Wave Terminal


タイトル Wave Terminal
URL https://www.waveterm.dev/
バージョン ver 0.7.6
更新日 2024/06/18
追加日 2023/12/20
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(Apache)
説明 オープンソースかつクロスプラットフォームのモダンなターミナルソフト。








Wave Terminal v0.7.6 Release

Minor release with a couple of major features!

  • Wave AI Sidebar - we've moved Wave AI into a right-handls sidebar that is persistent across tabs/workspaces. It can be toggled open using Cmd-Shift-Space. Easily ask questions and use the arrow keys to select blocks to execute directly in your terminal session (completely keyboard controllable). Note that Wave AI works with BYOLLM so you can easily hook it up to your own local model, or a different cloud model that you subscribe to.
  • New Auto-Complete - In beta, a new autocomplete system based on Fig's class-leading autocomplete library, integrated with our universal shell history. To try it out, go to your settings and switch on "Command Autocomplete".
  • Bug fix: bumped electron version, fixes auto-update bug on Linux (and
Wave Terminal v0.7.5 Release

Quick patch release to fix a regression in v0.7.3/v0.7.4 where when the completion info window popped up, the command input lost focus (so you couldn't actually complete files/directories). Similar regression which did not allow you to submit a command when the "info" window was open.

See v0.7.3 release notes.

Wave Terminal v0.7.4 Release

Quick patch release to remove k8s context/namespace from prompt. Fixes a performance issue where the k8s context command might take multiple seconds to run (causing state altering commands to hang for that amount of time)

See v0.7.3 release notes.

Wave Terminal v0.7.3 Release

New sudo support, better theming and keybinding support, with a ton of performance and usability updates (almost 70 PRs have gone into this patch release).

  • Sudo Support - Seamless sudo support (configurable in settings) for local/remote machines. (will follow-up with detailed documentation)
  • Multi-level terminal theming support -- global, workspace, and per tab terminal themes (will follow-up with more detailed documentation)
  • Keybinding updates -- including ability to register custom commands
  • Light mode fixes and cleanup
  • k8s namespace/context added to the prompt
  • Block context menu with easy access to copy command and/or output, or easily minimize, delete, or restart commands
  • AI: customizable timeouts for AI connections
  • AI: cleaned up labels/names now that
Wave Terminal v0.7.2 Release

Minor release, focused on zsh improvements, keybinding support (beta), and more light mode cleanup.

  • Updated Shell Initialization Flow -- now when a new tab is created we reinitialize the shell in an interactive block. This ensures a new tab is picking up current rc file changes, and it also allows for interactive input during initialization. Before, shell initialization in Wave might fail/hang if it required interactive input (e.g. "Do you want to update oh-my-zsh? (Y/n)"). This update fixes many types of shell initialization bugs that have been reported.
  • Many zsh fixes, including better zmodload support, better support for prompt variables, working on native prompts, fix accidental setting of readonly variables.
  • Custom Keybinding Support (beta) - currently implemented as a JSON file
Wave Terminal v0.7.1 Release

Minor release, mostly focused on cleanup for bugs and quirks that came up in the v0.7.0 release. It also contains two new plugins pdfview and mediaview which allow you to preview PDF files and play audio/video files inline right inside the terminal.

  • Light Mode -- Fixes multiple bugs and quirks found and reported in v0.7.0 (including text selection and cursor color)
  • Various SSH/Connection bug fixes (error handling, non-secret interactive prompts, and made the 'user' optional)
  • pdfview [filename] allows inline viewing of PDF files
  • mediaview [filename] allows inline playing of audio or video files
  • Fix when red error highlight shows on blocks (no longer showing for commands that are killed with Ctrl-C (SIGINT) or from a SIGPIPE). Also fixes exit cod
Wave Terminal v0.7.0 Release

Major Release of Wave Terminal, featuring a new UI, new connections backend, optional auto-update, Linux packages, light mode, and a lot of smaller features, fixups, and bug fixes. Over 100 pull-requests were merged since v0.6. We have the groundwork in place for customizable themes, full terminal font customization, and custom keybindings which all should arrive shortly in the v0.7.x series. The new connection framework will also enable us to deliver a new set of productivity features.

As always, we appreciate all feedback and suggestions. Please let us know what you think in Discord, file bugs/enhancements on Github, and give us a star on Github if you'd like to support us!

  • New UI - Moved to a cleaner, flat design. Less visual clutter, and updated colors to help you focus on the commands and o
Wave Terminal v0.6.3 Release

Patch release to fix #302 which caused the last line of terminal output to be cut off for certain screen "zoom" settings (system zoom/resolution or in-app zooming).

Wave Terminal v0.6.2 Release

Quick patch release for a large zsh performance bug where we were re-running the interactive zsh configs for every command execution causing a notable slowdown in performance.

  • Bug fix: fixed slow zsh command performance and overeager zsh re-initialization
  • Bug fix: fixed ssh config import
Wave Terminal v0.6.1 Release
  • Tab/workspace indicators now show if commands are running
  • Keybindings fixes for international keyboards and linux. Keybindings now use the same letter key on non-US keyboards. MacOS keybindings that use the "Cmd" key now map to "Alt" (instead of the "Windows" key) on Linux and Windows.
  • Restart Command -- use the restart icon, or Cmd-R to restart the selected command. Restarted commands run with the same directory and environment as when they were first launched.
  • Cmd-Shift-R will always restart the most recent command in the tab (no matter which command is selected).
  • Can use the mouse to resize and collapse the left sidebar.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1

Wave Terminal v0.6.0 Release
  • zsh support
  • Bug fix: International Characters (and emojis!) now display properly in the terminal and when using AI features. github #88 github #190
  • ChatGPT help with writing commands, use Ctrl-Space from the command prompt.
  • Cmd-P tab switcher. Quickly switch to tabs and workspaces by name (like VSCode's Cmd-P file switcher)
  • Zoom - use Cmd +/- to zoom UI in and out (for smaller or larger monitors)
  • Clickable Links in Terminal Output (hold Cmd while clicking)
  • Tab Indicators - gray/green/red indicator lights show on tabs when running commands have additional output (gray), complete successfully (green), or fail (red).
  • Import button added to the Connections Screen to quickly add connections to hosts defined in your .ssh/config file.
  • Cmd-D keyboard