Little Snitch


タイトル Little Snitch
バージョン ver 6.2
更新日 2025/02/04
追加日 2016/05/09
種別 シェアウェア(33.94ユーロ)
説明 アプリ個別に通信を制御することができるファイアウォールソフトウェア。






February 3, 2025
Little Snitch 6.2 (7147)
Network Monitor
New option in context menu of Network Monitor to focus on connections of a particular process.
Improved display of connections without an existing allow or deny rule in the connection list, showing a completely empty allow/deny button instead of no button at all.
Improved keyboard navigation in connection list to expand the “more items” section by pressing the right arrow key twice.
Improved display of process paths in the inspector view.
Clicking a process path in the inspector now opens a menu offering to show the app in Finder or to copy the path.
Added several new filter options in the rule window, accessibly by long-clicking the filter buttons in the search field.
When viewing the contents of a blocklist, there’s now a new “Used Entries” section (which is shown by default), presenting only those blocklist entries that have been used at least once.
Preventing the search string from getting cleared when switching between different blocklists.
Other new features and improvements
Improved accessibility via VoiceOver.
Improved Wi-Fi name detection using the CoreWLAN API in favor of other methods. Wi-Fi name detection is required for Automatic Profile Switching.
Improved installer to better handle Agent installation issues.
Further improved detection of Homebrew executable paths.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a rare crash or hang due to a leak of file descriptors when Automatic Profile Switching is enabled.
November 20, 2024
Little Snitch 6.1.3 (7141)
DNS encryption now supports password authentication to DoH servers (DNS over HTTP).
Improved detection of Wi-Fi network changes for automatic profile switching.
Improved responsiveness of Network Monitor when selecting a time range in the traffic chart.
Improved accessibility via VoiceOver.
Bug Fixes
Fixed dimming of status menu icon on inactive display.
Fixed a bug where traffic meters in Network Monitor did not update correctly.
Fixed a bug where the creation of rule groups for Apple Apps or Third Party Apps did not complete.
Fixed possible deadlock during installation of Little Snitch for certain network configurations.
Fixed a rare bug where the rule inspector in Little Snitch could stop working.
Update “Last Used” statistics also for “Ask”-rules.
Fixed a possible crash on startup of Network Monitor.
Fixed false labeling of weekdays in the traffic chart when the “First day of week” setting in System Settings was different from “Monday”.
October 15, 2024
Little Snitch 6.1.2 (7132)
Added a hovering effect to Internet Access Policy buttons in the connection list of Network Monitor to indicate that they can be clicked.
Improved handling of connection errors in DNS encryption.
Update “Last Used” statistics also for ask-rules.
Preserve the traffic chart zoom level when Network Monitor is restarted.
Bug Fixes
Network Monitor
Fixed: Some text input methods like Chinese or Japanese did not work in the search field.
Fixed: The Internet Access Policy button was incorrectly shown for the “Local Network” group of a connection.
Fixed a flickering of Internet Access Policy buttons and rule management buttons when scrolling quickly through a large list of connections.
Fixed possible crash on startup of Network Monitor.
Fixed false labeling of weekdays in traffic chart when the configured first day of the week was not Monday.
Little Snitch App
Fixed a crash when a rule for an app with a corrupted Info.plist file was found.
Fixed a bug where changes of a rule’s remote endpoint did not become effective until another rule change occurred.
Fixed incorrect updates of the rule list when rules were added or removed via Network Monitor.
Connection Alert
September 18, 2024
Little Snitch 6.1.1 (7124)
This version fixes a problem where DNS lookups would leave the computer unencrypted although DNS encryption has been turned on.
This bug was new in 6.1, previous versions are not affected.
September 16, 2024
Little Snitch 6.1 (7119)
Compatibility with macOS 15 Sequoia
Customization of Status Icon in the Menu Bar
The appearance of the Little Snitch status icon can now be customized in more detail under Settings > Status Menu.
The flashing indication when a connection is blocked can now be turned off.
Each component of the status icon can now be separately configured to be colored or monochrome.
It is now possible to choose an appearance that shows numerical data rates only, without a graphical traffic meter.
The indication of an active silent mode can now be turned off.
Improved Internet Access Policy Support
The availability of an Internet Access Policy for a particular app or connection is now indicated by an icon in the connection list and the rule list.
Clicking on that icon opens a popover containing information from the app developer, explaining the app or connection in more detail.
A filter option has been added to the filter menu in the search bar, allowing you to show only rules for apps that include an Internet Access Policy.
Other Improvements
Allowing connections that are currently blocked by a blocklist via Network Monitor now allows you to creates rules with increased priority so they can reliably override the blocklist entry.
Selecting a recently denied connection from the status menu or selecting an app from the Recent Network Activity list now better focusses on those connections in Network Monitor.
Selecting a recently denied connection from the status menu with the Option key held down now shows the rule that’s responsible for the denial of that connection.
Improved “Show Corresponding Rules” command in Network Monitor to show all rules that are somehow affecting the selected connection and sort them by precedence.
Deleting a profile that has networks assigned for Automatic Profile Switching no longer deletes those networks but keeps them available for assigning them to a different profile.
August 1, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0.4 (7111)
Bug Fix for users upgrading from Little Snitch 5
When upgrading from Little Snitch 5 to version 6.0.3, the existing rules and setting were not preserved but reset to the factory settings. This bug has been fixed in this version.
