


タイトル calibre
URL http://calibre-ebook.com/
バージョン ver 7.9
更新日 2024/04/19
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 オープンソースの電子書籍管理ソフト。各種書籍フォーマットの変換もサポート。




  • 電子書籍コレクションの管理時間を節約
  • どこでも、何でも使える
  • 包括的な電子書籍ビューア
  • ウェブからニュースや雑誌をダウンロード
  • ライブラリの共有とバックアップが簡単
  • コレクション内の書籍を編集
  • あらゆる電子書籍のニーズを満たし、サポートを受ける




Release: 7.9 [19 Apr, 2024]
New features
Kobo driver: Add support for the new color Kobo devices
Closes tickets: 2060886
Edit book: Add a setting to control cursor width under Preferences->Editor settings
Edit book: Regex-function mode: Show a confirmation popup when closing the function editor when there are unsaved changes
Bug fixes
Fix undocked Quickview dialog not being restored at startup
Closes tickets: 2060314
Windows: Fix an issue where closing a maximized calibre window to the system tray and then reconnecting with remote desktop would cause a blank calibre window to be displayed
Closes tickets: 2044118
Improved news sources
El Correo
Harpers Magazine
New Yorker
Business Today
Release: 7.8 [05 Apr, 2024]
New features
E-book viewer: Highlight panel: Allow filtering the shown highlights by type of highlight
Closes tickets: 2057929
Conversion: Add support for the CSS text-transform property when subsetting embedded fonts
E-book viewer: Allow displaying the view mode paged/flow in the header/footer
Closes tickets: 2060079
Book details popup window: Allow dropping of files to add formats/set the cover just as for the book details panel
Closes tickets: 2059162
Book details: Context menu: Add a menu action to remove the associated link
Closes tickets: 2058814
DOCX Input: Add role=doc-noteref for links to footnotes/endnotes so that they popup in more e-book readers
Add a "Mark all selected books" to the Mark action.
Add "Hide Empty Categories" to tag browser configuration menu
Closes tickets: 2059169
Supernote: Support for new device firmware
Sort by tool: Add an action to re-apply the current sort
Bug fixes
Grid view cover cache: Fix covers not loading when cache entries are stale
Release: 7.7 [14 Mar, 2024]
New features
Trim image: Allow specifying the size of the trim rectangle using numbers
Closes tickets: 2056116
Full text search: Allow pressing Ctrl+S to select the current book in the calibre book list
Closes tickets: 2056664
Speed up scrolling through the book list book-by-book by only redrawing the book details panel when scrolling pauses
Add a tweak under Preferences->Tweaks to set the first day of the week in popup calendars used to input dates
Bug fixes
CHM Input: Handle CHM files with no HHC Table of Contents
Closes tickets: 2056470
E-book viewer: Fix a few settings such as pages per screen and header/footers not being saved in profiles
Full text search: Ignore text inside <ruby> tags when indexing books
Closes tickets: 2056614
DOCX Output: Preserve spaces around soft hyphens
Book details popup: Copy the original cover image to the clipboard even when the image is rescaled to fit into view
Fix changing disabled colors in the UI color palette overriding non-disabled colors
Content server: Fix deletion of viewer profiles not working
Improved news sources
Release: 7.6 [01 Mar, 2024]
New features
E-book viewer: Allow saving current settings in "profiles" that can be quickly and easily swapped between
Closes tickets: 1979022
To create a profile or switch to a previously saved profile access "Profiles" from the viewer controls or press the `Alt+P` shortcut.
Edit book: Add a shortcut `Ctrl+M` to merge selected files
Closes tickets: 2053144
Get books: Add support for Amazon Mexico
A new toolbar button to show all available actions in sub menus. Can be added via `Preferences->Toolbars & menus`
Edit book: Allow selecting multiple books to edit at once, opening all selected books in separate editor instances
Bug fixes
Cover grid: Fix dragging the mouse while holding shift to extend the selection not working well
Closes tickets: 2054617
E-book viewer: Fix doing a multi-page selections sometimes causing the start of the selection to move backwards
Closes tickets: 2054934
Edit book: Live CSS: Fix regression causing incorrect colors in calibre 7
Windows: Fix a regression in calibre 7 that caused images in long text columns to not be displayed in the tooltip for the tooltip
Fix disabled items in menus having blurry text
Content server: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error when doing a search/sort on some browsers
Release: 7.5.1 [09 Feb, 2024]
Version 7.5.1 fixes a bug in 7.5.0 where calibre would not start up using dark colors when the system was in dark mode on some windows installs and another bug that could cause errors when using cover grid mode with covers stored in CMYK colorspace
Closes tickets: 2052766
Release: 7.5 [09 Feb, 2024]
New features
Allow fine tuning the colors used in the calibre interface via Preference->Look & feel->Main interface->User interface colors
Note that calibre no longer follows system colors on Linux in light mode (the only place where it used to follow system colors). However, there is a convenient button in the manage colors dialog to import the system colors.
Full text search window: Add actions to the context menu to open the book at the clicked on result. Also allow using the view book shortcut to open the currently selected search result
Closes tickets: 2052462
When showing the Full text search dialog, pre populate the search box with the contents of the main calibre search box if the main search box contains a simple search
Closes tickets: 2052460
Bug fixes
Windows: Fix a regression in 7.0 that caused images referring to files on the disk within comments columns to not display in some circumstances
E-book viewer: Fix clock showing hour as zero instead of 12 between 12 and 1 am/pm
Edit book: When wrapping selected text in a tag, preserve the selection after wrapping
