PDF Explorer


タイトル PDF Explorer
URL http://www.rttsoftware.com/
バージョン ver
更新日 2015/06/17
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 PDFファイルの情報を閲覧・編集するツール。







RTT Software
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
The GUI is now high DPI aware (i.e. the program GUI scales accordingly to the screen DPI and system font size). Per-monitor on Windows 8.1 and up.
Optimize images tool, able to color convert and resample the document images, to reduce the file size.
Option to automatically add a blank page, while merging documents with a odd number of pages. This ensure each merged document starts at a new page.
The My Scripts API now implements the setters of the page boxes (MediaBox, CropBox, etc.) and rotation angle.
Close method added to the IFileObject of the My Scripts API. To close any file open handle, so the respective PDF file could be moved, deleted or edited by the script itself or another process, while the script is still running.
KeepAlwaysOnTop parameter added to the BringWindowToFront method of the My Scripts API.
Many bug fixes and other small improvements.
- PDF-ShellTools 2.6 released!
New in this release:
The GUI is now high DPI aware (per-monitor on Windows 8.1 and up), i.e. the GUI scales accordingly to the screen DPI.
On multi-monitor systems, the tool dialog window will open at the monitor where the mouse is.
ConvertImagesToBW command line function. To convert PDF color images to black and white, or grayscale. Mainly used to reduce PDF file size.
Show console window option added to the My Tools functionality.
Close method added to the IFileObject of the My Scripts API. To close any file open handle, so the respective PDF file could be moved, deleted or edited by the script itself or another process, while the script is still running.
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
Access to cloud-stored PDFs, from services such as Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, added to the DBRemote scanning mode.
Scripting functionality added to the find duplicates tool. It provides the possibility to define more specific compare strategies, other than the simple metadata comparison available previously.
It's now easy to share a My Scripts script with the import and export functions added to the My Scripts editor.
A custom field definition can now have spaces, and other special characters, to specify any of the path field names.
Possibility to put the PDFInfo preview panel to occupy the full height of the program, instead of just the height of the grid as previously. This is done from the right-click menu of the button that opens this panel.
Many bug fixes and other small improvements
- PDF-ShellTools 2.3.1 released!
Fix two important bugs in the property handler and adds small enhancements to the Windows Search index browser tool.
- PDF-ShellTools 2.3 released!
New in this release:
Windows Search tools, to manage the Windows Search PDFs metadata indexation, are now available from the manager.
It's now easy to share a My Scripts script with the import and export functions added to the My Scripts editor.
Many bug fixes, with an important one in the 64-bit version of the property handler.
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
Fix critical bugs in the task automation folders tool, and web interface tool.
Fix several tools problems that where happening with multi–byte character set languages, like Chinese, Japanese etc.
enable javascript if you want to see flash animation.
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
Document JavaScripts tool, to add, delete and edit PDF JavaScript actions to events such as: document open and close events, page show or hide events, mouse events on page elements or interactive form fields validate, format or calculate events.
The rotate tool is not limited to rotation angles of 90-degrees increments anymore. Any angle is now suitable, adding deskew possibilities to the tool.
Possibility to dynamically specify the bookmark names added to the merge/rearrange and insert/append tools, with access to document metadata, numbering and script functions.
The attachments tool can now search for other embedded files, that are not marked as attachments.
Export to CSV functionality added to the find duplicates tool.
Added support for PDF reader NPAPI plugins (the type of plugins used by browsers such as Firefox, Opera and Chrome) to be used as the internal PDF reader.
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
Add signature tool, to digitally sign PDF documents.
Renewed Extract Images batch tool, now able to extract also entire page renderings.
The Images View has now a thumbnails zoom selector, and the possibility to extract also entire page renderings.
Renewed Rename batch tool, now with the possibility to use functions for numbering, search/replace and dates in the composition of the new file name, that can be previewed before applied.
Possibility to add event actions (such as: open a web link, run a JavaScript or play a sound) to any of the stamp objects of the Stamp/Watermark tool.
