
タイトル HDDScan
URL https://hddscan.com/
バージョン ver 4.1
更新日 2019/09/01
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 HDD の S.M.A.R.T. 情報を表示するソフト 一部 USB HDD の読み取りにも対応。






/ Ver. 4.1 /
Copyright © 2019 HDDScan.com. All Rights Reserved.
HDDScan – Free HDD Diagnostic Utility
/ Ver. 4.0 /
HDD from Inside
Tracks and Zones
Data Recovery Guide
HDDScan can be useful for performing the regular "health test" for your drive and predicting its degradation, so you will be able to prevent data loss and backup your files before you would have to contact the data recovery service.
Additionally, software can be used as the hard disk temperature monitor and reading/writing benchmark performance graph is displayed for every test.
Capabilities and Requirements:
Supported storage devices:
External USB drives and all major USB boxes (see Appendix A).
FireWire or IEEE 1394 HDD (see Appendix A).
RAID volumes made of ATA (IDE) / SATA / SCSI HDDs (surface tests only).
USB Flash (pen drives) – surface tests only.
SATA / ATA SSD – solid state drives.
Storage device tests:
Verification in linear mode – helps to determine if your drive needs data rescue, has recoverable errors or in its perfect shape.
HDDScan – free HDD diagnostic utility
/ Ver. 3.3 /
HDDScan can be useful for performing the regular "health test" for your drive and predicting its degradation, so you will be able to prevent data loss and backup your files before you will have to contact the data recovery service.
Additionally, software can be used as the hard disk temperature monitor and reading/writing benchmark performance graph is displayed for every test.
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HDD from Inside
Tracks and Zones
Simple Data Recovery
Don't miss our new article: Data Recovery for Dummies
Capabilities and requirements:
Supported storage devices:
External USB drives and all major USB boxes (see Appendix A).
FireWire or IEEE 1394 HDD (see Appendix A).
RAID volumes made of ATA (IDE) / SATA / SCSI HDDs (surface tests only).
Ver. 3.2
HDDScan is a freeware utility for storage devices diagnostics (HDD, RAID, Flash). The program can scan storage device for Bad-blocks, show S.M.A.R.T. attributes and change some HDD parameters such as AAM, APM, etc.
HDD from inside
Temperature monitor on ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire/SCSI HDD.
Reading and analyzing identity information from ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire/SCSI HDD.
Reports can be saved in MHT format.
Reports can be printed.
Skins support (NEW).
PC with CPU 1.5 GHz and RAM 256 Mb.
Pic.1 Main view
S.M.A.R.T. button �generates S.M.A.R.T. attributes report.
Tasks button �shows pop-up menu with tasks
Surface Tests element �opens Test selection windows (see Pic.2)
S.M.A.R.T. element �same as S.M.A.R.T. button click
S.M.A.R.T. Offline Tests �activates submenu with Short, Extended and Conveyance S.M.A.R.T. tests.
Temperature Monitor element �starts temperature monitoring task.
Features element �activates Features submenus.
Identity Info element �generates Identity information report.
Skin selection �opens dialog to select skin.