

タイトル XFree86
URL http://xfree86.org/
バージョン ver 4.8.0
更新日 2008/12/07
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 定番PC-UNIX向けX Window System。






Created with Highcharts 5.0.2Total更新回数24/0424/0524/0624/0724/0824/0924/1024/1124/1225/0125/0225/030


Release Notes for XFree86® 4.8.0
The XFree86 Project, Inc December 2008
status in the XFree86 4.8.0 release.
3. Summary of new features in 4.8.0.
3.3. XKB updates
3.4. SHAPE Extension
3.5. X Servers
3.6. OS Support Updates
3.7. Xft Library
3.8. xdm
$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml,v 1.144 2008/11/22 22:57:27 tsi Exp $
Release Notes for XFree86® 4.7.0
The XFree86 Project, Inc August 2007
status in the XFree86 4.7.0 release.
3. Summary of new features in 4.7.0.
$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml,v 1.143 2007/08/04 02:16:08 tsi Exp $
Release Notes for XFree86® 4.6.0
The XFree86 Project, Inc April 2006
This document contains information about the various features and their current
status in the XFree86 4.6.0 release.
1. Introduction to the 4.x Release Series
2. Configuration: a Quick Synopsis
3. Summary of new features in 4.6.0.
3.1. Security Updates
3.2. Video Driver Enhancements
3.3. Input Driver Enhancements
3.4. XKB updates
3.5. X Server and Extension Updates
3.6. Library, Client and Utility Updates
3.7. I18n and Fonts
3.8. OS Support Updates
4. Drivers
4.1. Video Drivers
4.2. Input Drivers
5. Known Problems
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The current XFree86 release is 4.5.0. Information regarding 4.5.0
XFree86 4.4.0: [Release page]
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For 4.3.0 and prior, all, exceptions
only happened with the 4.4.0 and later releases.
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Project, Inc.
Last Modified: 28 March 2005
Downloading the current XFree86 Release
The current XFree86 release is 4.4.0. Information regarding 4.4.0
The current XFree86 release is 4.4.0. Further information about it
XFree86 4.3.0: [Release page]
Last Modified: 29 February 2003