If you have been affected by this bug, you can restore your previous rules and settings by choosing File > Restore from Backup from the menu bar in the Little Snitch app.
A backup file of your Little Snitch 5 configuration can be found in the /Library/Application Support/Objective Development/Little Snitch folder.
The name of that backup file middle part of the filename is the date/time when the backup was created).
July 24, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0.3 (7108)
Improved Demo Mode
Little Snitch now offers a free, fully featured 30-day trial for existing customers with a valid license for version 5.
New users without a license can still run Little Snitch in demo mode, where the network filter is turned off after each three hours of operation.
The current status of the trial is shown in the toolbar of the rules window and in Network Monitor.
New littlesnitch restrictions Terminal command to query the status of the trial.
New Features and Improvements
Increased precedence of blocklists so they can block connections that would otherwise be allowed by Any Process / Domain rules.
New littlesnitch profile command to enable disable profiles.
New littlesnitch rulegroup command to enable or disable rule groups.
New option --preserve-terminal-access for littlesnitch restore-model to prevent lockout.
Debugging of DNS encryption problems is now easier: If errors occurred recently, an error log is available in the DNS Encryption settings pane of Little Snitch.
A “Troubleshooting” menu is added to the Help menu when it’s opened with the Option key held down.
When copying rules from the rules window, blocklists are now represented as reference to the blocklist URL, not by copying a list of all blocklist entries.
Bug Fixes
When deciding about DNS encryption exceptions, Little Snitch now also considers DNS queries of type MX, PTR and others.
When an error occurs in the connection to an encrypted DNS server, Little Snitch now always attempts to reconnect to the server.
Fixed: When importing a backup, DNS encryption settings were not restored.
June 25, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0.2 (7104)
Network Monitor
Fixed: The “Show Corresponding Rules” context menu action did not correctly handle connections blocked by a blocklist.
Fixed: Rule buttons in the connection list may have falsely indicated a mixed allow/deny state, although the connection was actually copletely blocked by a blocklist.
Corrected textual description of “Hide in Network Monitor” rules.
If a rule’s executable path became invalid due to renaming or moving the app, the inspector now offers a “Repair” option, attempting to resolve the issue.
Fixed: Duplicating a biderectional rule via Copy/Paste didn’t work properly.
IP address based blocklists now have precedence over all DNS/name-based rules.
Little Snitch
What’s New
Release Notes
Little Snitch Mini
June 10, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0.1 (7102)
DNS encryption can now be disabled completely in particular profiles. Enter an asterisk (“*”) for the domain in the “DNS Encryption Exceptions” settings, which acts a wildcard for “All Domains”.
When selecting a recently denied connection from the status menu, the specific server is now selected in Network Monitor, not just the domain.
Added an option in Settings > Status Menu to choose if local network traffic shall be included in status menu traffic rates and graphs.
Improved confirmation dialog when deleting a rule group or profile: You are now asked to explicitly choose whether to keep or delete rules that are contained in that group or profile.
Improved feedback when the update of a blocklist failed. The yellow warning triangle can now be clicked to reveal more information about what went wrong.
Clicking on an already selected filter in the sidebar of the rules window now resets an active focus mode.
The summary inspector in Network Monitor now shows connection statistics for the deepest leaf nodes of the current grouping.
Bug Fixes
Exception domains for DNS encryption are now case-insensitive.
The context menu in the connection list of Network Monitor can now also be opened with control-click.
Clicking the clear button in the search field of the rules window and Network Monitor no longer removes keyboard focus from the search field.
Fixed textual search for internationalized domain names in blocklists.
Fixed a bug where total traffic amounts displayed in the connection list did increase over time, even if a fixed time range was selected in the traffic chart.
Fixed a bug causing the summary statistics in the inspector of Network Monitor not being update after changing connection grouping.
Fixed: Search field filter buttons didn’t work in the Suggestions section of Little Snitch.
Fixed: Pressing Down-Arrow in Rule Editor text field did open the wrong menu.
What’s New
May 21, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0 (7100)
This is a paid upgrade.
If you purchased a license before January 1, 2024, upgrading to the new version is a paid option, available at a reduced upgrade price.
Get an overview of what’s new for an immediate first look!
New in Little Snitch 6
Enhanced support for blocklists, similar to the features found in Little Snitch Mini.
Conveniently choose from a curated list of blocklists, organized by topic (like Advertising, Tracking, Malware, etc.), allowing you to enable these blocklists with just a few mouse clicks.
Automatic daily updates ensure that your blocklists are kept up to date when the maintainer adds new entries.
Improved filtering performance when filtering network connections based on large blocklists.
DNS Encryption
All DNS lookups can now be securely transmitted via encrypted connections to a DNS server of your choice, ensuring enhanced privacy when browsing the web.
Configurable, system-wide DNS encryption.
Can be enabled in Little Snitch Settings > DNS Encryption.
Predefined configurations for the most popular DNS encryption services so you can get started with just a few mouse clicks.
May 16, 2024
Little Snitch 5.7.6 (6304)
In this release, we‘ve addressed an issue in the inspector of Network Monitor causing text sections to be cut off, preventing the full text from being visible.
This bug was a side effect of fixing a hang in the Little Snitch app with the previous release. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by two updates occurring in such quick succession!