KeePass for Pocket PC


タイトル KeePass for Pocket PC
バージョン ver 1.19b
更新日 2011/05/29
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 パスワード管理ソフトKeePassのPocketPC版。







KeePass for Smart Devices
On the SourceForge
[Project Summary]
page you will always find the latest news about this project.
(The expiry date of this key has been extended to 1st January 2015. If you have problems verifying the signature, reload the public key!)
Key ID:0x9141C411
Key Fingerprint:D5A9 9685 CD25 411D 8ABE 1DD1 5218 3D86 9141 C411
Public Key:[ASC File]
You can also have a look at my private homepages and maybe leave a message there: []
If your device is NOT Windows Mobile based you might want to look at other
[Contributed/Unofficial KeePass Ports and Builds] instead.
Note: Other developers have started digging into a Windows Phone 7 port. For example check out
KeePassPPC V1.19b (Compatible with KeePass V1.19b)
Released on 28th May 2011.
[Release Notes]
This might be the last version of KeePassPPC. If somebody wants to take over and continue development, please get in touch!
As there is no code-reuse from this project for Windows Phone 7, KeePassPPC will die together with Windows Mobile.
I hope this hobby-project was useful for you, while i maintained it.
KeePassPPC V1.18 (Compatible with KeePass V1.18)
Released on 10th September 2010.
[Release Notes]
This might be the last version of KeePassPPC. If somebody wants to take over and continue development, please get in touch!
If you have questions or comments, please post in the
This version should run on most Windows Mobile devices with touchscreen beginning from PocketPC 2003 Second Edition up to Windows Mobile 6.5.3.
!!! Devices without touchscreen, PocketPC 2002, PocketPC 2003 First Edition as well as Windows Phone 7 Series are not and can not be supported !!!
[Release Notes]
KeePassSD is in beta stage! It is far from being as complete as KeePassPPC and many options are still missing.
Please download KeePassPPC, if you are looking for a more complete version and your operating system is supported.
Unfortunately MS started from scratch with Windows Phone 7 Series, so everything done on KeePassSD is now more or less worthless, as
code reuse is very limited.
So the future of KeePassSD is unclear. The much requested "Search" functionality will be added in the next version though.
If you have questions or comments, please post in the
This version should run on most Windows Mobile devices with AND without touchscreen beginning from Windows Mobile 5.0 up to Windows Mobile 6.5.3.
!!! PocketPC 2002, PocketPC 2003 First Edition, Smartphone 2003 as well as Windows Phone 7 Series are not and can not be supported !!!
If your device is NOT Windows Mobile based you might want to look at other
[Contributed/Unofficial KeePass Ports and Builds] instead.
KeePassPPC V0.5.3 (Compatible with KeePass V1.17)
Released on 13th June 2010.
This is a maintenance release which should fix the compatibility issues with Windows Mobile 6.1.
KeePassPPC V0.5.3 is compiled against / compatible with KeePass V1.17 using the BoostC++ library V1.42.0.
[KeePassPPC V0.5.3 Release Notes]
If you want to get in contact, have a question or a bug-report, please post in the
This version should run on all Windows Mobile devices with touchscreen beginning from PocketPC 2003 Second Edition up to Windows Mobile 6.5.3.
!!! Devices without touchscreen, PocketPC 2002, PocketPC 2003 First Edition as well as Windows Phone 7 Series are not and can not be supported !!!
[Windows Mobile 6.x.x Classic & Professional]
[PocketPC 2003 (Second Edition)]
KeePassSD V0.1.5 Beta (Compatible with KeePass V2.10)
Released on 20th March 2010.
KeePassSD V0.1.5 Beta is compiled against / compatible with KeePass V2.10. KeePass V1.17 databases can be imported.
[KeePassSD V0.1.5 Beta Release Notes]
KeePassPPC V0.5.2 (Compatible with KeePass V1.17)
Released on 20th February 2010.
This is a maintenance release which should fix the compatibility issues with Windows Mobile 6.5.
However OS provided gesture support does not work in the tree view area (upper part of the main screen).
KeePassPPC V0.5.2 is compiled against / compatible with KeePass V1.17 using the BoostC++ library V1.42.0.
KeePassPPC is compiled with Visual Studio 2008 (Standard or higher) using the original KeePass V1.xx for Windows source-code and the BoostC++ library.
All encryption classes were taken AS IS from
from Dominik Reichl.
Windows Mobile 6 / 6.1 / 6.5 Classic & Professional based platforms.
(Future Windows Mobile 7 support might not be possible due to fundamental changes in the OS! So WM6.5 might be the last version of Windows Mobile which can run KeePassPPC!)
PocketPC 2002 as well as devices without touchscreen are not and can not be supported!
KeePassPPC V0.3.0 and higher is based on Doncho Angelovs KeePass for PocketPC V 0.2.2.
[Windows Mobile 6 / 6.1 / 6.5 Classic & Professional]
Note: OpenPGP detached signatures can be found in the [Release Folder].
KeePassSD is a C# program using the .NET Compact Framework (2.0 SP2 or higher) and might one day become the successor of KeePassPPC.
At the moment it offers limited functionality and essential features are missing.
KeePassSD V0.1.4 Beta is compiled against / compatible with KeePass V2.09. KeePass V1.16 databases can be imported.
[Release Notes]
KeePassSD is compiled with Visual Studio 2008 (Standard or higher) using the original KeePass V2.xx for Windows source-code.