

タイトル Clean
バージョン ver 3.1_32
更新日 2022/01/06
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 純粋遅延関数型言語。







Download CleanFrom CleanJump to:navigation, searchClean is available for #Windows (32 and 64 bit), #Linux (32 and 64 bit (amd64 and ARM)) and #Mac OS X (64 bit only).
The latest stable release is Clean 3.1. The use of development releases is required for iTasks.
Clean 3.1 License
Clean 3.1 (Stable)
Clean 3.1 with IDE and libraries (Intel, 32bit) - Clean_3.1_32.7z
Clean 3.1 with IDE and libraries (Intel, 64bit) - Clean_3.1_64.7z
Clean 3.1 with libraries (Intel, 32bit)
Clean 3.1 with libraries (Intel, 64bit)
Clean 3.1 with libraries (ARM, 64bit)
Clean 3.1 with libraries (Intel, 64bit) - Clean3.1Sources.7z
Download CleanFrom CleanJump to:navigation, searchClean is available for #Windows (32 and 64 bit), #Linux (32 and 64 bit) and #Mac OS X (64 bit only).
The latest stable release is Clean 3.0. The use of development releases is required for iTasks.
Using clean on Linux and MacOS is a bit different than on Windows (*NIX Instructions).
Clean 3.0 License
Clean is available under the Simplified BSD License.
Clean and iTasks (Development)
All nightly builds are available from:
At this moment the following packages are available:
clean-bundle-itasks-*: The most recent packaging of clean with everything that's needed to build iTasks applications included. These packages are only built for linux-x64, windows-x86 and macos-x64.
clean-classic-*: A 'classic' clean distribution similar to the 2.4 release and older. This package is built for linux (x86 and x64), windows (x86 and x64) and macos (x64).
Beside the bundles, we are also packaging individual components (libraries and/or tools).
If you want to get started with clean and iTasks quickly you can just download one of the following packages:
Windows (64 bit)
Windows (32 bit)
Linux (64 bit)
Mac OS X (64 bit)
Download Clean
From Clean
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Clean is available for #Windows (32 and 64 bit), #Linux (32 and 64 bit) and #Mac OS X (64 bit only).
The latest stable release is Clean 2.4.
Clean 2.4 License
Clean is available under a dual license. Users can choose which of these two
licenses they wish to operate under:
The Simplified BSD License applies to the libraries, runtime system and examples, the LGPL to the rest.
A commercial license.
For details see the Clean License Conditions
Latest stable release
Clean 2.4 with IDE and libraries (Intel, 32bit) - Clean_2.4.7z
Clean 2.4 with IDE and libraries (Intel, 64bit) - Clean_2.4_64.7z
Latest stable release
Clean 2.2
The Clean 2.2 system is available for Windows, MacOS X, Linux and Solaris. Now also available for 64 bit Windows and Linux.
Sparkle is a proof tool specially constructed for Clean. The tool knows the Clean syntax and semantics. It comes with a rich set of proof
tactics and a powerful hint mechanism to aid the user in proving properties of Clean programs. Sparkle homepage
The Clean type system combines the best of two worlds: static typing in the best functional tradition, and dynamic typing. Static types can
be converted to dynamic types and vice versa in a type safe way. With dynamics you can exchange code and data in a flexible and type-safe way between Clean applications.  
Marco Kesseler maintains a
wish list for Clean. Please feel free to discuss these and your wishes. 
Japanese locale
Lethevert has made a localized
Japanese version of the Clean system.We include the link with his kind permission.
Clean is a spin-off of the research performed by the Software Technology department. Read all about our current research projects
showing you what the future of Clean will be.Many new ideas both on the theoretical and practical level are explained in the scientific papers written by members of our group. 
Peter Divi疣szky, E?tv?s Lor疣d University, Haskell-Clean compiler
Last Update: 18 December 2006 
Clean 2.1.1
The Clean 2.1.1 system is available for Windows, MacOS X, Linux and Solaris. Bug fixes and new features:
Libraries for Windows: GAST, GECs, Hilde, Parser
Foreign exports
Improved redirected standard input/output
Let in comprehensions
Code generator optimisations
Download Clean
Download the latest Clean System.
Clean can be used free of charge under the LGPL license conditions. We have also a commercial license (see license conditions). The main platforms we support are Windows and Macintosh. We also have a version for Linux (PC) and
We do our best to make Clean as good as possible.Help us to further improve the system and provide us with feedback ( 
Clean and Haskell
There are a couple of projects that combine Clean with
Matthew Naylor, University of York,  Hacle project. Compiles Haskell to Clean
Peter Divi疣szky, Ev Lor疣d University, Haskell-Clean compiler
Last Update: 31 May 2005 