Crypto++ Library


タイトル Crypto++ Library
バージョン ver 8.9
更新日 2023/10/02
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 C++用のフリー暗号ライブラリ。







Crypto++速 Library 8.9
10/01/2023 - Version 8.9.0 released
minor release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
88 unique contributors as of this release
fix SIMON128 Asan finding on POWER8
fix AES/CFB and AES/CTR modes self test failures when using Cryptogams AES on
fix ARIA/CTR mode self test failures when inString==outString
fix HIGHT/CTR mode self test failures when inString==outString
fix Rabbit/CTR mode self test failures when inString==outString
fix Prime Table and dangling reference to a temporary>
fix Singleton::Ref when using C++11 memory fences
remove unneeded call to Crop() in Randomize()
Crypto++ 8.9.0 [sig]
8.9.0 Release
Crypto++速 Library 8.8
GCC 3.3 - 13.1
06/25/2023 - Version 8.8.0 released
minor release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
88 unique contributors as of this release
fix crash in cryptest.exe when invoked with no options
fix crash in library due to GCC removing live code
fix RSA with key size 16 may provide an invalid key
fix failure to build on 32-bit x86
fix failure to build on iPhone Simulator for arm64
fix failure to build on Windows arm64
test for SSSE3 before using the ISA
fix include of <x86intrin.h> when using MSVC
improve performance of CRC32C_Update_SSE42 for x86-64
update documentation
fix RSA key generation for small moduli
fix AES-GCM with AESNI but without CLMUL
fix Clang warning with C++17
Crypto++速 Library 8.7
Visual Studio 2003 - 2022
GCC 3.3 - 12.2
LLVM Clang 2.9 - 14.0
Sun Studio 12u1 - 12.7
08/07/2022 - Version 8.7.0 released
minor release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
81 unique contributors as of this release
fix RSA key generation for small moduli (GH #1136)
fix AES-GCM with AESNI but without CLMUL (GH #1132)
fix Clang warning with C++17 (GH #1114)
fix MinGW builds due to use of O_NOFOLLOW (GH #1109)
rework CFB_CipherTemplate::ProcessData and
AdditiveCipherTemplate::ProcessData (GH #1088, GH #1103)
restored performance and avoided performance penalty of a temp
fix undersized SecBlock buffer in Integer bit operations (GH #1072)
work around several GCC 11 & 12 problems
Crypto++速 Library 8.6
(F1600), SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, SHAKE (128/256), SipHash, LSH (128/256), Tiger, RIPEMD (128/160/256/320),
09/24/2021 - Version 8.6.0 released
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
74 unique contributors as of this release
fix ElGamal encryption
fix ChaCha20 AVX2 implementation
add octal and decimal literal prefix parsing to Integer
add missing overload in ed25519Signer and ed25519Verifier
make SHA-NI independent of AVX and AVX2
fix OldRandomPool GenerateWord32
use CPPFLAGS during feature testing
fix compile on CentOS 5
fix compile on FreeBSD
fix feature testing on ARM A-32 and Aarch64
enable inline ASM for CRC and PMULL on Apple M1
fix Intel oneAPI compile
rename test files with *.cpp extension
Crypto++速 Library 8.5
Apple Clang 4.3 - 12.0
LLVM Clang 2.9 - 11.0
IBM XL C/C++ 10.0 - 14.0
03/07/2021 - Version 8.5.0 released
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
70 unique contributors as of this release
port to Apple M1 hardware
Crypto++ 8.5.0 [sig]
8.5.0 Release
Crypto++ used to supply a compiled DLL for Windows platforms. The library is now
list to start a conversation.
