

タイトル PowerShell
URL https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell
バージョン ver 7.4.4
更新日 2024/07/24
追加日 2016/08/19
種別 フリーソフト
説明 Microsoftによるクロスプラットフォームのオートメーションツール。


PowerShell は、クロスプラットフォーム (Windows、Linux、macOS) の自動化および設定ツール/フレームワーク。

既存のツールと連携し、構造化データ (JSON、CSV、XML など)、REST API、オブジェクトモデルを扱うために最適化されている。コマンドラインシェル、関連するスクリプト言語、およびコマンドレットを処理するためのフレームワークが含まれている。





v7.4.4 Release of PowerShell

7.4.4 - 2024-07-18

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Resolve paths correctly when importing files or files referenced in the module manifest (Internal 31780)

Build and Packaging Improvements

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

  • hashes.sha256
    • 1F3B3C74D0B00E9EA2BFDB2BC3164521847ACBE05935641C9AD8A63483900392
  • powershell_7.4.4-1.deb_amd64.deb
    • 3AD26043C49EBD4237C27FA8839D2DCBE4A60D8BA864F5EACE3DE97E17678F6C
  • powershell-7.4.4-1.cm.aarch64.rpm
    • 6ABA950691F85519B8D0FD48918AFE99521A2EF16E44EF6831559CA43428551F
  • powershell-7.4.4-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
    • EC47AB450167DF392F3F16B7DA6831DB30F35909CF1E5363CE5602FEFBF8F742
  • powershe
v7.4.3 Release of PowerShell

7.4.3 - 2024-06-18

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Fix the error when using Start-Process -Credential without the admin privilege (#21393) (Thanks @jborean93!)
  • Fix Test-Path -IsValid to check for invalid path and filename characters (#21358)

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Fix generating OutputType when running in Constrained Language Mode (#21605)
  • Expand ~ to $home on Windows with tab completion (#21529)
  • Make sure both stdout and stderr can be redirected from a native executable (#20997)

Build and Packaging Improvements

SHA256 Has

v7.5.0-preview.3 Release of PowerShell Pre-release

7.5.0-preview.3 - 2024-05-16

Breaking Changes

  • Remember installation options and used them to initialize options for the next installation (#20420) (Thanks @reduckted!)
  • ConvertTo-Json: Serialize BigInteger as a number (#21000) (Thanks @jborean93!)

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Fix generating OutputType when running in Constrained Language Mode (#21605)
  • Revert the PR #17856 (Do not preserve temporary results when no need to do so) (#21368)
  • Make sure the assembly/library
v7.4.2 Release of PowerShell

7.4.2 - 2024-04-11

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Revert "Adjust PUT method behavior to POST one for default content type in WebCmdlets" (#21049)
  • Fix regression with Get-Content when -Tail 0 and -Wait are both used (#20734) (Thanks @CarloToso!)
  • Fix Get-Error serialization of array values (#21085) (Thanks @jborean93!)
  • Fix a regression in Format-Table when header label is empty (#21156)

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Revert the PR #17856 (Do not preserve temporary results when no need to do so) (#21368)
  • Make sure the assembly/library resolver
v7.5.0-preview.2 Release of PowerShell Pre-release

7.5.0-preview.2 - 2024-02-22

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Fix using assembly to use Path.Combine when constructing assembly paths (#21169)
  • Validate the value for using namespace during semantic checks to prevent declaring invalid namespaces (#21162)

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Add WinGetCommandNotFound and CompletionPredictor modules to track usage (#21040)
  • ConvertFrom-Json: Add -DateKind parameter (#20925) (Thanks @jborean93!)
  • Add tild
v7.5.0-preview.1 Release of PowerShell Pre-release

[7.5.0-preview.1] - 2024-01-18

Breaking Changes

  • Fix -OlderThan and -NewerThan parameters for Test-Path when using PathType and date range (#20942) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
    • Previously -OlderThan would be ignored if specified together
  • Change New-FileCatalog -CatalogVersion default to 2 (#20428) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!)

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Fix completion crash for the SCCM provider (#20815, #20919, #20915) (Thanks @MartinG
v7.4.1 Release of PowerShell

7.4.1 - 2024-01-11

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Fix Group-Object output using interpolated strings (#20745) (Thanks @mawosoft!)
  • Fix Start-Process -PassThru to make sure the ExitCode property is accessible for the returned Process object (#20749) (#20866) (Thanks @CodeCyclone!)
  • Fix rendering of DisplayRoot for network PSDrive (#20793) (#20863)

Engine Updates and Fixes

  • Ensure filename is not null when logging WDAC ETW events (#20910) (Thanks @jborean93!)
  • Fix four regressions introduced by WDAC audit logging feature (#20913
v7.4.0 Release of PowerShell

7.4.0 - 2023-11-16

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Added a missing ConfigureAwait(false) call to webcmdlets so they don't block (#20622)
  • Fix Group-Object so output uses current culture (#20623)
  • Block getting help from network locations in restricted remoting sessions (#20615)

Build and Packaging Improvements

Bump .NET 8 to 8.0.0 RTM build

  • Add internal .NET SDK URL parameter to release pipeline (Internal 28474)
  • Update the CGManifest file for v7.4.0 release (Internal 28457)
  • Fix repository root for the nuget.config (Internal 28456)
  • Add internal nuget feed to compliance build (Internal 28449)
v7.3.9 Release of PowerShell

7.3.9 - 2023-10-26

Build and Packaging Improvements

Bump .NET 7 to version 7.0.403

  • Use correct agent pool for downloading from Azure blob
  • Remove a timeout value from ADO pipeline stage to resolve a syntax issue
  • Update .NET 7 and manifests (Internal 28148)
  • Add SBOM for release pipeline (#20519) (#20573)
  • Increase timeout when publishing packages to pacakages.microsoft.com (#20470) (#20572)
  • Use fxdependent-win-desktop runtime for compliance runs (#20326) (#20571)

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

  • hashes.sha256
    • B8080BD8920F35CDB0ECA1
v7.4.0-rc.1 Release of PowerShell Pre-release

7.4.0-rc.1 - 2023-10-24

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

  • Fix Test-Connection due to .NET 8 changes (#20369) (#20531)
  • Add telemetry to check for specific tags when importing a module (#20371) (#20540)
  • Fix Copy-Item progress to only show completed when all files are copied (#20517) (#20544)
  • Fix unixmode to handle setuid and sticky when file is not an executable (#20366) (#20537)
  • Fix UNC path completion regression (#20419) (#20541)
  • Fix implicit remoting proxy cm
v7.3.8 Release of PowerShell

7.3.8 - 2023-10-10

Security Fixes

  • Block getting help from network locations in restricted remoting sessions (Internal 27698)

Build and Packaging Improvements

Build infrastructure maintenance

  • Release build: Change the names of the PATs (#20316)
  • Add mapping for mariner arm64 stable (#20310)
  • Switch to GitHub Action for linting markdown (#20308)
  • Put the calls to Set-AzDoProjectInfo and Set-AzDoAuthToken` in the right order (#20311)

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

  • hashes.sha256
    • EFAB4134D224C315F99C481E4608E5439CD666EF2F1EFD857E03B15C443E3EFF