
タイトル RunJS
バージョン ver 2.12.1
更新日 2024/05/22
追加日 2019/03/20
種別 フリーソフト
説明 TypeScriptにも対応したJavaScriptのPlayground。






2.12.1 Pre-release
  • Fix an issue that caused file content to be loaded twice when opening a file.
2.12.0 Pre-release
  • Improved support for ES modules
  • Updated build options to move away from Babel naming conventions
  • Tab titles now default to the first line of text within the associated editor
  • Added the ability to import and export snippet libraries
  • Added the ability to toggle syntax highlighting on output results
  • Added a shortcut for displaying completion suggestions
  • Rename the runtime values setting to expression results
  • Line matching now appends values to lines if the source line is the same
  • Deleting snippets now requires confirmation
2.11.0 Pre-release
  • Add ability to re-open closed tabs.
  • Output context menu improvements.
  • Change auto-save to occur on change instead of run.
  • Improve handling of extra wide tooltips.
  • Prevent pasting when closing a tab with the middle mouse click on Linux.
  • Upgrade Node to 20.9.0.
  • Upgrade Chromium to 122.
  • Upgrade V8 to 12.2.
  • Add support for regular expression pattern modifiers plugin proposal.
  • Add support for optional chaining assignment plugin proposal.
  • Add tab context menu options for closing other tabs and closing tabs to the right.
  • Add support for trailing commas in generic types.
  • Improve handling for custom fonts.
  • Support TypeScript version 5.2.
  • Upgrade Node to version 18.16.1.
  • Upgrade Chromium to version 116.
  • Upgrade V8 to version 11.2.
  • Various bug fixes.

Note: The next release will drop support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and macOS 10.14 (Mojave).

  • Add support for regular expression pattern modifiers plugin proposal.
  • Add support for optional chaining assignment plugin proposal.
  • Add tab context menu options for closing other tabs and closing tabs to the right.
  • Add support for trailing commas in generic types.
  • Improve handling for custom fonts.
  • Support TypeScript version 5.2.
  • Upgrade Node to version 18.16.1.
  • Upgrade Chromium to version 116.
  • Upgrade V8 to version 11.2.

Note: The next release will drop support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and macOS 10.14 (Mojave).

  • Outdated NPM packages can now be updated.
  • Fix an issue that caused the formatting settings to always display default values.
  • Auto fold proto properties in output results.
  • Upgraded Node to version 18.14.0.
  • Upgraded Chromium to version 112.
  • Upgraded V8 to version 11.2.
  • Dropped support for Windows 7 and Windows 8.
2.8.0 Pre-release
  • Add support for top-level await.
  • Change the way auto-updates are handled.
  • Rename Preferences to Settings.
  • Fix a Prettier code formatting issue.
  • Fix an issue that caused some system fonts to not appear in the font list.
  • Fix an issue that could cause RunJS to open off-screen on Windows.
  • Upgrade Node to 16.17.1.
  • Upgrade Chromium to 108.
  • Upgrade V8 to 10.8.

Note: The next release of RunJS will drop support for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

2.7.5 Pre-release
  • Fix an issue that caused loop protection to always be enabled.
  • Fix an issue that caused inconsistent positioning of some error messages.
  • Fix an issue that caused some web requests to be blocked.
  • Improvements to how prototypes are displayed in output results.
  • Nested objects in output results are now auto-folded.
  • Improvements to module scoping when setting a working directory.
2.7.4 Pre-release
  • General improvements to error handling.
  • Better handling of shortcuts when windows are open.
  • Update TypeScript to version 4.9.
  • Fix missing install button when importing missing packages.
2.7.3 Pre-release
  • Make autocomplete case insensitive.
  • Fix an issue that caused snippet suggestions not to appear when writing their full alias.
  • Fix an issue that caused language services to fail for some Windows users.
  • Remove support for deep links.
2.7.1 Pre-release
  • Add cursor position placeholder to snippets
  • Rename the "Transpilation" tab to "Build"
  • Move the preference option for bundling from the advanced tab to the build tab
  • Prompt to save when closing a tab that has previously been saved and now has unsaved changes
  • Files can now be opened via drag and drop
  • Improved guarding against infinite loops
  • Added icons to the layout options in the view menu
  • Added a helpful tooltip to the environment variables window
  • Added a context menu to the burger menu on Windows
  • Restore swap lines shortcuts
  • Upgraded Node to version 16.16.0
  • Upgraded Chromium to version 106
  • Upgraded V8 to version 10.6