Microsoft To-DoがiOS 11とiPadに対応

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Microsoftが運営するTODOサービス「Microsoft To-Do」のiOS用クライアントが15日にアップデート。iOS 11とiPadに対応しています(MSPoweruser)。

Microsoft To-Do App
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料
MicrosoftのTODOサービス「Microsoft To-Do」のiOS用クライアント。

最新のv1.13ではiOS 11およびiPadに対応したほか、ソートオプションの改良、その他多数の不具合の修正が行われています。

Introducing iPad and iOS 11 support!

Improved: Our sort options have been sorted out. Now the order of your lists will match across all of your devices.
Fixed: Sometimes we didn’t recognize that certain keyboards were entering to-do titles. Now third-party keyboards can create to-dos with actual titles.
Fixed: We also fixed the quirk that caused the list header to display oddly when renaming a list.
Fixed: You can now edit and save notes offline without encountering the endless sync spinner.
Fixed: And once edited, your notes will display every character correctly. We fixed the bug affecting certain Cyrillic characters.
Fixed: We want to help remember all your important to-dos. Occasionally, though, we were a bit too persistent about reminding you. We got the message and will stop sending reminders for to-dos in deleted lists.
Fixed: We also made it easier to edit your existing reminders. We fixed that pesky problem where the detail view wouldn’t open after tapping a reminder. Likewise, the date field will now display properly when setting custom dates and times for your reminders.
Fixed: Reordering lists on iOS 11 would sometimes crash the app. No longer. Now that we support iOS 11, you may sort to your heart’s content.

Microsoft TO-Doは、2015年に買収した「Wunderlist」の代替となるサービスとして、2017年4月に立ち上げられた新しいTODOサービスです。運営開始時からWindows 10タブレットやAndroid、iPhoneに対応していましたが、今回のアップデートでようやくiPadに対応したことになります。

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