Last modified: January, 2021
Crypto++速 Library 8.4
x86, x64 (x86-64), x32 (ILP32), ARM A-32, Aarch32, Aarch64, Altivec and POWER8
PowerPC provides Altivec, POWER7, POWER8 and POWER9 implementations
Apple Clang 4.3 - 9.3
IBM XL C/C++ 10.0 - 13.3
01/02/2021 - Version 8.4.0 released
minor release, recompile of programs required
an accidental ABI break in Crypto++ 8.3 may surface under Crypto++
expanded community input and support
67 unique contributors as of this release
fix SIGILL on POWER8 when compiling with GCC 10
fix potential out-of-bounds write in
fix compile on AIX POWER7 with IBM XLC 12.01
fix compile on Solaris with SunCC 12.6
revert changes for constant-time elliptic curve algorithms
fix makefile clean and distclean recipes
12/20/2020 - Version 8.3.0 released
Crypto++速 Library 8.3
ECB, CBC, CBC ciphertext stealing (CTS), CFB, OFB, counter mode (CTR),
x86, x64 (x86-64), x32 (ILP32), ARM A-32, Aarch32, Aarch64, POWER4 and POWER8
code for the commonly used algorithms
x86, x64 (x86-64), x32 provides SSE2, SSE4 and AVX implementations
ARM A-32, Aarch32 and Aarch64 provides ARMv7, NEON, ASIMD and ARMv8
Visual Studio 2003 - 2019
GCC 3.3 - 10.1
LLVM Clang 2.9 - 10.0
C++ Builder 2015
07/NN/2019 - Version 8.3.0 released
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
58 unique contributors as of this release
fix elliptic curve timing leaks (CVE-2019-14318)
add link-library variable to Makefiles
fix SIZE_MAX defintion in misc.h
add GetWord64 and PutWord64 to
Crypto++® Library 8.2
04/28/2019 - Version 8.2.0 released
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
56 unique contributors as of this release
use PowerPC unaligned loads and stores with Power8
add SKIPJACK test vectors
fix SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256 compile
removed IS_NEON from Makefile
fix Aarch64 build on Fedora 29
fix missing GF2NT_233_Multiply_Reduce_CLMUL in FIPS DLL
add missing BLAKE2 constructors
fix missing BlockSize() in BLAKE2 classes
Crypto++ 8.2.0 [sig]
8.2.0 Release
Last modified: April 28, 2019
Crypto++速 Library 8.1
GCM, CCM, EAX, ChaCha20Poly1305, XChaCha20Poly1305
ChaCha (IETF) HC (128/256), Panama, Rabbit (128/256), Sosemanuk, Salsa20 (8/12/20), XChaCha (8/12/20), XSalsa20
ARIA, Blowfish, Camellia, CHAM, HIGHT, IDEA, Kalyna (128/256/512), LEA, SEED, RC5, SHACAL-2, SIMECK, SIMON (64/128), Skipjack, SPECK (64/128), Simeck, SM4,Threefish (256/512/1024), Triple-DES (DES-EDE2 and DES-EDE3),
BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, CMAC, CBC-MAC, DMAC, GMAC (GCM), HMAC, Poly1305, SipHash, Two-Track-MAC, VMAC
BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, Keccack
(F1600), SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, SHAKE (128/256), SipHash, Tiger, RIPEMD (128/160/256/320),
02/22/2019 - Version 8.1.0 released
minor release, no recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
56 unique contributors as of this release
fix OS X PowerPC builds with Clang
add Microsoft ARM64 support
fix iPhone Simulator build due to missign symbols
add carryless multiplies for NIST b233 and k233 curves
fix OpenMP build due to use of OpenMP 4 with down-level compilers
add SignStream and VerifyStream for ed25519 and large
Crypto++® Library 8.0
HC-128, Panama, Rabbit, Sosemanuk, Salsa20 (8/12/20), XSalsa20
ARIA, Blowfish, Camellia, CHAM, HIGHT, IDEA, Kalyna (128/256/512), LEA, SEED, RC5, SHACAL-2, SIMECK, SIMON (64/128), Skipjack, SPECK (64/128), SM4, Threefish (256/512/1024), Triple-DES (DES-EDE2 and DES-EDE3),
ECDSA, Determinsitic ECDSA (RFC 6979), ed25519, ECGDSA, ECNR, ECIES, x25519,
GCC 3.3 - 9.0
Apple Clang 4.3 - 9.0
LLVM Clang 2.9 - 7.0
C++Builder 2013
Sun Studio 12u1 - 12.6
12/28/2018 - Version 8.0.0 released
major release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
54 unique contributors as of this release
add x25519 key exchange and ed25519 signature scheme
add limited Asymmetric Key Package support from RFC 5958
Crypto++® Library 7.0
from PKCS #12 appendix B, HKDF from RFC 5869, Scrypt from RFC 7914
x86, x64 (x86-64), x32 (ILP32), ARM-32, Aarch32, Aarch64 and POWER8 code for the
commonly used algorithms
PowerPC provides POWER4, POWER7 and POWER8 implementations
AES, CRC, GCM and SHA use ARM, Intel and PowerPC hardware acceleration when
LLVM Clang 2.9 - 5.0
04/08/2018 - Version 7.0.0 released
major release, recompile of programs required
expanded community input and support
48 unique contributors as of this release
fix incorrect result when using Integer::ModInverse
may be CVE worthy, but request was not submitted
fix ARIA/CTR bus error on Sparc64
fix incorrect result when using a_exp_b_mod_c
fix undeclared identifier uint32_t on early Visual Studio
fix iPhoneSimulator build on i386
fix incorrect adler32 in ZlibDecompressor