

タイトル Gitify
バージョン ver 5.11.0
更新日 2024/07/18
追加日 2016/04/02
種別 フリーソフト
説明 GitHubの通知を表示できるMac用メニューバーアプリ。







Gitify v5.11.0

What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • feat: add support for RepositoryDependabotAlertsThread by @setchy in #1356
  • feat: add tooltip support to radio group by @setchy in #1378
  • feat(settings): open links in foreground or background by @setchy in #1376
  • feat: repo-level transition and delayed notifications by @setchy in #1365
  • feat: animate all notifications upon repository interaction by @setchy in #1383
  • feat: mark notification as read to allow transition effects time by @setchy in #1389

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: use installed version o

Gitify v5.10.0

What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • feat: my quick links by @setchy in #1259
  • feat(settings): keyboard shortcut to open app by @setchy in #1260
  • feat: group notifications by repository or date by @setchy in #1273
  • feat: fetch notifications on navigation by @setchy in #1305
  • feat: devtools context menu by @afonsojramos in #1324
  • feat: notification filters by @setchy in #1304
  • feat: reset to default settings by @setchy in #1321
  • feat: add icons to header sections by @setchy in #1329
  • style: leg

Gitify v5.9.0

What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • feat: set app version as dev when building locally by @setchy in #1237
  • feat: toggle repository notification by @setchy in #1245
  • feat: custom scrollbars by @Araxeus in #1253

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: regression in all read ui by @setchy in #1242
  • fix: regression in delay notification state behavior by @setchy in #1241

🧼 Code Refactoring

  • refactor: biome linter updates by @setchy in #1226
  • style: cleanup useless tw classnames by @afonsojramos

Gitify v5.8.1

What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • feat: use clsx to merge classNames by @afonsojramos in #1231

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: revert updated_at formatting by @setchy in #1230
  • chore: sort tw classes by @afonsojramos in #1233
  • fix: idle icon not visible on macos when full screen by @setchy in #1235

🧼 Code Refactoring

  • refactor: deprecate react-transition-group over tailwind animations by @afonsojramos in #1232
  • refactor: remove unused styles by @setchy in #1234
  • refactor: introduce branded typ

Gitify v5.8.0

This release unlocks the flexibility and power of our new account management module. Users can now authenticate multiple GitHub Cloud or GitHub Enterprise Server accounts with an authentication method of their choice 🔥

⚡️What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • feat: tray context menu by @setchy in #1212
  • feat: support multiple accounts by @setchy in #1201
  • feat: only extract linked issues for User PRs by @setchy in #1219
  • feat: account notifications toggle via chevron by @setchy in #1218

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • feat: launch minimized by @setchy in #1193
  • fix: theme stat

Gitify v5.7.0

This release introduces a completely reworked Account Management module which will set the foundation for upcoming enhancements, along with UI updates to improve notification metrics (pills) for linked issues, labels and milestones.

🚀 Features

  • feat(accounts): enhance auth account data structure by @setchy in #1139
  • feat: format notification metrics within "pills" by @setchy in #1169
  • feat: linked issue indicator by @setchy in #1160
  • feat: labels indicator by @setchy in #1161
  • feat: milestone indicator by @setchy in #1178
  • feat: add pill display settings by @setchy in #1184

Gitify v5.6.0

🚀 Features

  • feat: delay notification removal by @setchy in #1092
  • feat: add comment count icon by @setchy in #1108
  • feat: use last_read_at timestamp when available by @setchy in #1103
  • feat: support discussions for github server by @setchy in #1118
  • feat(auth): add create oauth app link to enterprise route by @setchy in #1119
  • feat(auth): disable generate a pat if no hostname by @setchy in #1120
  • feat(login): add help docs to login flows by @setchy in #1121
  • feat(settings): enable detailed notifica

Gitify v5.5.0 🚀

This release enhances Pull Request notifications by adding visual indicators for PR Review status, along with a long list of internal technical health improvements.


  • feat: skip fetching PR comments when none exist by @setchy in #1075
  • feat: add pr review icons (approved, requested changes, commented, dismissed) by @setchy in #1078

Bug Fixes

  • fix: website version bump workflow by @setchy in #1051
  • fix(deps): update dependency react-router-dom to v6.23.0 by @renovate in #1069

Code Refactoring

  • refactor: icons util with color enum by @setchy in #1042

Gitify v5.4.0 🚀

This release contains important fixes to system notifications so we advise everyone to hop onto this new release if you're having issues.


  • feat(error): handle network connection errors by @setchy in #1030

Bug Fixes

  • fix: preserve zoomFactor on restarts by @adufr in #1035
  • fix: only show showNotificationsCountInTray setting on MacOS by @adufr in #1031
  • fix: inconsistent notification state by @setchy in #1037
  • fix: duplicate system notifications by @setchy in #1038

Code Refactoring

  • refactor(reason): separate into own fi

Gitify v5.3.0 🚀


  • feat: add linux rpm support by @setchy in #957
  • feat: add linux snap support by @setchy in #958
  • feat: bring back ability to click full notification row by @setchy in #968
  • feat: notification user avatar by @setchy in #915
  • feat(settings): show account hostname by @setchy in #966
  • feat(settings): display username on logout hover by @setchy in #969
  • feat(discussions): default to discussion author by @setchy in #964
  • feat: add linter & switch formatter to biome by @afonsojramos in #976
  • feat: detailed error handli

Gitify v5.2.0 🚀


This release contains a key bugfix for GitHub Enterprise Server users


  • feat: redesign settings ux by @setchy in #947
  • feat(settings): show notification count in tray by @setchy in #945

Bug Fixes

  • fix: ensure correct token is used by @setchy in #946

Code Refactoring

  • refactor: replace deprecated parse function with URL by @setchy in #942
  • refactor: extract notification count into reusable function by @setchy in #941
  • refactor: clarify show notifications setting by @setchy in #948 <