
  AutoHotkey v1


タイトル AutoHotkey v1
URL https://www.autohotkey.com/
バージョン ver
更新日 2024/03/16
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(GPL)
説明 キーボードやジョイスティックやマウスにいろいろな機能を割り当てることができるソフト。








Fixed inability of LWin::Alt to be used to activate some Alt-combos.

Fixed mouse AltTab hotkeys not suppressing execution of a prefix hotkey, such as 1:: for 1 & WheelDown::AltTab. (Broken by v1.1.37.00)

Fixed hook hotkeys not recognizing modifiers which are pressed down by SendInput.

Fixed some issues affecting suppressed Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Win hotkeys, such as:

  • *LCtrl:: blocked LCtrl from the active window, but sending Alt-key combinations would fail because the system thinks Ctrl is down, and would therefore send WM_KEYDOWN instead of WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
  • *LAlt:: caused the system to forget any prior {LAlt DownR}, so a remapping such as LCtrl::LAlt would not behave correctly while LAlt is physically down, even though LAlt was sup
(省略されました) - July 8, 2023
Fixed hotstrings to use the Last Found Window set by #If.
Fixed MouseGetPos, ControlClick, ContextMenu Gui events and DropFile Gui events erroneously detecting a control at a specific point which actually lies one pixel below or to the right of the control.
Fixed an issue where any attempt to reinstall the keyboard or mouse hook would fail if the OS had automatically uninstalled the hook. It is still necessary to meet certain conditions before any such attempt can be made.
Fixed omitted parameters to receive their default values rather than the "optional argument marker" when an AutoHotkey method is called via IDispatch (COM). The reverse translation was already done when calling COM methods in previous versions.
Changes and new features introduced by the v1.1 branch of AutoHotkey development (formerly AutoHotkey_L) are listed below. - July 2, 2023
Changed COM method and property calls to pass large integers as VT_I8, not VT_R8 (floating-point), so the original type and precision is retained. Integers in the 32-bit range are still passed as VT_I4.
Added support for two-variable enumerators (for-loops) with IDispatch-wrapped AutoHotkey objects. Both the script invoking the object and the object itself must be running a supported AutoHotkey version.
Added support for ByRef VARIANT in incoming COM calls. Instead of receiving a ComObject wrapper with the VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT variant type, the script receives a temporary variable compatible with a normal ByRef parameter.
Fixed VerCompare(a, ">" b) and reduced code size marginally.
Fixed AltTab-related load-time errors to be consistent with other errors.
Fixed errors thrown by a ComObject wrapper not being propagated correctly if it is called via an object/COM.
Fixed the Hotkey GUI control to allow setting the symbols ^, ! and + as hotkeys.
Fixed the Hotkey control to include modifiers when its value is set to a symbol.
Fixed Menu Add overwriting items which were appended by Menu Insert.
Fixed potential misbehaviour of InputHook.KeyOpt() with single chars.
Option removal potentially not affecting the corresponding SC.
Options potentially also being applied to sc000.
Fixed a bug with custom combos where a set of hotkeys like a & b::, a:: and a up:: would fail to suppress the release of a if a:: alone is disabled with #If.
Fixed a bug where a key-down event is correctly suppressed by a hotkey, but sending an additional key-down with SendLevel > 0 would prevent the subsequent key-up from being suppressed, even if the sent event is ignored due to #InputLevel.
Fixed a & b up:: not suppressing b if a & b:: is present but disabled by #If.
Optimized allocation of cached COM property names for built-in IDispatch.
Refactored code to support a build configuration for AutoHotkey as a DLL.
(省略されました) - December 7, 2022
Improved ComObjConnect to allow detecting disconnect via __Delete.
Fixed a performance issue with command args exceeding 4*1024*1024 chars.
Fixed FileCreateDir with network shares/UNC paths.
Fixed undefined behavior for File.Length/Read() with console buffers. - December 2, 2022
Fixed undefined behaviour for Switch numeric comparisons. - December 1, 2022
Added VerCompare().
Added support for breakpoint exceptions via DBGp.
Extended #Requires to support operators for range checks (< <= > >= =) and additional keywords: Unicode, ANSI, 32-bit, 64-bit.
Added CompanyName to the version information in AutoHotkey.exe, which may work around a Windows 10 bug where the program would not appear in Open With.
Changed Switch/Case to perform non-numeric comparison when the switch or case expression is a lone literal string, such as "00", and documented comparison behaviour which was previously undocumented.
Fixed some inconsistencies with integer property names via IDispatch.
Negative values always being considered non-numeric.
