

タイトル calibre
バージョン ver 7.15
更新日 2024/07/19
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 オープンソースの電子書籍管理ソフト。各種書籍フォーマットの変換もサポート。




  • 電子書籍コレクションの管理時間を節約
  • どこでも、何でも使える
  • 包括的な電子書籍ビューア
  • ウェブからニュースや雑誌をダウンロード
  • ライブラリの共有とバックアップが簡単
  • コレクション内の書籍を編集
  • あらゆる電子書籍のニーズを満たし、サポートを受ける




Release: 7.15 [19 Jul, 2024]
New features
Fetch news: Allow individual news sources to specify source specific options such as downloading of past editions
Bug fixes
Windows: MTP driver: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error with some devices
Closes tickets: 2073323
Icon theme creation dialog: Fix various issues when creating an icon theme with many icons that have light/dark variants
New news sources
WSJ News by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
Release: 7.14 [12 Jul, 2024]
New features
Book details: When dropping files add an option to add them to the book as data files
Closes tickets: 2072442
Edit book: A new action to toggle line wrapping mode in all code editors. Can be assigned via Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts->Global actions or added to the toolbar via Preferences->Toolbars->Book wide actions
Kobo driver: Add an option to force the SeriesID for all books in a series to have the same value
Bug fixes
Fix a regression in the previous release that broke merging of books when the confirmation for the merge was disabled
Closes tickets: 2071458
E-book viewer: Allow some header and footer items such as progress to overflow instead of being truncated
Closes tickets: 2072412
HTMLZ output: Make renaming of image files happen in filename order
Closes tickets: 2072405
MTP driver: Fix infinite loop when connecting to some devices with more 65K objects in their filesystem
Closes tickets: 2072384
Fix shortcut editing widget when Qt is using a theme that inserts accelerators into push button labels automatically
New news sources
Ancient Egypt Magazine, Minerva Magazine, Military History Magazine and World Archaeology Magazine by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
Release: 7.13 [28 Jun, 2024]
New features
When merging books add an option to store discarded or replaced covers as an alternate cover in the data folder of the target book
Closes tickets: 2071033
Generate CSV catalog: Add a button to sort the fields by the order in which they appear in the book list
Closes tickets: 2068070
Bug fixes
MTP driver: Preserve cover aspect ratio for thumbnail generation
Closes tickets: 2067755
Fix identifiers not always being merged correctly when merging books
Closes tickets: 2071044
DOCX Input: Fix extra left padding when converting lists
Closes tickets: 2069541
Amazon metadata download: Get title and comments for audiobook pages
Amazon metadata: When filtering search engine results by title ignore words of the title that are purely punctuation
When matching books on a device to book in the library assume a match if the title and any one author match, dont require all authors to match
Update Google Images cover download plugin for website changes
Closes tickets: 2069553
When adding new books if the timestamp is specified as undefined use the current timestamp
Release: 7.12 [30 May, 2024]
New features
E-book polishing: Add option to download external resources (images/stylesheets/etc.)
Closes tickets: 2067167
Conversion: Add an option under Structure detection to automatically fill in blank alt attributes for images that have alt text in the image file metadata
Content server: Use the book title as the filename for downloaded highlights
Closes tickets: 2067437
Review downloaded metadata dialog: Add a "Previous" button to go back to the last reviewed book
Bug fixes
Content server viewer: Fix the bottom of the text being cut off on mobile browsers when not in full screen mode. Unfortunately, this means the viewer now requires a browser no more than two years old.
Kindle driver: Increase the size of the cover thumbnails sent to the Scribe
Closes tickets: 2067168
Kindle output: Fix cover images that contain EXIF data without a rotation not displaying on the Kindle lockscreen
Closes tickets: 1943495
E-book viewer: Fix ruby tags not excluded when searching for text
Content server viewer: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke searching
Closes tickets: 2067128
Improved news sources
Economist Espresso
Release: 7.11 [24 May, 2024]
New features
Kindle driver: Add support for sending cover thumbnails to the Kindle Scribe
A new options under Preferences->Look & feel to draw covers with rounded corners
Bulk metadata edit: Add a new tab where you can create rules to transform tags/authors/publishers for the selected books
Closes tickets: 2064674
Tag browser context menu for Formats now has Open with menu items
Closes tickets: 2065544
E-book viewer: When hovering over the top/bottom margin show a button indicating that a click will open the viewer controls. Can be configured via The Headers and footers section of the viewer Preferences.
Closes tickets: 2064665
Spell check dialog: Also show count of currently displayed words
Bug fixes
E-book viewer: Fix searching not ignoring ruby text
Closes tickets: 2065249
Edit book: Save the state of the current book when opening a new book via File->Open book
Edit book: Fix importing a list of words into a user dictionary not working
Closes tickets: 2064887
EPUB3 metadata: Do not fail to read metadata in the presence on invalid calibre user metadata in the OPF file with empty keys