Closes tickets: 2050100
Content server: Fix a periodic spurious error message when reading books in offline mode
Closes tickets: 2050075
Fix a regression in 7.0 caused by a regression in Qt that would result in calibre hanging rarely when using the cover browser view
Fix custom template functions not useable in save to disk templates
Closes tickets: 2049992
Fix a regression in 7.2 that caused the popup used for editing fields in the book list to be mis-positioned on very wide monitors
Release: 7.4 [19 Jan, 2024]
New features
Add support for the Supernote A6X2
Narrow layout: Place the cover browser above the book list when the window has a narrow aspect ratio. Can be controlled via Preferences->Look & feel->Cover browser
Category notes browser: Add a button to search for books in the currently selected category
Closes tickets: 2046825
Keyboard shortcut to toggle main window layout (Alt+Shift+L)
Add the possibility to assign keyboard shortcuts to the tag browser sort functions
Bug fixes
Fix a regression in the previous release that caused the cover browser to not close when it is used as a separate window
Fix a regression in the previous release that caused comments in the Book details panel to be rendered below rather than at the side of the other information
Edit book: Fix highlighting of special character not changed immediately after it is edited, only after a subsequent action
Move Preferences to the left in the default toolbar, making it less likely to be hidden behind an expander button on small screens
Improved news sources
Foreign Policy
New Scientist
Chinese (中文; 汉语; 华语)
Release: 7.3 [05 Jan, 2024]
New features
Tag browser: Allow displaying buttons next to items that have notes or links for easy access. To enable these use Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser
Font subsetting: Preserve all OpenType layout features. This makes the subset font files larger but ensures there is no visual degradation when using the subsetted font files in different contexts.
Bug fixes
macOS: Fix main calibre window not remembering its size on restart
Edit book: Fix the "Show changes" window moving down by a few pixels every time it is opened
Amazon metadata download: Fixes for various changes to amazon website markup
Closes tickets: 2047257
E-book viewer: When looking up words via Google in Europe pre-approve the GDPR consent cookie
Closes tickets: 2047181
Windows: Content server: Fix regression in previous release that broke testing for local connections
Closes tickets: 2046673
Windows: Fix a regression that caused selections in the Book details panel to be invisible
New news sources
Hindustan Times Print Edition by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
Foreign Policy
Business Standard
Release: 7.2 [15 Dec, 2023]
New features
Content server: Also listen for all incoming IPv6 connections by default, not just IPv4
Book details: Allow deleting notes from the right click menu easily
Bug fixes
Windows: Edit book: Fix a crash when using the check book tool with a book that contains malformed markup, in calibre 7
Closes tickets: 2045133
Windows: Improve flickering at startup due to a Qt regression in calibre 7
Windows: Fix moving the main window causing popup/floating windows to be resized in calibre 7 due to yet another Qt regression
Fix detection of existing books on the Tolino Vision 6
Closes tickets: 2044659
Linux: Fix external applications not being launched under Wayland in calibre 7 because of a bug in Qt
Linux: Fix network requests failing under Fedora in calibre 7
Improved news sources
Scientific American
New Yorker
Times of India
Release: 7.1 [23 Nov, 2023]
New features
Notes editor: When pasting HTML with images offer to download remote images in the pasted content
Bug fixes
Fix regression in 7.0 that broke restore of db from backups
Content server: Fix newly added books on homepage not restricted to the books the logged in user is allowed to access
When starting in system tray do not flash the main window briefly
Closes tickets: 2044118
Notes editor: Fix spurious error message when saving a note that contains pasted HTML that refers to an image
Fix a regression that caused the unknown/unset date to incorrectly be displayed/edited as a date in the year AD 101 in some timezones
Closes tickets: 2043998
Comments editor: Fix data file links not working
Linux installer: Check that the user has libxcb-cursor.so.0 installed. If not quit early with an error message asking them to install it
LRF Output: Fix a regression in 7.0 that broke conversion to LRF
Closes tickets: 2044408
New news sources
The World Ahead by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
See what's new in calibre 7.0
Release: 7.0 [17 Nov, 2023]
New features
For details on the major changes in calibre between 7.0 and 6.0, see https://calibre-ebook.com/new-in/sixteen
The ability to add notes to any author, tag, series, etc. in calibre with links and images
E-book viewer: Add support for HTML image maps
Closes tickets: 2040487
Content server home page: Show the three most recently added books in the default library
Content server: Add button to return to book details page at top level of controls
Content server: Book details: Open links in comments fields in the same window rather than a new window
Add a "Show items in selected books" choice to Manage tags and Manage authors
Show the previously used language, if any, second in the language selection drop down
Closes tickets: 2042804
Bug fixes
Metadata download: Fix downloads from Google not working in Europe because of the GDPR
Closes tickets: 2043415
Fix editing dates with days sometimes off by one day
Closes tickets: 2042815
Edit book: Fix highlighting for special characters not visible when the cursor is on the line with the special character