

タイトル Mosh
バージョン ver 1.4.0
更新日 2022/10/31
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 IP変更、スリープ後の再接続やローカルエコーを採用したモバイルシェル。







Mosh is a replacement for interactive SSH terminals. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
October 31, 2022: Mosh 1.4.0 released, with Alex Chernyakhovsky and Benjamin Barenblat as release managers, and major contributions
from Wolfgang Sanyer, John Hood, Anders Kaseorg, and Andrew Chin. The release adds true-color support as well as other features, bug fixes, and fuzzing infrastructure.
September 29, 2017: The
macOS Homebrew
collection renames its formula from “mobile-shell” to
Binary package: mosh-1.4.0.pkg.
$ brew install mosh
C:\> setup.exe -q mosh
Install Termux from F-Droid
Extract mosh-1.4.0.tar.gz, then
$ cd mosh-1.4.0
$ mosh [email protected]
in OCB3 mode. While SSP takes care of the networking
1.4.0 in October 2022, as far as the developers are aware:
In the last decade, no security vulnerabilities of
Q: Is Mosh affected by the 2018 attacks against the OCB2 cipher mode?
Not that we know of—Mosh uses OCB3. The authors of the
July 21, 2017: Mosh 1.3.2 released, with John Hood as
release lead. The release includes improved tests, bug fixes,
and improvements to IPv6 support on non-Linux systems.
Binary package: mosh-1.3.2.pkg.
Extract mosh-1.3.2.tar.gz, then
$ cd mosh-1.3.2
Q: How can I make the server automatically clean up dormant sessions?
Please see the entries for MOSH_SERVER_NETWORK_TMOUT
and MOSH_SERVER_SIGNAL_TMOUT in the mosh-server(1) man page.
1.3.2 in July 2017, as far as the developers are aware:
Mosh 1.2.3, released October 2012).
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, Android, Chrome, and iOS.
March 25,
2017: Mosh
1.3.0 released, with John Hood as release lead. The release
includes broader platform compatibility, robustness improvements,
better testing, and fixes for excess CPU consumption in some cases. We
have switched to versioning and will increment the
minor version number whenever we add new functionality. (In our
previous practice, this release would probably have been called
September 20, 2016: Blink Shell: Mosh & SSH Terminal for iOS has its first gold release on the App Store. Free version is available on GitHub.
macOS 10.10 or later
Binary package: mosh-1.3.0.pkg.
Install Blink Shell from the App Store
build it from source.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, Android, and Chrome. An iOS version is in testing.
August 10,
2016: Mosh
1.2.6 released, with John Hood as release lead. New features
include huge performance improvements, especially on large terminals,
the ability to set a timeout to end dormant sessions automatically,
and support for crypto libraries other than OpenSSL.
August 10, 2016: The Mosh website moves to We continue to be grateful for hosting provided
by the MIT Student Information Processing Board.
June 15, 2016: Mosh for iOS (Blink) has its first alpha release.
April 17, 2016: Termux (open source Linux environment for Android) adds a mosh 1.2.5 package.
Install from your package manager
macOS 10.9 or later
Binary package: mosh-1.2.6.pkg.
This is a standalone OS X package that will work on any supported Macintosh. However, if you are using a package manager such as Homebrew or MacPorts, we suggest using it to get Mosh, for better compatibility and automatic updates.
Homebrew OS X 10.5 or later
$ brew install mobile-shell
MacPorts OS X 10.5 or later
$ sudo port install mosh
July 23, 2015: Mosh 1.2.5 released, with John Hood as release lead. New features include support for mouse modes and a reconfigurable escape character, and initial support for IPv6.
May 31, 2015: Another team of Stanford students has reproduced some of the Mosh research paper's results.
January 20, 2014: Mosh for Chrome, which brings Mosh to the Chrome browser and Chrome OS, is released. It can be installed here.
August 9, 2013: JuiceSSH (SSH client for Android) adds official Mosh support — available on the Play Store
Steinmetz, Jay Freeman, Dave T辰ht, Larry Doolittle, Daniel Drown, Timo
Juhani Lindfors, Timo Sirainen, Ira Cooper, Felix Gr旦bert, Luke
packet loss) helps Iain Learmonth escape from an elevator.
The Mosh package should be installed on both the client and server. Please find your platform below for installation instructions.
Ubuntu 12.04 and later
$ sudo apt-get install mosh
The ppa:keithw/mosh-dev PPA tracks the development version of Mosh.
# pkg install net/mosh
openSUSE 12.3 or later
$ sudo zypper in mosh
Install JuiceSSH from the Play Store
Install the port by Daniel Drown, built on Irssi ConnectBot.
Install mosh-1.2.4-3.pkg.
(mobile shell)
Remote terminal application that
allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Android.
Getting Mosh »
Tech Video »
Change IP. Stay connected.
Mosh automatically roams as you move between Internet
connections. Use Wi-Fi on the train, Ethernet in a hotel,
and LTE on a beach: you'll stay logged in. Most network
programs lose their connections after roaming,
including SSH and Web apps like Gmail. Mosh
is different.
Makes for sweet dreams.
With Mosh, you can put your laptop to sleep and wake it
up later, keeping your connection intact. If your
Internet connection drops, Mosh will warn you — but
# pacman -S mosh
Install mosh-1.2.1.pkg.
$ cd mosh-1.2.1
The Mosh research paper (in press) describes
Q: SSH authenticates using Kerberos tickets, but Mosh asks me for a password.
In some configurations, SSH canonicalizes the hostname
before passing it to the Kerberos GSSAPI plugin. This breaks
for Mosh, because the initial forward DNS lookup is done by
the Mosh wrapper script. To work around this, invoke Mosh as
mosh remotehost --ssh="ssh -o GSSAPITrustDns=no"
This will
often fail on a round-robin DNS setup. In that case it is probably
best to pick a specific host from the round-robin pool.
Q: Why is my terminal's scrollback buffer incomplete?
Mosh 1.2 synchronizes only the visible state of the terminal. Mosh
1.3 will have complete scrollback support; see this issue and the
others which are linked from there. For now, the workaround is to use
screen or tmux on the remote side.
OS X 10.6 or later
Install mosh-1.2-2.pkg.
# yaourt -S mosh
OS X 10.5 or later (x86-64)
Install mosh-1.2.pkg.
Homebrew OS X 10.5 or later
utempter (optional)libutempter-dev
$ cd mosh-1.2
Server binary outside path
$ mosh --server=/tmp/mosh-server r2d2
The user can specify an alternate path for the mosh-server on the remote host. The server binary can even
be installed in the user's home directory.
Selecting Mosh UDP port
$ mosh -p 1234 darth
Useful when the server is behind a port-forwarder or NAT.
Selecting SSH port
$ mosh --ssh="ssh -p 2222" figrindan
Other SSH options
$ mosh --ssh="~/bin/ssh -i ./identity" fett
Forwarding of X11, SSH agent, etc.