

タイトル JSONedit
URL http://tomeko.net/software/JSONedit/
バージョン ver 0.9.42
更新日 2024/02/20
追加日 2016/05/31
種別 フリーソフト
説明 テキストビューとツリービューが併用できるJSONエディタ。






2024.02.19 Version 0.9.42 JSONedit_0_9_42.zip
added options to modify some of the menu shortcuts (allowing to redefine them as user hotkeys)
fixed renaming array elements on the tree after adding/removing elements if extended node description option was used
added new setting, "JSON"/"Emit raw UTF-8 characters (instead of escaping as hex codes)", enabled by default - keeping backward compatibility
added new hotkey type: get node(s) path(s) (tree or list)
added new setting, "JSON"/"Always write arrays as multiline in generated JSON"
CH341A tool
Affiliate link: voip.ms
Affiliate link: voip.ms - VoIP service provider
 "Cookie monsters": 7638153    Parse time: 0.001 s
2023.08.26 Version 0.9.41 JSONedit_0_9_41.zip
copied fixes for global hotkey from https://github.com/tomek-o/tSIP/commit/c5e96a157328359bce3fe4648cae1a6b64f1a019
fixed possible incorrect array elements ordering if reloading file with "tree reuse" option enabled
fixed possible incorrect object elements ordering when reloading file if JSON is set to preserve object elements order and "tree reuse" option is enabled; this might make reloading slower in some cases
Lua editor / Help: added list of custom Lua functions (factory-based pattern like in tSIP or VideoPlayerMpv)
delaying creation of few tool windows until they are needed for the first time
NDJSON viewer: added File / Reload menu item
added new hotkey action types: copy document to clipboard as formatted and as compact text
removed unnecessary trailing newline from JSON generated with compact formatting
Video player: mpv
HEX -> bitstream
 "Cookie monsters": 7310128    Parse time: 0.001 s
2023.02.18 Version 0.9.40 JSONedit_0_9_40.zip
FIXED: if tree node reusing option was selected, "Replace/modify node" in list view was causing object children to disappear instead of being replaced
FIXED: editing node from list view with inline editor was likely to change same time also node currently selected in the tree view
Tools / JSON Schema (with JSONedit_jsoncons.dll)
separate Schema window with typical File menu, MRU list, accepting dropped files
validating document with JSON Schema draft 7
validation result list with keyword name, location in document and message
extra context menu items in Schema tree view for setting/changing types and inserting common JSON Schema keywords
removed unnecessary trailing newline from text generated by "Copy node as C literal"
Settings/JSON: option to use JsonCpp expression format for "Copy node path" function
some fixes for C++ class generator
new hotkey action types:
show Tools / JSON Schema window
validate with Tools / Schema
Images -> HTML
AVR nano / scope
2022.03.15 Version 0.9.39 JSONedit_0_9_39.zip
added some jsoncons tools (with JSONedit_jsoncons.dll, binary is included in main zip)
JSONPath evaluation
JMESPath evaluation
JSON Merge Patch
JSON Patch
some refactoring to make it easier to manage multiple editor components and MRU lists
 "Cookie monsters": 6248963    Parse time: 1.090 s
2021.10.12 Version 0.9.38 JSONedit_0_9_38.zip
tree/text search dialog is now modal
new settings for search dialog: always on top, transparency level, transparency when deactivated
changed default show/hide settings for tree context menu items from opt-in to opt-out
new function: Tools / Copy node as C literal (text to C-like string conversion)
added "Reformat" button to relaxed parser window
Oscilloscope v2g
 "Cookie monsters": 5915209    Parse time: 2.711 s
2021.03.18 Version 0.9.37 JSONedit_0_9_37.zip
added option to use relaxed parser for text pasted from clipboard ("JSON" settings tab)
fixed extended object node description disappearing from view after deleting or reordering array element(s)
tree view: focusing main panel instead of editor by default
added "Cut node"/Ctrl+X to tree view
file association: changed "JSONedit File" name to "JSON File"
new, higher resolution icons from YoYoK3nny; separate icon associated with file
relaxed parser accepts also strings quoted with single quote (like in javascript)
added "Copy node with optional key quoting" to tree context menu (copying in javascript-like style, with no quotation around object keys if they are not needed)
decluttering tree view popup menu - new settings for popup menu visiblity are added, few less used and newest items are hidden with default configuration but can be manually enabled
changed order of items in tree view popup menu
added "Wrap" -> "in object"/"in array" to tree popup menu (opt-in menu item)
checking if clipboard has text for "Paste as root from clipboard" function when showing tree popup menu
NDJSON viewer: fixed paste function and moved to "Edit" menu
NDJSON viewer: added "Load current content as array to main editor window" function
fixed true/false value editor combobox disappearing when reducing window height
fixed inconsistent shortcut for "Delete node" in list view
fixed common hotkeys (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V/...) working incorrectly (executing actions from tree view) in script editor window
STM32: Scream
2020.12.30 Version 0.9.36 JSONedit_0_9_36.zip - mostly suggestions from David Spector
hotkey settings: width of action type combobox changes depending on selected type (wider for types other than script)
removed default shortcuts/hotkeys for adding sibling and child to node in tree view; these shortcuts are now opt-in and configurable
added new action types to hotkey configuration: adding sibling and child nodes in tree view
fixed Tab order between basic node value edit panel and (optional) node comment edit panel
after adding new node sibling/child node name (or node text value for array elements) is focused
