Spybot Anti-Beacon


タイトル Spybot Anti-Beacon
URL https://www.safer-networking.org/spybot-anti-beacon/
バージョン ver
更新日 2023/02/23
追加日 2016/05/29
種別 フリーソフト
説明 Windows 10のトラッキング機能をまとめて無効化することができるソフトウェア。


Windows 10で効果を発揮するソフトだが、Windows 7/8/8.1の同種の機能をブロックすることも可能。





Supported languages: English, German
Microsoft Media Player Online Data Collection
Microsoft Media Player Statistics
Microsoft Visual Studio Feedback(reg)
Microsoft Visual Studio Feedback(sys-srv)
Microsoft Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program
Microsoft Visual Studio Telemetry
Microsoft Windows Feeds Diagnostics
Microsoft Windows License Telemetry
Microsoft Windows Live Tile Data Collection
Microsoft Windows Tips
Mozilla Firefox WebGL (disable)
Mozilla Firefox WebGL (minimize)
Mozilla Firefox Speculative Loading
Mozilla Firefox AddOn Telemetry
Mozilla Firefox Update Tracking
Mozilla Firefox Contextual Feature Recommender
Download 3.8
Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10 & 11.
Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
  Spybot Anti-Beacon v1 showing all immunized  Anti-Beacon_38-Main-en_light  Anti-Beacon_38-Main-en_dark
The latest version has more functionality, a lot more immunizers and is ready for Windows 11!
New Protection
Added Mozilla Firefox Sponsored Sites
Added Microsoft-Active-Protection Service
Added Dell SmartByte Telemetry
Added COMODO Internet Security Telemetry
11.3 MB 
CRC32: 30552411
MD5: 987E075816EBE83BE8CBB828D6692B95
SHA1: EAC2DC2673D154DFDAEE5FDD570042E405CD49D0
All times are GMT +2. The time now is 22:55.
Download 3.7
With the release of Spybot Anti-Beacon 3.7, we have added telemetry blocks for many common third party telemetry/tracking tools, but also specific ones for gamers, and some for popular apps.
New Protection
Added Apple Telemetry.
Added Microsoft Visual Studio.
Added Microsoft Windows Hard Disk Health Telemetry.
Added VMWare Customer Experience Program.
Added Wacom Experience Program.
Added Paddle Revenue Delivery Platform Analytics.
Added LogMeIn Telemetry.
Added CloudBees RollOut Telemetry.
Added Online-Metrix.
Added Hotjar.com Behavior Analytics.
Added Twilio Segment Customer Data Platform.
Added Adobe Marketo.
Added Fiksu.
Added Blizzard Battle.Net Telemetry.
Added Epic Games Telemetry.
Download 3.5
New Protection
Added Avast Telemetry.
Added AVG Telemetry.
Added Lavasoft Flow Telemetry.
Added Malwarebytes Telemetry.
Added McAfee Telemetry.
Added Trend Micro Telemetry.
Software Changes
Fixed Scheduled Task issues.
8.2 MB 
CRC32: F4F15A11
MD5: 33C067B95093F0A79DCB22245A1378BE
SHA1: 435F1B41147B56E6E221D96367D057B7A1992CA2
All times are GMT +2. The time now is 20:54.
Copyright © 2000-2019 Safer-Networking Limited. All rights reserved.
Download 3.1.6
  Spybot Anti-Beacon v1 showing all immunized  Spybot Anti-Beacon v3.1 showing all immunized (light mode)  Spybot Anti-Beacon v3.1 showing all immunized (dark mode)
Supported languages: Chinese, English, German
New protection
New Windows 10 October 2018 update (1809) protection, including cloud clipboard sync.
Added Mozilla Telemetry via Mozilla Configuration.
Added LibreOffice Telemetry entry.
Added preliminary Office 2019 Telemetry entries.
Added generic Office Telemetry entries.
Improved detection
Improved Microsoft Edge support (eBook telemetry, Microsoft 365 Analytics).
Massively improved Office 2016 Telemetry entries.
Software changes
Fixed silent mode.
New Details view for descriptions without opening a browser (also brings back exact entry details for those users technically inclined).
New Settings screen for settings previously available only as part of the installer.
Improved sorting and categorization of customization screen.
Support for new Windows 10 dark mode.
Download 2.3
Associated Discussion
Now supports /undo command line switch again
Now supports Task Scheduler again (/setupTask performed by installer)
User Interface now uses Spybot 3 font
Installer now uses Spybot 3 font
Installer copies over license from Spybot installation if found
Installer uses Spybot icon and logo during installation
7.5 MB 
CRC32: 823C6E1A
MD5: 6C4A62E201D8D67AB0D5D0CF285535CA
SHA1: C18683B56BACD14E4506BE99033A7F9AA6638167
All times are GMT +2. The time now is 00:51.
Additional Telemetry Immunization Categories
Additional Blocked Hosts
Immunization of Office 13/16 Telemetry Scheduled Tasks and Options is possible even if Microsoft Office is not installed
2 MB 
CRC32: E5D9CE19
MD5: 2C302FCA8E8D279DCF3DDEA69744AA5E
SHA1: 7E0834D95ED73B33D1F7347499B3C84D3A8EEDAC
All times are GMT +2. The time now is 00:52.