

タイトル Executor
URL http://executor.dk/
バージョン ver 1.0.11
更新日 2023/01/10
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 キーボード入力方式の海外製ランチャー。







v1.0.11 (09-jan-23)
Updated the start/settings wizard to use more modern skins.
Fixed in "Settings - Visual / skin" the "Save visual settings as skin" feature did not really support "alpha" skins. Also fixed and improved various small things in this functionality as well.
v1.0.10 (03-jan-23)
Added a new skin "alpha_large". It's layout is a bit different and only compatible with Executor 1.0.10+ click here to see example of skin. Will probably do some more fancy skins later (when in a creative mood) using this new format.
Added new skin property "icondefault" which can define an icon that will be shown per default when no input match (or input). This can only be used with alpha mode skins.
Added new skin properties "listlargeiconpaddingleft" and "listlargeiconpaddingright" which allows to define left and right padding to the large icons in the list window.
v1.0.9 (20-dec-22)
Improved for the clipboard functionality some retry logic to improve corner case where other Apps functionality puts a global lock on the clipboard, which can result in text not being captured.
Improved a case where some Windows system commands requiring UAC/Admin access would still have the UAC/Admin prompt flashing in taskbar and not on screen.
v1.0.8 (15-jun-22)
Added internal commands: -?, -h, -help that will open the help section.
Fixed bug with $NOTES$ command and using parameters that cointained space character(s), causing the space characters to be removed from the note entry.
Fixed minor visual issue for Windows 11 with settings window.
v1.0.7 (09-apr-22)
Fixed bug with $NOTES$ command and using parameters would result in space characters in parameters would be removed.
Internal recompiled using latest compiler. Latest compiler has some bug fixes and improvements.
Added added internal commands: -?, -h, -help that will open the help section.
Fixed bug where if selection a keyword icon from a dll or icl file and selecting first icon (index=0) this would have no effect.
v1.0.6 (26-apr-21)
Fixed bug where if selection a keyword icon from a dll or ico file and selecting first icon (index=0) this would have no effect.
v1.0.5 (21-mar-21)
Fixed bug where with certain settings the exclude list was not respected for the input auto-complete.
v1.0.4 (24-feb-21)
Improved logic for the UWP Apps indexer in order for it to perform better and do less IO operations.
Added special command $FLUSHUWP$ this will force a full reindexing of UWP Apps and write number of items found. It's mostly for debugging (you have to create a keyword and insert the command into the keywords command if you want to try it out).
v1.0.3 (23-feb-21)
Fixed bug with all the $GRAB...$ related commands with text being corrupted.
v1.0.2 (07-feb-21)
Added "Auto import of keywords" now also support a filepath (and not only a url).
Added internal special commands powering the above keywords: $GETMOUSEPOS$, $SETMOUSEPOS$, $MOUSECLICK$, $MOUSELEFTCLICK$, $MOUSERIGHTCLICK$, $GETMOUSEPOSCOLOR$ these can also be found in the documentation/help section.
v1.0.1 (06-sep-20)
v1.0.0 (12-july-19)
Change removed beta tag! (been in beta since 2007), and bumped version to 1.0.0.
Fixed tab order in "Settings - Misc".
v0.99.32b (17-jan-19)
Added exclude list setting. This can hide items from list and/or input auto-complete. Found under "Settings - Misc".
Added pressing "esc" key in Notes hides the Notes window.
v0.99.31b (12-jan-19)
Added option to specify another location for Notes (found in Settings - Notes). When changing location several options of how to migrate to the new location will be presented.
Added option to monitor Notes for external changes to file (found in Settings - Notes).
Added list of clipboard will now show the date and time of each clipboard item.
Added a button in "Settings - Misc" to clear Executor's clipboard items.
Added $CLEARCLIPBOARD$, setting this as a command of a keyword will clear Executor's clipboard items.
v0.99.30b (08-jan-19)
v1.0.2 (07-feb-21)
Added "Auto import of keywords" now also support a filepath (and not only a url).
Added internal special commands powering the above keywords: $GETMOUSEPOS$, $SETMOUSEPOS$, $MOUSECLICK$, $MOUSELEFTCLICK$, $MOUSERIGHTCLICK$, $GETMOUSEPOSCOLOR$ these can also be found in the documentation/help section.
v1.0.1 (06-sep-20)