

タイトル Jenkins
バージョン ver 2.474
更新日 2024/08/28
追加日 2016/02/27
種別 フリーソフト
説明 Javaで作られたオープンソースの継続的インテグレーション支援ツール。



継続的インテグレーションとは、ビルドやテストといった処理を頻繁に継続して実行していくこと。バグが入り込むことを防ぎ、ソフトウェアの品質向上が期待できる。Jenkins 自体はJavaで作られているがテスト対象はJavaプロジェクトに限定されず、iOSアプリやRailsアプリなどさまざまなプロジェクトを対象として扱うことができる。


  • 継続的インテグレーションと継続的デリバリー : 拡張可能な自動化サーバーであり、シンプルなCIサーバーとしても、あらゆるプロジェクトの継続的デリバリーのハブとしても使用できる。
  • 簡単なインストール : 自己完結型のJavaベースのプログラムとして作成されており、Windows、Linux、macOS、その他のUnixライクなオペレーティングシステム用のパッケージが用意されており、すぐに実行できる。
  • 簡単な設定 : Webインターフェイスを介して簡単にセットアップ/設定することができる。
  • プラグイン : アップデートセンターには何百ものプラグインが存在為、継続的インテグレーションと継続的デリバリーのツールチェーンのほとんどすべてのツールと統合できる。
  • 拡張可能 : プラグインアーキテクチャによって拡張することができる。
  • 分散 : 複数のマシンに作業を容易に分散させることができ、複数のプラットフォームでビルド、テスト、デプロイメントを迅速に実行できる。




What's new in 2.474
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Allow all builds to be removed by the build discarder.
(issue 68822)
Fix dropdown and tooltip brightness on HDR displays.
(issue 73330)
Fix the appearance of the Plugin Manager actions dropdown.
(issue 73668)
Restore margins around setup wizard alert messages (regression in 2.459).
(issue 73302)
Prevent backdrop color from affecting dialogs that appear above the backdrop.
(pull 9649)
Refresh build history widget in all cases, including on background tabs or hidden tabs.
(issue 73613)
Allow plugins to customize maximum number of suggestions in autocomplete text fields.
(pull 9616)
What's new in 2.473
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Remove obsolete RekeySecretAdminMonitor.
(issue 73597)
Use dropdown component for autocomplete fields (instead of YUI framework).
(pull 9453)
Remove trailing backslash from 'Keep this build forever' hover text.
(pull 9625)
What's new in 2.472
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makeButton creates jenkins-buttons on the fly instead of using YUI.
(issue 73563)
Upgrade Jetty from 10.0.22 to 12.0.12.
(issue 73130)
Modernize project relationship page.
(pull 9461)
Clarify that the plugin incompatibility message applies to the current plugin.
(issue 73495)
fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in cloud management pages when controller has no executors (regression in 2.463).
(issue 73554)
Fix "New Item" page layout if no icon is defined for an item (regression in 2.453).
(issue 73586)
What's new in 2.471
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Important security fixes.
(security advisory)
What's new in 2.470
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Developer: HttpResponse exceptions such as Descriptor.FormException are now rendered properly from @DataBoundConstructors.
(pull 9495)
Add end of life dates for Alpine 3.20, Ubuntu 24.04, and Fedora 40. Correct several end of life dates, including CentOS 8.
(pull 9501)
Avoid unnecessary download of bundled plugins during the setup wizard.
(pull 9476)
Scroll fields from added heterolist entry into viewport.
(pull 9488)
What's new in 2.469
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Modernize the build time trend page with a time since column, a link to the console, and allow the table to be resized.
Remove the agent column from the Pipeline build trend page.
(pull 9465)
Exit the process immediately upon a boot failure when using ExitLifecycle.
Allow custom lifecycles to react similarly.
(pull 9483)
Display the source URL in logs when installing a plugin.
(pull 9449)
Change icon size in table when resizing the table.
(issue 73453)
Fix the hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.allowUnsupportedRemotingVersions escape hatch, which was previously not working with inbound agents.
(issue 73467)
/queue/item/nnnnn/ URLs (with no api/… suffix) now return a 200 text/plain response to emphasize that the queue item does exist but that you would need to construct a specific query to find out more.
(issue 66105)
Add a user experimental flag to run Jenkins without the YUI JavaScript library. Plugin authors should enable this flag and fix any issues that result from the removal of the YUI library.
(pull 9489)
What's new in 2.468
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User properties are now categorized in different pages.
(issue 69869)
Allow some administrative monitors to be displayed for users with Overall/MANAGE permission.
(pull 9437)
What's new in 2.467
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Increase the minimum required Remoting version to 3107.v665000b_51092 (released on February 2, 2023).
(pull 9440)
Fix the release build that failed due to breaking changes in the Maven Release plugin.
Downgrade Maven Release plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.0.1.
(Maven Release Plugin MRELEASE-1151, parent pom PR 576, pull 9430)
This release failed due to breaking changes in the Maven Release plugin. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published.
What's new in 2.466
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Fix download of .tar.gz artifacts in Firefox (regression in 2.463).
(issue 73381)
Downgrade Apache Maven Release plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.0.1.
Apache Maven Release plugin 3.1.0 includes changes that break the release process of Jenkins core.
(pull 9430)
What's new in 2.465
This release build failed due to breaking changes in the Apache Maven release plugin. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published.
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Jenkins 2.465 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site.
What's new in 2.464
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Refine tables and tabs with reduced padding, rounded corners to match cards, and borders that are visible in dark mode.
(pull 9411)
Align font weights and font sizes.
(pull 9393)
What's new in 2.463
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Require Java 17 or newer.
(Announcement blog post, pull 9358)
Update the design of the build history widget.
(pull 9148)
Refine radio inputs.
(pull 9380)
Refine form controls appearance.
(pull 9365)
Remove some usages of the YahooUI framework in the user interface.
(pull 9395)
Update Stapler from 1880.vb_6d94a_3b_05db_ to 1881.vd39f3ee5c629 and Winstone-Jetty from 6.19 to 6.20 to let Jetty handle HTTP response compression.
A new command line option compression can be used to disable compression if desired.
(pull 9379)
Remove idle executors from widget.
(pull 9177)
Provide a global configuration option, "Computer Retention Check Interval", to adjust the latency period for checking offline agents.