changed Lua AddNodeAsSibling function - function takes now two arguments, node name (if applicable) and value - JSON text (previously: on value, node name was always default "<add name>" text)
Lua AddNodeAsSibling(name, value) inserts new node right after selected node, not at the end
Lua script window: added AddNodeAsSibling example to help
tree editor settings: added selection which action would use Ctrl+V shorcut (paste as child or paste as sibling)
added new action types to hotkey configuration: pasting in tree as sibling and as child
added new action types to hotkey configuration: changing node type in tree view
added Lua BringToFront() function - to be used within scripts started by global hotkeys, e.g. combined with fetching file with curl
fixed problem with keyboard handling when entering script file name to hotkey configuration
added luacheck integration to Lua editor window (as in tSIP)
 "Cookie monsters": 5320406    Parse time: 1.443 s
2020.10.28 Version 0.9.35 JSONedit_0_9_35.zip
text view: add option to disable brace matching (highlighting)
alternative, stream-based formatting is used if text could not be formatted in "regular" way as it is not a valid JSON
added tSIP buttons configuration JSON examples
new subeditor for arrays of objects
table view with columns corresponding to names of object elements; <N/A> displayed for array elements not being objects
double click or [Enter] cell to start editing
[Enter], [Up]/[Down] or select another cell to confirm edit, [Esc] to abort editing
"reuse tree" option might be recommended when using editor modes alternatively
setting to keep previous node type when editing or determine type automatically (like in-line tree value editor with F4 hotkey)
nested objects and arrays are not handled at the moment (only value type is displayed, although if "automatic node type" is selected they can be changed to simple value)
using same colors from configuration (now named "Node colors") as tree and list views
new hotkey type: show array editor
tree context menu: "Array generator" renamed to "Array tools", holding previous array generator tools and newly added subeditor
 "Cookie monsters": 5198157    Parse time: 0.687 s
2020.08.26 Version 0.9.34 JSONedit_0_9_34.zip
increased number of snippets from 10 to 20
snippets: added option to copy snippet to clipboard
snippets: added option to change snippet name (description)
settings window: additional description for button associating .json files with application
list view: column widths are stored in settings; range limited to 50...2000
changed "Clone node" dialog: default number = 1, number can be selected from list or entered manually
FIXED: incorrect handling of floating point values by relaxed JSON parser and CSV-based array generator; broken since 0.9.32 when these values were changed to being held as strings
list view: if "Whole text" is not checked - numbers are matched also by substrings
DirectSound oscilloscope
ESP32: RTP pager, Scream
STM32: Scream
Video player
Base64 -> PEM
PEM -> base64
 "Cookie monsters": 5086901    Parse time: 0.748 s
floating point values are held as strings, allowing to keep e.g. trailing zeroes
2019.06.08 Version JSONedit_0_9_32_2.zip
FIXED: 0.9.32 issue with color for value edit in tree view always reset to default after switching nodes or if floating point value was validated
FIXED: 0.9.32 issue with editing floating point values on systems with locale settings using other decimal separator than "."; for consistency dot is now used as decimal separator all the time
added option to copy node(s) path (tree and list views) in a form of JSONPath dot notation or bracket notation
added hints to comment edits explaining that // or /* */ comment marks are required
2019.10.30 Version 0.9.33 JSONedit_0_9_33.zip
tree view: added setting to use extended description for object nodes, with values of some child nodes added to parent node caption; this might help distinguish array nodes without expanding them
option to specify up to 3 names of preferred child nodes (e.g. ID, description, ...)
option to use only child nodes with names from preferred set
tree view: new opt-in feature: navigation panel showing current location in the tree and allowing to jump to parent/grandparent/etc.
tree view: added setting specifying maximum number of nodes visible after auto/default expand (previously: fixed at 30)
Fixed: dialog for adding new node in list view contained extra newline in default node name
File menu: added "Copy to clipboard" -> "full file path" / "file name"
Text -> Base64
BIN <-> 32-bit hex
File -> Base64
 "Cookie monsters": 4556703    Parse time: 0.935 s
2019.03.21 Version 0.9.32 JSONedit_0_9_32.zip
added more color settings and "dark" template for tree and list view, "dark" color schemes for text view (C++ and JSON lexers)
(also: list, text)
more node statistics: maximum nesting level, maximum string value length, maximum name (key) length
added tSIP configuration file to examples
changed log window to used in tSIP
added Lua cheatsheet - as in tSIP
added Lua ReloadFile(evenIfNotSaved) function; if evenIfNotSaved parameter is equal to 0 then dialog is displayed if file was modified inside editor
FIXED: suboption "even if file was modified inside editor" for "Monitor file on disk for changes"/"Update file silently" was not working
added MRU files list for NDJSON viewer
Lua script and NDJSON viewer windows are accepting files with drag-and-drop
added Lua example: FTP upload with curl
"Add node as sibling" tree context menu option adds node immediately after selected (same as "Duplicate node")
CSV import dialog settings are stored in configuration file
RDA5807M radio
ASCII -> u16/u32/u64 HEX
Par. resistors search
Deduplicate / sort
 "Cookie monsters": 4149893    Parse time: 0.313 s