

タイトル SimpleCodeGenerator
バージョン ver 1.16
更新日 2024/05/09
追加日 2021/04/05
種別 フリーソフト
説明 シンプルで使いやすいQRコードジェネレーター。






SimpleCodeGenerator v1.16
Version 1.16
Added /ShowFromFile and /SaveFromFile command-line options, which allow you to load the QR Code from a file.
/ShowFromFile <QR Code Filename>
This command generates the QR Code for the string stored in the specified filename, and displays it on the main window of SimpleCodeGenerator.
SimpleCodeGenerator can read files with the following character encoding: ANSI/ASCII, UTF-8 With BOM, UTF-16 With BOM.
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /ShowFromFile "c:\temp\qrcode1.txt"
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /ErrorCorrection 2 /MinVersion 10 /MaxVersion 40 /ShowFromFile "c:\temp\qrcode2.txt"
/SaveFromFile <QR Code Filename> <Image Filename> {Image Scaling}
This command generates the QR Code for the string stored in the specified filename, and then exports it to the specified image filename (.png , .gif , .jpg , .tiff, or .bmp file).
SimpleCodeGenerator can read files with the following character encoding: ANSI/ASCII, UTF-8 With BOM, UTF-16 With BOM.
{Image Scaling} is an optional parameter that specifies the number of pixels to create in the image file for every pixel in the QR Code. For example: if you specify "10" - for every pixel in the QR Code,
you will get 10x10 pixels in the image file. If you don't specify the {Image Scaling} value, the default scaling is 5.
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /SaveFromFile "c:\temp\qrcode1.txt" "c:\temp\qrcode1.png" 10
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /ErrorCorrection 2 /MinVersion 10 /MaxVersion 40 /SaveFromFile "c:\temp\qrcode1.txt" "c:\temp\qrcode1.png" 10
DutchJan Verheijen21/04/20241.15
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de21/04/20241.15
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.15
Version 1.15
Fixed bug: The QR Code settings section disappeared when pressing the Esc key.
DutchJan Verheijen04/04/20241.14
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de03/04/20241.14
Giacomo Margarito11/04/20241.14
HARUN ARI03/04/20241.14
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.14
Version 1.14
You can now specify a double quote character from command-line by using a sequence of 2 double quote characters, for example:
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /Show """Hello World"""
ArabicAbu Rehaam15/02/20241.13
DutchJan Verheijen09/02/20241.13
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de09/02/20241.13
SlovakFrantišek Fico04/03/20241.13
HARUN ARI09/02/20241.13
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.13
Copyright (c) 2021 - 2024 Nir Sofer
Version 1.13
Added CopyImageScaling and SaveImageScaling entries to the configuration file (SimpleCodeGenerator.cfg), which control the size of the generated image when you use the
'Save QR Code To Image File' and 'Copy Image' options. The default value is 5. You can increase this value if you want to generate larger images.
ArabicAbu Rehaam08/09/20221.12
DutchJan Verheijen15/08/20221.12
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de15/08/20221.12
GreekVasilis Kostoulas28/08/20221.12
RussianDmitry Yerokhin21/08/20221.12
SlovakFrantišek Fico13/09/20221.12
Danfong Hsieh21/08/20221.12
HARUN ARI15/08/20221.12
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.12
Version 1.12
Added 'Save Image With White Border' option (Under the Options menu). When it's turned on, white space is added around the QR Code in all saved images.
DutchJan Verheijen29/04/20221.11
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de29/04/20221.11
Giacomo Margarito02/05/20221.11
SlovakFrantišek Fico02/05/20221.11
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.11
Version 1.11
Added /Clipboard command line option, which allows you to generate QR Code into the clipboard, for example:
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /Clipboard ""
/Clipboard <QR Code String> {Image Scaling}
This command generates the QR Code for the specified string, and then put in the clipboard.
{Image Scaling} is an optional parameter that specifies the number of pixels to create in the image file for every pixel in the QR Code. For example: if you specify "10" - for every pixel in the QR Code,
you will get 10x10 pixels in the image file. If you don't specify the {Image Scaling} value, the default scaling is 5.
SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /Clipboard "" 10
ArabicAbu Rehaam17/01/20221.10
DutchJan Verheijen12/01/20221.10
«Latino» auf WinTotal.de12/01/20221.10
Giacomo Margarito26/01/20221.10
RussianDmitry Yerokhin12/01/20221.10
SlovakFrantišek Fico17/01/20221.10
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.10
Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022 Nir Sofer
This tool works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
Versions History
Version 1.10
You can now choose the desired error correction level (Low, Medium, Quartile, High) and QR Code versions range (between 1 and 40).
Added new command-line options to set the error correction and QR Code version - /ErrorCorrection , /MinVersion , /MaxVersion
For example: SimpleCodeGenerator.exe /ErrorCorrection 2 /MinVersion 10 /MaxVersion 40
Version 1.00 - First release.
/ErrorCorrection <1 - 4>
Set the error correction from command-line:
1 - Level L (Low)
2 - Level M (Medium)
3 - Level Q (Quartile)
4 - Level H (High)
/MinVersion <1 - 40>
Set the minimum version of the QR Code (between 1 and 40)
/MaxVersion <1 - 40>
Set the maximum version of the QR Code (between 1 and 40)