TheWorld Browser 3


タイトル TheWorld Browser 3
バージョン ver
更新日 2013/02/17
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 様々な機能が強化されたTheWorld Browserの新バージョン。






TheWorld Browser
Welcome to use TheWorld Browser. TheWorld Browser is a tiny, fast, yet free, secure and powerful web browser. There is no function restriction.
Last Updates:  
21/12/2010 The running speed is substantially increased. It is strongly recommended to upgrade.
Update Log  
Last version:
TheWorld Browser
File Size
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 Setup (English) MD5: 0AE4F622A2615DDA2C6E74B8BACA61DB
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 Zip (English) MD5: EA131FD05467B4594EC6541FE93290F4
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 Setup (﨑懋オュ�エ) MD5: 0e37e6b77289ea05a0a73e4996a068ba
21/12/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Add the support of IE9 kernel. Most of the previous incompatibility problems resulting from IE9 kernel are fixed. (The problems of IE9 itself can not be solved at present.)
Improved the process mode of TheWorld Browser.
Improved the stability of TheWorld Browser.
Optimized the startup logics.
Increased the loading speed of homepage.
Comprehensively improved the exiting logics.
Solved the problem of remnant shadows on the desktop when exiting TheWorld Browser.
Reduced the crash problems caused by third-party plugins.
The logic of highlighting the domain names in Address Bar is improved to be consistent with that of IE.
Improved the method to clear up browsing records.
Adjusted the width of the right border of Side Bar for convenience of dragging.
Fixed the problem that the list of forward button is always on the top.
Fixed Default Browser in Option page is unchecked after installation.
Fixed the problem that Restore button fails to work under some conditions.
Fixed the problem that Menu Bar can not be hidden under IE6 mode.
2/9/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
IE8 mode is enabled by default. You can conveniently switch to the IE compatible mode.
Improve the memory usage when saving webpages as images.
Improve the method to save the configuration file of Page Bar.
Improve the hints when webpages are reloaded after webpage sessions crash.
Improve the consistency between the option of Default Browser and the registry.
Fixed a bug of Google search in TheWorld Browser.
Fixed a bug of high CPU usage when displaying right-click menus in some particular cases.
Fixed a bug that addons can not be installed under some special logic.
Fixed a bug that under some conditions UAC windows popup without cause or reason when starting TheWorld.
Fixed a bug of white screen when dragging the window of TheWorld to zoom in/out videos under IE6 mode.
Fixed a bug that the window of TheWorld is minimized but can not be restored by clicking taskbar previews on Windows 7.
Fixed a bug that the main frame of TheWorld can not be normally displayed if Aero function is disabled on Windows 7.
Fixed a bug of black edging of page previews on Windows 7.
Fixed a bug that the option of Default Browser on the configuration page does not take effect.
2/7/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
28/6/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Fixed a bug which may cause the crash of webpages on Windows 2003.
Fixed some bugs caused by Anti-Freeze function.
Fixed the bug that input mehtods can not be switched by pressing Ctrl+Shift under some circumstances.
3/6/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Codes of Anti-Freeze have been re-written, and user experience under Anti-Freeze has been significantly improved:
No screen blinking happens when switching tabs on Windows 7.
Focus of the browser and pages will not be lost frequently.
More fluent to move the windows and switch tabs.
Many other details improved ….
28/5/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Improve the text effects of the user interface under the default condition on Windows XP.
Fixed the bug of Search Bar disappearance under some abnormal configuration.
Fixed the bug of opening links incorrectly when there are special characters in the links.
Fixed the bug of displaying the homepage when opening some external links.
Fixed the bug of abnormal appearance of the webpage of Google search results.
Fixed the bug of displaying the texts on tabs after a blank when opening new tabs.
Fixed the bug of a probable overwriting failure when updating plugins and addons.
26/4/2010TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
23/12/2009TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Fixed some crash bugs
16/12/2009TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Add the support to common types of web wideo
Add the options of synchronization of Cookie
Add the Plugin bar. You can choose from plugins bar,status bar,and tool menu to show your Addons
Add the feature to add web shortcut to desktop-right click the tab and choose it from the allowing menu.(supported by webapp.exe)
Add the Addons of'SysState'and'QuickLauch'
Download the Addons in the site:
Replace the icon of 'Screener' Addon
Improve the feature and performance of the 'Download'Addon
Improve the feature of import/export Favorites
Fixed the bug of losing setting
Fixed the bug of losing Cookie
Fixed the bug of losing spot(focus) caused by anti-freezing
Fixed the bug of two icons in the taskbar
Fixed the failure of setting default browser when you don't have the right of administrator
Fixed the bug of open multi windows caused by external links
3/11/2009TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Add the support of javascript in TheWorld Favorites.
30/10/2009TheWorld browser 3.0 final (
Improve the Performance of the Anti-Freeze.
Fixed the failure of closing window with Esc.
Fixed the bugs of losing cookie in certain cases.
Add the function which supports multi-user login(double-click TheWorld icon to use multi-window mode to login).