Sumatra PDF viewer


タイトル Sumatra PDF viewer
バージョン ver 3.5.2rel
更新日 2023/10/25
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 オープンソースのPDFビューアー







3.5.2 release
  • fix not showing tab text
  • fix Bookmarks for folder showing bad file names
  • make menus in dark themes look more like standard menus (bigger padding)
  • update translations
3.5.1 release
  • fixed a crash in uninstaller
  • disable lazy loading on session restore
3.5 release

Full release notes:
To download:

  • Arm 64-bit builds
  • dark mode (menu Settings / Theme or Ctrl + K command Select next theme)
    you can use i (invert colors) to match the background / text color of rendered
    PDF document. Due to technical limitations, it doesn't work well with images
  • i (invert colors) is remembered in settings
  • CmdEditAnnotation select annotation under cursor and open annotation edit window
  • rename CmdShowCursorPosition => CmdToggleCursorPosition
  • add Annotations [ FreeTextColor, FreeTextSize, FreeTextBorderWidth ] settings
  • ability to mo

3.4.6 release

Minor release:

  • fix crashes
  • fix hang in Fit Content mode and Bookmark links

3.4.5 release

A minor release:

  • fixes crashes

3.4.4 release

Minor release:

  • restore HOME and END in find edit field
  • fix crashes

3.4 release


  • Command Palette
  • customizable keyboard shortcuts
  • better support for epub files using mupdf's epub engine. Adds text selection and search in ebook files. Better rendering fidelity. On the downside, might be slower.
  • search / translate selected text
    • we have few built-in and you can add your own
  • installer: -all-users cmd-line arg for system-wide install
  • added Annotations.TextIconColor and TextIconType advanced settings
  • added Annotations.UnderlineColor advanced setting
  • added Annotations.DefaultAuthor advanced setting
  • i keyboard shortcuts inverts document colors Shift + i does what i used to do i.e.

3.3.3 release

Changes in this release:

  • fix a crash in PdfFilter.dll (Desktop Search integration)

Full release notes:
To download:

3.1.2 (2016-08-14)
Changes in this release:
fixed issue with icons being purple in latest Windows 10 update
tell Windows 10 that SumatraPDF can open supported file types
3.1.1 (2015-11-02)
Changes in this release:
(re)add support for old processors that don’t have SSE2
support newer versions of unrar.dll
allow keeping browser plugin if it’s already installed
crash fixes
3.1 (2015-10-24)
Changes in this release:
64bit builds
all documents are restored at startup if a window with multiple tabs
is closed (or if closing happened through File -> Exit); this can be
disabled through the RestoreSession advanced setting
printing happens (again) always as image which leads to more reliable
results at the cost of requiring more printer memory; the "Print as Image"
advanced printing option has been removed
scrolling with touchpad (e.g. on Surface Pro) now works
many crash and other bug fixes
Tabs! Enabled by default. Use Settings/Options... menu to go back to the old UI
support table of contents and links in ebook UI
3.0 (2014-10-18)
Changes in this release:
Tabs! Enabled by default. Use Settings/Options... menu to go back to the old UI
support table of contents and links in ebook UI
add support for PalmDoc ebooks
add support for displaying CB7 and CBT comic books (in addition to CBZ and CBR)
add support for LZMA and PPMd compression in CBZ comic books
allow saving Comic Book files as PDF
swapped keybindings:
F11 : Fullscreen mode (still also Ctrl+Shift+L)
F5 : Presentation mode (also Shift+F11, still also Ctrl+L)
added a document measurement UI. Press 'm' to start. Keep pressing 'm' to change measurement units
new advanced settings: FullPathInTitle, UseSysColors (no longer exposed through the Options dialog), UseTabs
replaced non-free UnRAR with a free RAR extraction library. If some CBR files fail to open for you, download unrar.dll from and place it alongside SumatraPDF.exe
deprecated browser plugin. We keep it if was installed in earlier version