Microsoft、Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidateの新ビルドを公開

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Productivity Epic 960x540

米Microsoftは27日(現地時間)、統合開発環境Visual Studio 2017の新たなリリース候補「Visual Studio 2017 RC (build 26127.00)」を公開しました(Visual Studio Blog)。

Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidateは昨年11月に初めて公開されて以来、何度か更新されていて、今回公開されたbuild 26127.00はその最新版ということになります。


  • The .NET Core and ASP.NET Core workload is no longer in preview. We have fixed several bugs and improved usability of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Tooling.
  • Team Explorer connect experience is now improved to make it easier to find the projects and repos to which you want to connect.
  • The Advanced Save option is back due to popular demand.
  • Multiple installation-related issues are now fixed in this update, including hangs. We’ve also added a retry button when installation fails, disambiguated Visual Studio installs in the Start menu, and added support for creating a layout for offline install.



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