Applications and the "rebound" history.
Corrected problems that could cause Default Folder X to switch folders in file dialogs slowly or not at all.
Resolved an issue that caused the cursor to disappear in file dialogs in macOS Sonoma.
Fixed a bug that could result in a default folder not working if it applied to only a specific file extension.
Fixed problems with keyboard focus and text selection in Save dialogs not working correctly under certain conditions.
Fixed a bug that prevented double-clicking on items in the Drag Zone from working on some systems.
Corrected an issue with Default Folder X's preview window failing to resize when a file dialog was moved.
Fixed a problem with Default Folder X getting stuck if you tried to go to a hidden iCloud Drive folder in a file dialog.
Resolved problems with slow or non-responsive file dialogs within Default Folder X's own settings window on Sonoma.
Fixed a bug that caused Default Folder X to show recent items in some system folders when it shouldn't have.
Resolved a bug when syncing settings via iCloud that could delete a folder set when iCloud Drive syncing failed in a particular manner.
Fixed a problem that could cause the keyboard to stop responding if you customized Default Folder X's menu to show recent items in the top level of the menu rather than in a submenu.
Corrected an issue that could result in Default Folder X's toolbar not aligning correctly with a file dialog after the dialog was moved from one display to another.
October 17, 2023
Default Folder X 6.0.1 improves compatibility with TextExpander and older versions of macOS, plus much more.
Version 6 delivers new time-saving features and an updated look. It supports macOS 14 Sonoma while still running on macOS 10.13 and later.
If you're using version 5.7.8 or earlier, this may be a PAID UPGRADE.
If you have a Default Folder X license purchased on or after March 1, 2023, this upgrade is free. Your existing license number will work in version 6.
If your license was purchased between September 1, 2022 and March 1, 2023, the upgrade is $9.95. For licenses bought prior to that, upgrades are $19.95.
What's new in Default Folder X 6:
Here's a quick rundown of the major additions. Details and screenshots are on the Default Folder X 6.0 Tour page.
Wide filename field when saving files. Pretty self-explanatory - the default macOS Save As dialogs have an edit box that's way too narrow to accommodate a descriptive file name. Default Folder X 6 makes it bigger.
Drag and drop files and folders to Default Folder X's icon in the menu bar to move or copy them to another location. Pick a destination folder quickly from DFX's Recent and Favorites menus, or drill down to any folder using it's hierarchical menus.
Customize Default Folder X's menu in your menu bar. Add, remove and reorganize menus and menu items to fit your workflow.
Perform actions on files after saving them. Automatically open the saved file, attach it to an email, or run AppleScripts, Automator Workflows or Shortcuts on it.
Sync your Default Folder X settings between Macs. If you've got more than one Mac with the same file and folder organization, sync your settings via iCloud so Default Folder X works the same on both machines.
More powerful drawer in the Finder. Default Folder X's Finder drawer has been rewritten to be more useful and intuitive. Use it as a temporary drag-and-drop holding space, or as a location for often used files and folders.
Support for macOS 14 Sonoma. Yes, it's compatible with Apple's latest and greatest.
See the full version history for more new features and fixes.
What's new in version 6.0.1:
New features:
May 31, 2023
Default Folder X 5.7.8 fixes failures of its Finder-click feature, adds custom icons for Path Finder & ForkLift Finder-click
What's new in version 5.7.8
Finder-click now distinguishes between Finder, ForkLift and Path Finder windows by showing the icon of the app that owns them.
Download Default Folder X 5.7.8
Download Default Folder X 5.7.8
version of Default Folder X 5.7.8
version of Default Folder X 5.7.8
version of Default Folder X 5.7.8
version of Default Folder X 5.7.8
Download Version 5.7.8 
May 16, 2023
Default Folder X 5.7.7 fixes compatibility with ForkLift and Brave, as well as resolving several bugs
What's new in version 5.7.7
The Finder-click feature now works with beta versions of ForkLift 4.
Fixed a bug that could cause Default Folder X to hang when opening and saving files in Brave while Brave shortcut apps are also running.
Corrected a problem that could result in the Setapp version of Default Folder X not handling alerts and popups correctly when a file dialog is on screen.
The Option-up/down arrow keyboard shortcuts work correctly when folders in the Recent Folders history have been moved or deleted.
Fixed a bug in Finder-click that caused it to not recognize Finder windows after display configuration changes.
Setting a default folder for Default Folder X itself will no longer cause problems in the Setapp version.
Fixed a problem with the Finder drawer hiding itself in the Setapp version when dragging files.
Fixed matching of the bezel color to the file dialog color so it works in High Sierra and Mojave.
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Download Default Folder X 5.7.7
version of Default Folder X 5.7.7
version of Default Folder X 5.7.7
version of Default Folder X 5.7.7
version of Default Folder X 5.7.7
Download Version 5.7.7 
For macOS 10.13 - 13.4 
March 21, 2023
Default Folder X 5.7.6 matches custom "dark mode" file dialogs, addresses bugs and compatibility issues
What's new in version 5.7.6
Fixed a bug in the Finder-click feature that could disable it in some scenarios.
Corrected an issue with Default Folder X failing to go to the correct folder in file dialogs.
Default Folder X will now match its toolbar color and controls to "dark mode" file dialogs in apps that use custom dark themes even when the system is in Light Mode.
Fixed problems with Default Folder X not appearing in the Save dialogs of GraphicConverter and Luminar Neo on High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina.
Eliminated a bug in file dialogs that could cause Default Folder X to trigger macros that rely on two presses of the Shift key (yes, I know that's weird).
Default Folder X didn't correctly merge the /Applications/Utilities and /System/Applications/Utilities folders when showing the contents of the former in its menus. This has been fixed.
Fixed a problem where the helper apps for Default Folder X's buttons in the Finder toolbar would occasionally not be recognized on some systems.
Worked around a bug that could cause the application SpeedDock to select the wrong item in its docks when Default Folder X is running.
Eliminated an error that could occur when creating two new folders in a row, with the second inside the first.
Corrected some German localization issues.
Added compatibility with IBM SPSS.
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Download Default Folder X 5.7.6
version of Default Folder X 5.7.6
version of Default Folder X 5.7.6
version of Default Folder X 5.7.6