Positive values losing formatting, such as leading zeroes.
Fixed potential crashes when inspecting a ComObject via DBGp after using ComObjConnect.
Fixed FileAppend to treat a blank Encoding as omitted.
Fixed version comparisons to ignore numeric build info; e.g. (1 is the number of commits since
Fixed FileCreateDir X\Y\ (with trailing slash) failing to create X [broken by v1.1.35.00]. - October 30, 2022
Changed GroupActivate and GroupClose to behave more intuitively:
Evaluate windows against the window group as a whole, not individual window specifications.
When GroupClose indirectly causes another matching window to activate, leave it active even if it isn't matched by the same window specification.
Contributions by jeeswg (pull requests #186, #235, #240, #249, #273, #274):
Backported operators !==, >>> and >>>= from v2.
Backported A_InitialWorkingDir from v2.
Backported File.Handle from v2.
Backported A_Clipboard from v2.
Backported IsSet() from v2.
Fixed a spelling error in the #Warn Unreachable message.
Fixed FileCreateDir handling of paths containing ".." or "/".
Fixed some issues with FileSelectFile's RootDir\Filename parameter:
Filename not being used when RootDir is a badly formatted CLSID.
Undefined behaviour for long paths when GetShortPathName fails (such as when long path awareness is disabled or there's a default filename which isn't an existing file).
Fixed FileSetTime to set A_LastError if it finds no files.
Fixed EnvAdd/+= losing precision when adding 115,292,150,461+ seconds.
Fixed the keyboard hook reinserting a suppressed dead key when Enter is pressed, such as in the sequence `o{Enter} when the following is true:
(省略されました) - August 23, 2022
Fixed callback functions not being included in the debugger's call stack.
Fixed MsgBox timeout reported as "OK" if shown within 100ms of startup.
Fixed Edit control to ignore +WantTab while +ReadOnly is in effect.
Fixed property_get returning a local var when -d should prevent it.
Fixed RegRead to support REG_MULTI_SZ values containing empty items.
Fixed x[,y]:=z invoking undefined behaviour.
Works in console windows.
When Title is an expression, unescaped commas contained within the expression no longer interfere with smart comma handling.
If there are exactly two args and the first is empty or an integer, multi-arg mode is used. The former behaviour was to combine both into a single arg (Text).
Timeout can be a literal number or a single deref (and optionally part of a number; for example, %Timeout%.500). Contrary to the documentation, the former behaviour interpreted most other cases beginning with % as expressions (containing a double-deref).
Changed: If x[1,2]:=3 creates an object for x[1], it's base is no longer automatically set to x.base. See the documentation for a method of controlling this behaviour.
Fixed: If(expr) and While(expr) with no delimiting space or comma.
Added: An address retrieved via &object may be cast back into an object reference by using Object(address).
Menu, Icon, MenuItemName, Filename.png,, 0
Updated from v1.0.48.00 to v1.0.48.02.
Changed (Source): Renamed AutoHotkey.sln to AutoHotkey_L.sln to allow VS window to be identified more easily.
Fixed: GuiControl, Enable/Disable now only resets focus if the focused control was disabled.
Optimized If var [not] in/contains MatchList, especially for long lists containing shorter fields.
(省略されました) - June 5, 2022
Fixed double backspacing of supplementary Unicode characters in hotstrings.
Fixed a:: not firing if a up:: and a & b:: are present.
Fixed MinSize/MaxSize being applied incorrectly before the first call to Gui Show.
Fixed the hook thread getting stuck in an infinite loop if an InputHook has been restarted too soon after being stopped.
Fixed crashes or undefined behaviour when a blank parameter is passed to FileCopy, FileMove, FileCopyDir, FileMoveDir or FileRemoveDir.
Fixed dead keys erroneously being reapplied by the keyboard hook after the final character of a hotstring is suppressed (e.g. for :?*:嘆::坦). - May 13, 2022
Fixed bugs introduced by v1.1.34.00:
Fixed command line args for embedded script #1.
Fixed Alt::, Ctrl:: and Shift:: behaving like normal keys, instead of firing on release as documented.
Fixed ~a & b:: (when disabled with #If) causing a:: to fire on key-up even after activating some other combo.
Fixed key-up hotkeys failing to execute if they are turned on after (but not before) the key is pressed down, and that key is also used as a custom prefix key with the tilde prefix (e.g. activating ~a & b:: interferes with a up::). - May 7, 2022
Fixed bugs introduced by v1.1.34.00:
a up:: firing on press rather than release if it is the first hotkey and ~a & b:: is present.
a:: not suppressing the key if ~a & b:: is also present, unless a:: is the first hotkey.
CapsLock:: not working when CapsLock & x:: is also present, and likewise for NumLock and ScrollLock.