PDF type stamp objects have now the possibility to be previewed in place, while designing the stamp.
The custom fields editor can now import metadata fields settings from the document metadata info object, that are not included in the document XMP metadata stream.
More functionality added to the My Scripts API.
The Edit Info Fields and Search & Extract batch tools have now the option to edit the metadata only in the database.
While using scripted functions, in the Rename and Edit Info Fields batch tools, part of the expression can be passed as parameter.
All the new tools have now dedicated chapters added to the user's guide.
Includes also many bug fixes and other small improvements.
- PDF-ShellTools 2.1 released!
New in this release:
Scripting functionality added to the Rename tool.
- PDF Explorer released!
New in this release:
Windows Automation Scripting capabilities added to the Rename and Edit Info Fields batch tools.
A new scan mode, the DBRemote. With it we can browse and search multiple remote web interface enabled PDF Explorer database and files, the same way as if using any of the other local scan modes.
The so requested Find Duplicates tool is now developed.
The PDFE grid is now also a file Drag and Drop source, so it's now possible to drag and drop files from PDFE to another external application.
It's now possible to start the Merge, Insert, Attach and Create PDF Package tools with Grid Drag and Drop.
Start typing and easily select a file with that name, if found in the current grid listed files.
Enhanced image thresholding added to the Quick OCR metadata edit assistant, with manual and automatic methods.
The PDF View and Images tab sheets can now be detached and work as a stand alone window, maintaining size and position of last session. Useful for multi-monitor systems.
It's now possible to retrieve and edit custom fields stored in the XMP object. With a renewed custom fields settings editor, able to import the fields definition from the files itself.
A new PDF tool, the Create/Edit Packages. Used to create and edit PDF packages, and edit PDF Portfolios.
Enhanced error handling mechanism added to the PDF Tools, that informs the user of its occurrence, and cause, providing chances to retry, rename output, ignore (when in batch mode), or cancel the tool task, when appropriate.
The Merge/Rearrange and Insert/Append pages tools have now options to keep the layers and bookmarks.
Preview button added to the split tool, that can now also split and keep the PDF layers.
When saving a Stamp/Watermark template, there is the possibility to embed all the tool options, even the range of pages to stamp. When embedded this way, using a saved template will automatically setup the tool with these saved options.
As usual with new versions, includes many bug fixes and other small improvements.
- PDF Explorer 1.5 Build 59+Patch 4 released!
This is essentially a bugs fix release, which include also small improvements such as:
There is now the possibility to use Lister (WLX) plugins for the Internal PDF Reader. Configurable under the Preferences dialog, menu Edit>Preferences>Internal PDF Reader.
- PDFrizator released!
New in this release:
Fixes serious stability issues present in the previous version.
- PDFrizator 0.6 released!
New in this release:
Advanced Resource Explorer, able to browse local files, and online ones using Internet services such as: Bing images, Google images, Picasa, Flickr and Twitpic
Advanced Sound Explorer, with embedded player, to easily select music files locally, or found in the Internet, searching in sites such as SoundCloud.
A new method to embed MP3's, to make result PDF's more compatible with the last Acrobat versions security model.
The GUI has now advanced docking functionality.
As usual with new versions, includes many bug fixes and other small improvements.
- Patch 1 for PDF-ShellTools released!
There's nothing specially new, just some outstanding bugs fixes are included in this patched version release.
- PDF Explorer 1.5 Build 59+Patch 3 released!
This patch includes, essentially, bug fixes, as usual with patch releases, but also small improvements, such as:
The rename and edit info fields batch tools have now access to the active grid dynamically calculated columns, which adds some scripting capability to the functionality of this two tools.
The Search and Extract batch tool has now the possibility to define the page processed interval in the "first n-last n" format, useful when processing very big documents.
The basics of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing mechanism have been added to the web server.
- PDF-ShellTools 1.0 Build 11+Patch 1 released!