Get books: Fix rules to map tags on adding books not being applied to books downloaded via Get books
Release: 7.10 [03 May, 2024]
New features
Export of calibre data: Ensure individual part files in the exported data are no larger than one gigabyte even if the library contains individual files larger than that size.
Note that this means that exports created by calibre from this version on will not be importable by earlier versions. However, exports from earlier versions should still be importable.
Edit book: Spell check: Add options to exclude words in ALL CAPS or with numbers or in camelCase/snake_case from the list of words
Allow easily inverting the current search via the right click menu on the search box
Bug fixes
Kobo driver: Fix database unsupported error with newest firmware
Closes tickets: 2064546
DOCX Input: Fix text elements containing only whitespace being incorrectly ignored
Closes tickets: 2063301
Bulk metadata dialog: Do not fail when setting covers from ebook files and some of the files have invalid covers
Improved news sources
The Week
Caravan Magazine
Financial Times
Release: 7.9 [19 Apr, 2024]
New features
Kobo driver: Add support for the new color Kobo devices
Closes tickets: 2060886
Edit book: Add a setting to control cursor width under Preferences->Editor settings
Edit book: Regex-function mode: Show a confirmation popup when closing the function editor when there are unsaved changes
Bug fixes
Fix undocked Quickview dialog not being restored at startup
Closes tickets: 2060314
Windows: Fix an issue where closing a maximized calibre window to the system tray and then reconnecting with remote desktop would cause a blank calibre window to be displayed
Closes tickets: 2044118
Improved news sources
El Correo
Harpers Magazine
New Yorker
Business Today
Release: 7.8 [05 Apr, 2024]
New features
E-book viewer: Highlight panel: Allow filtering the shown highlights by type of highlight
Closes tickets: 2057929
Conversion: Add support for the CSS text-transform property when subsetting embedded fonts
E-book viewer: Allow displaying the view mode paged/flow in the header/footer
Closes tickets: 2060079
Book details popup window: Allow dropping of files to add formats/set the cover just as for the book details panel
Closes tickets: 2059162
Book details: Context menu: Add a menu action to remove the associated link
Closes tickets: 2058814
DOCX Input: Add role=doc-noteref for links to footnotes/endnotes so that they popup in more e-book readers
Add a "Mark all selected books" to the Mark action.
Add "Hide Empty Categories" to tag browser configuration menu
Closes tickets: 2059169
Supernote: Support for new device firmware
Sort by tool: Add an action to re-apply the current sort
Bug fixes
Grid view cover cache: Fix covers not loading when cache entries are stale
Release: 7.7 [14 Mar, 2024]
New features
Trim image: Allow specifying the size of the trim rectangle using numbers
Closes tickets: 2056116
Full text search: Allow pressing Ctrl+S to select the current book in the calibre book list
Closes tickets: 2056664
Speed up scrolling through the book list book-by-book by only redrawing the book details panel when scrolling pauses
Add a tweak under Preferences->Tweaks to set the first day of the week in popup calendars used to input dates
Bug fixes
CHM Input: Handle CHM files with no HHC Table of Contents
Closes tickets: 2056470
E-book viewer: Fix a few settings such as pages per screen and header/footers not being saved in profiles
Full text search: Ignore text inside <ruby> tags when indexing books
Closes tickets: 2056614
DOCX Output: Preserve spaces around soft hyphens
Book details popup: Copy the original cover image to the clipboard even when the image is rescaled to fit into view
Fix changing disabled colors in the UI color palette overriding non-disabled colors
Content server: Fix deletion of viewer profiles not working
Improved news sources
Release: 7.6 [01 Mar, 2024]
New features
E-book viewer: Allow saving current settings in "profiles" that can be quickly and easily swapped between
Closes tickets: 1979022
To create a profile or switch to a previously saved profile access "Profiles" from the viewer controls or press the `Alt+P` shortcut.
Edit book: Add a shortcut `Ctrl+M` to merge selected files
Closes tickets: 2053144
Get books: Add support for Amazon Mexico
A new toolbar button to show all available actions in sub menus. Can be added via `Preferences->Toolbars & menus`
Edit book: Allow selecting multiple books to edit at once, opening all selected books in separate editor instances
Bug fixes
Cover grid: Fix dragging the mouse while holding shift to extend the selection not working well
Closes tickets: 2054617
E-book viewer: Fix doing a multi-page selections sometimes causing the start of the selection to move backwards
Closes tickets: 2054934
Edit book: Live CSS: Fix regression causing incorrect colors in calibre 7
Windows: Fix a regression in calibre 7 that caused images in long text columns to not be displayed in the tooltip for the tooltip
Fix disabled items in menus having blurry text
Content server: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error when doing a search/sort on some browsers
Release: 7.5.1 [09 Feb, 2024]
Version 7.5.1 fixes a bug in 7.5.0 where calibre would not start up using dark colors when the system was in dark mode on some windows installs and another bug that could cause errors when using cover grid mode with covers stored in CMYK colorspace
Closes tickets: 2052766