Visual Studio Code


タイトル Visual Studio Code
バージョン ver 1.91.1
更新日 2024/07/11
追加日 2016/02/10
種別 フリーソフト
説明 MicrosoftによるマルチプラットフォームのWeb/Cloud向けコーディング用エディタ。


Visual Studio Codeは、デスクトップPC上で動作する軽量かつ強力なソースコードエディタ。


Visual Studioが高機能な統合化開発環境(IDE)であるのに対し、Visual Studio Codeはデバッグやバージョン管理などの開発作業をサポートする、開発者向けのコードエディタと位置づけられている。




June 2024 Recovery 1

The update addresses these issues.

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June 2024

Welcome to the June 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Preview: Incoming/Outgoing changes graph - Visualize incoming and outgoing changes in the Source Control view.
  • Python environments - Enhanced environment discovery with python-environment-tools.
  • Smart Send in native REPL - Smoothly run code chunks in the native REPL.
  • GitHub Copilot extensibility - Chat and Language Model APIs available in VS Code Stable.
  • Preview: Profiles Editor - Manage your profiles in a single place.
  • Custom tab labels - More variable options and support for multiple extensions.
  • TypeScript 5.5 - Syntax checking for regular express
May 2024 Recovery 2

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on

May 2024 Recovery 1

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on

May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Editor tabs multi-select - Select and perform actions on multiple tabs simultaneously.
  • Profiles - Open new windows with your preferred profile.
  • Editor actions - Immediately access editor actions across editor groups.
  • Copilot extensibility - Build AI into your extensions with the Chat and Language Model API.
  • VS Code Speech - Automatically read out Copilot Chat responses with text-to-speech.
  • Find in notebooks - Restrict search to selected cells in notebooks.
  • Chat context - Quickly attach different types of context in chat.
  • IntelliSense i
April 2024 Recovery 1

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on

April 2024

Welcome to the April 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Preview Markdown images & videos - Hover over a link to preview images & videos in Markdown.
  • Enhanced branch switching - Restore open editors seamlessly when switching between branches.
  • Middle-click paste support - Paste text quickly in the terminal using a mouse middle-click.
  • WSL over Remote - SSH - Use WSL when connected to a remote machine via Remote - SSH.
  • Accessible View - Navigate through comments, chat code blocks & terminal commands from the Accessible View.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for UI actions - Customize keybindings for UI actions directly with a righ
March 2024 Recovery 1

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on

March 2024

Welcome to the March 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Apply custom editor labels - Distinguish between editors with same file names.
  • Locked scrolling - Compare editors side-by-side with synchronized scrolling.
  • Extension update improvements - Restart extensions without reload & update extensions with VS Code releases.
  • Test Coverage API - Native code coverage support in VS Code.
  • Folding markers in minimap - Easily identify and navigate to code sections from minimap.
  • Quick Search improvements - Sticky file path separators and separator buttons.
  • Notebook Run cells in section - Quickly run all cells i
February 2024 Recovery 2

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on

February 2024 Recovery 1

The update addresses these issues.

For the complete release notes go to Updates on