New in this release:
Should now properly register the property handler in the 64-bit Shell of Windows Vista and Windows 7, 64-bit versions.
All the tools were failing to register in the 64-bit Shell of Windows XP 64-bit. All should now work fine, except the, not yet 64-bit compatible, column handler.
- PDF-ShellTools 1.0 Build 11 released!
New in this release:
Adds 64-bit Windows compatibility! Finally we can use it directly from the 64-bit Windows Shell, and without any workaround.
Includes a new tool. The PDF-Delete pages tool, used to delete custom-defined pages, or range of pages, from selected PDF documents.
The PDF-Attachments tool has now two more command line interface functions. The ListAttachments, and ExtractAttachment.
The PDF-Stamp/Watermark templates can now embed the external resources, making it completely stand-alone.
.CBR and .CBZ files (comic book archives format files) can now be used as source of pages for the PDF-Merge/Rearrange and PDF-Insert/Append tools, and also as source of images for the image stamp object.
- PDF Explorer 1.5 Build 59+Patch 2 released!
This patched version contains, essentially, bug fixes. Some notorious, that made the v1.5 build 59 very problematic when running in 64-bit Windows. But also includes some improvements. The most important are:
The help system is now context-sensitive. The F1 key will open the manual in the chapter where the focused tool/feature is explained. Full featured in the English version of the manual. Other localizations will be updated shortly.
The database editor shows now an improved database tree.
RenameFiles, CopyFiles, MoveFiles and DeleteFiles functions added to the web interface API.
Several improvements added to the web interface users and permissions editor.
The PDF Creator tool can now set some of the standard metadata fields, and supports drag and drop of image files from applications other than the Shell.
The import wizard can now open, more easily, very big .csv files.
The automatic updates functionality should now work when configured to connect through a proxy server.
- PDF Explorer 1.5 Build 59 released!
New in this release:
Can now scan inside 7zip compressed archives.
Multi-level compressed archives scan, i.e., .zip inside .zip, .zip inside .rar, or any other combination, and level, of supported archives.
A new grid save file format, .pdz. Same functionality as with the .grd format, but with embed, in its 7zip compatible archive, grid content referenced files.
A more advanced custom grid layout editor, with possibility to define dynamically calculated columns, and columns sums.
Keyboard shortcuts editor. Under the preferences editor, used to edit/define keyboard shortcuts to many of the program actions.
Full backup/restore settings functionality. No more registry exports, and data folder copies, needed to migrate our PDFE environment to another PC
A new PDF's tool, the delete pages. Also, several enhancements added to many of the other, already available, tools.
A new functionality added to the Search&Extract batch tool. The possibility to extract PDF's page media sizes.
The web interface can now show document thumbnails.
The default web interface client enables the possibility to define the item, an order, to sort by.
Html, RSS, Atom, XML, JSON and CSV, are now the response formats the web interface provide, for the DBSearch and DBFolder queries.
Web browser OpenSearch provider, added to the web interface. Query PDFE database directly from the browser toolbar, or search aggregator.
Includes many other small improvements, and a very big list of fixes for reported, and found, bugs.
- PDF-ShellTools 1, Trial, released!
New in this release:
enable javascript if you want to see flash animation.
- PDF Explorer 1.5 Build 58 released!
New in this release:
Now PDF Explorer is also a CHM Explorer. The same functionalities now extended to this popular file format, with internal CHM reader, text and image extractor.
Quick Image OCR to assist the Quick Info Edit mode. Extract metadata even if raw image only PDFs.
Use the grid layout editor to select what file types, PDF/CHM, to show in grid.
The web server can now execute CGI/ISAPI applications and scripts. Popular script languages as PHP, Perl, Python, and CGI, .exe or .dll, applications can now be used to extend the web server possibilities.
Increased web server access security with HTTPS protocol. To help configuration, added a wizard to generate auto-signed SSL certificates or SSL certificates requests.
Possibility to upload files using the web server interface.