


タイトル Scintilla
URL http://www.scintilla.org/
バージョン ver 5.00
更新日 2021/03/07
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 自由にソースコードを利用することができるエディターコンポーネント。







Release 5.0.0
Released 5 March 2021.
First version that separates Lexilla from Scintilla.
Each of the 3 projects now has a separate history page but history before 5.0.0 remains combined.
Fix Alt+End (move to wrapped line end) for Japanese UTF-8 text..
Bug #2231.
SciTE uses the "null" lexer when it doesn't have a lexer assigned to a file.
This avoids activating a Lua script lexer if one is assigned.
Release 4.4.6
Released 1 December 2020.
Fix building with Xcode 12.
Bug #2187.
Derek Brown
Release 4.4.5
Released 11 September 2020.
Lexilla interface supports setting initialisation properties on lexer libraries with
SetLibraryProperty and GetLibraryPropertyNames functions.
These are called by SciTE which will forward properties to lexer libraries that are prefixed with
Allow cross-building for GTK by choosing pkg-config.
Bug #2189.
On GTK, allow setting CPPFLAGS (and LDFLAGS for SciTE) to support hardening.
Bug #2191.
Changed SciTE's indent.auto mode to set tab size to indent size when file uses tabs for indentation.
Bug #2198.
Fix position of marker symbols for SC_MARGIN_RTEXT which were being moved based on
width of text.
Fixed bug on Win32 where cursor was flickering between hand and text over an
indicator with hover style.
Hugues Larrive
Prakash Sahni
Michel Sauvard
Release 4.4.4
Released 21 July 2020.
End of line annotations implemented.
Bug #2141.
Feature #1368.
The latex lexer supports lstlisting environment that is similar to verbatim.
Feature #1358.
For SciTE on Linux, place liblexilla.so and libscintilla.so in /usr/lib/scite.
Bug #2184.
Round SCI_TEXTWIDTH instead of truncating as this may be more accurate when sizing application
elements to match text.
Feature #1355.
Display DEL control character as visible "DEL" block like other control characters.
Feature #1369.
Allow caret width to be up to 20 pixels.
Release 4.4.3
Released 3 June 2020.
Fix syntax highlighting for SciTE on Windows by setting executable directory for loading Lexilla.
Bug #2181.
Release 4.4.2
Released 2 June 2020.
On Cocoa using Xcode changed Lexilla.dylib install path to @rpath as would otherwise try /usr/lib which
won't work for sandboxed applications.
On Cocoa using Xcode made work on old versions of macOS by specifying deployment target as 10.8
instead of 10.15.
On Win32 fix static linking of Lexilla by specifying calling convention in Lexilla.h.
SciTE now uses default shared library extension even when directory contains '.'.
Shmuel Zeigerman
Chris Graham
Release 4.4.0
Released 1 June 2020.
Added Xcode project files for Lexilla and Scintilla with no lexers (cocoa/Scintilla).
For GTK, build a shared library with no lexers libscintilla.so or libscintilla.dll.
Lexilla used as a shared library for most builds of SciTE except for the single file executable on Win32.
On GTK, Scintilla shared library used.
LexillaLibrary code can be copied out of SciTE for other applications that want to interface to Lexilla.
Constants in Scintilla.h can be disabled with SCI_DISABLE_AUTOGENERATED.
Implement per-monitor DPI Awareness on Win32 so both Scintilla and SciTE
will adapt to the display scale when moved between monitors.
Applications should forward WM_DPICHANGED to Scintilla.
Bug #2171,
Bug #2063.
Optimized performance when opening huge files.
Feature #1347.
Add Appearance and Contrast properties to SciTE that allow customising visuals for dark mode and
high contrast modes.
Release 4.3.3
Released 27 April 2020.
Added Visual Studio project files for Lexilla and Scintilla with no lexers.
Add methods for iterating through the marker handles and marker numbers on a line:
Feature #1344.
Assembler lexers asm and as can change comment character with lexer.as.comment.character property.
Feature #1314.
Fix brace styling in Batch lexer so that brace matching works.
Bug #1624,
Bug #1906,
Bug #1997,
Bug #2065.
Change Perl lexer to style all line ends of comment lines in comment line style.
Previously, the last character was in default style which made the characters in
\r\n line ends have mismatching styles.
Bug #2164.
When a lexer has been set with SCI_SETILEXER, fix SCI_GETLEXER and avoid
sending SCN_STYLENEEDED notifications.
Release 4.3.2
Released 6 March 2020.
On Win32 fix new bug that treated all dropped text as rectangular.
David Shuman
Release 4.3.1
Released 4 March 2020.
Add default argument for StyleContext::GetRelative.
Feature #1336.
Fix drag and drop between different encodings on Win32 by always providing CF_UNICODETEXT only.
Bug #2151.
Automatically scroll while dragging text.
Feature #497.
On Win32, the numeric keypad with Alt pressed can be used to enter characters by number.
This can produce unexpected results in non-numlock mode when function keys are assigned.
Potentially problematic keys like Alt+KeypadUp are now ignored.
Bug #2152.
Crash fixed with Direct2D on Win32 when updating driver.
Bug #2138.
For SciTE on Win32, fix crashes when Lua script closes application.
Bug #2155.
Mark Reay
Release 4.3.0
Released 16 January 2020.
Lexers made available as Lexilla library.
TestLexers program with tests for Lexilla and lexers added in lexilla/test.
SCI_SETILEXER implemented to use lexers from Lexilla or other sources.
ILexer5 interface defined provisionally to support use of Lexilla.
The details of this interface may change before being stabilised in Scintilla 5.0.
SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY implemented on Cocoa.
Build Scintilla with SCI_EMPTYCATALOGUE to avoid making lexers available.
Lexer and folder added for Raku language.
Feature #1328.
Don't clear clipboard before copying text with Qt.
Bug #2147.
On Win32, remove support for CF_TEXT clipboard format as Windows will convert to
Improve IME behaviour on GTK.
Set candidate position for windowed IME.
Improve location of candidate window.