
2024/07/06 16時〜2024/07/07 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

Joplin、xplorer2、Xming、AltTab、win-vind、Paper Plane xUI、Genkhord、AutoHotKey v2等が更新されました。

Joplin ver 3.0.12 → 3.0.13 2024/07/06
  • Improved: Api: Do not return deleted notes in folders/: id/notes call (3e0fb48)
  • Fixed: Fix incorrect text rendering on MacOS by changing the default font to Avenir Next (#10686) (#10679 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Fixed: Fix shift-delete asks to permanently delete the current note, rather than cut text, when the editor is selected. (#10687) (#10685 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Fixed: Fix sidebar performance regression with many nested notebooks (#10676) (#10674 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
xplorer2 ver → 2024/07/06
v6.0.0.2 (6 Jul 2024)
Xming ver → 2024/07/06
Changes for Xming version
Not yet started. The snapshot installers currently just link the released files.
Xming (x86 & x64 Released 6 Jul 2024)
Update FreeType2 from its project git repository, and the xserver, libX11, libXaw, xkeyboard-config, xprop and xrandr from X.Org.git.
Build the installers using Inno Setup at release 6.3.2. Note: the x64 code can now be installed on Arm64 Windows 11 systems, which are able to run most x64 binaries via emulation, but I've not yet tested Xming does.
Xming (Released 6 Jun 2024).
Changes for Xming version
Xming (Released 6 Jul 2024)
AltTab ver 6.70.1 → 6.71.0 2024/07/06
6.71.0 (2024-07-06)
Bug Fixes
restore default cmd+tab shortcut when alt-tab crashes (2c47b4e)
showing permissions window would crash on macos < 10.15 (bb5215c), closes #3437
traffic light icons could appear half-transparent (closes #2892) (1eef1e0)
improve fr/he/it/ja/pt/sv localizations (35521a5)
show de-fullscreen button on fullscreen windows (ad1e8d0)
win-vind ver 5.13.1 → 5.13.2 2024/07/06



  • Fix problem with external monitor hints misalignment when laptop screen is closed. #245
Paper Plane xUI ver 6.4197p3 → 6.4197p4 2024/07/07
・Paper Plane xUI (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4)
・Paper Plane xUI(DirectWrite版) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4)
↑Paper Plane xUI Version 1.97+4
   ppx197p4.zip ( MultiByte版, 664 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows 95 - Me / Windows NT 4.0 - 11/2022(32bit/64bit))
   ppw197p4.zip ( UNICODE版,678 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows NT 4.0 - Windows 11/2022(32bit/64bit))
   ppx64197p4.zip ( 64bit版,819 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows XP/2003 - Windows 11/2022 64bit)
試験公開版です。 Version 1.97からの差し替え分のみとなってます。●変更点1.97+3→1.97+4
・正規表現ライブラリとしてicu.dll(Win10 1903以降)を試験対応(X_retyp=3 又は 0)
・*markentry &a:d,&*ppx* としたときに、ディレクトリが対象外になっていたのを修正
↑Paper Plane xUI(DirectWrite版) Version 1.97+4
   ppxdw197p4.zip ( 32bit版, 730 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows 7/2008 R2 - Windows 11/2022(32bit/64bit))
   ppxdw64197p4.zip ( 64bit版,836 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows 7/2008 R2 - Windows 11/2022 64bit)
試験公開版です。 Version 1.97からの差し替え分のみとなってます。
   ppxqjsT7.zip ( 1138 Kbytes, 2024-7-6, Windows 10/2015 - 11/2022(64bit))
・PPx.StayMode 使用時の挙動を調整
Genkhord ver 1.15.706.0 → 1.16.706.1 2024/07/07
Version 1.16.706.1
2024-07-06 22:45+0900
206,022,638 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): 453aa5d7084de99ff0ca118809fa4e96fe2801acSHA1(genkhord.exe): 3efc4c9f1755cd3921480844a63e16a956aaa67f
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,521,214 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,977,474 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
1.16.706.1 2024-07-06 テンション付加時の実ボイシングを調整中
1.16.706.1 2024-07-06 コード進行表のC11を整理/廃止(テンション機能でカバーする)
AutoHotKey v2 ver 2.0.17 → 2.0.18 2024/07/07

Fixed A_Clipboard silently exiting when GetClipboardData returns NULL.

Fixed a.b[c] := d to invoke the getter for a.b if there is no setter.

Windows Repair Toolbox ver → 2024/07/07
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Windows Repair Toolbox
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(Almost) everything you need to repair Windows problems in one small handy tool.
Click to download the latest version of WRT (9.1 MB)-The program doesn’t require installation, just extract it to a folder-Program version: (05.07.2024)Definitions version: (05.07.2024)Changelog
SHA256 (zip): E6DABA1AC1BDE9BF3661D2449EB8F20DBDC79626380FECA8E5F6E0EED2688AC4
If you like this tool, also check out my other free program: Antivirus Removal ToolWindows Repair Toolbox is free to use but if you would like to donate you can click below:
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Vienna ver 3.9.0 → 3.9.1 2024/07/07
  • Prevent Vienna from unexpectedly switching to alphabetical sorting of folders and feeds
  • Prevent feed refreshes from causing unexpected changes of articles selection and interruptions of user's reading experience
  • Fix and standardize the visual feedback for articles being marked as read (especially when the selection is a smart folder)
  • Fix use of delete key to delete the current article when the focus is on the article view
  • Fix use of up/down keys to navigate to previous/next article when the focus is on the article view
  • Fix some issues with cache of folder's articles
  • Fix URL cache management
  • Fix small parts of French and Dutch translations
  • Add credit to Ricardo Pinho for Portuguese translation
  • Build with Xcode 15.4 (macoOS 14.5 SDK)
  • Fix Xcode and SwiftLint warnings; prepare
Multi ver 3.0.0 → 3.0.1 2024/07/07
Multi 3.0.1
  • Fixed missing app icon for some new/updated apps
  • Load notification polyfill before user JS

OnlySwitch ver release_2.5.2 → release_2.5.3 2024/07/07


jacklandrin released this 06 Jul 19:28


  • Add a setting for checking updates on launch


  • Crash on Sequoia
  • An error info typo by @SamiFziyen
Genkhord ver 1.16.706.1 → 1.16.707.1 2024/07/07
Version 1.16.707.1
2024-07-07 11:47+0900
206,021,976 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): 9a08cd166fec9d0c599de4ed5fe3b0883a7128e4SHA1(genkhord.exe): ac42a762dc127da32a5e599220b0024254ee838e
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,521,482 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,977,650 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
1.16.707.0 2024-07-06 SP:MTRK:テンションノートがピアノロール背景背景に薄く表示されていなかったので修正した
1.16.707.0 2024-07-06 SP:MTRK:▲🎲ボタン(選択しているノートに対してコードをフィット)をクリックするとき元々付加されているテンションノートがクリアされていなかったので修正した
1.16.707.0 2024-07-06 MW:スクラッチパッドの履歴メニューの並び順を逆転し、新しいものから順に並べるようにした
1.16.707.0 2024-07-06 SP:File-Revertメニューを追加した。スクラッチパッドを開かれた状態に戻す。ファイルから開かれたスクラッチパッドの場合はファイルの再読み込みする
1.16.707.1 2024-07-06 ナインスコードのボイシングを調整した