

タイトル Stay
バージョン ver 1.4
更新日 2021/06/23
追加日 2016/05/01
種別 シェアウェア(15ドル)
説明 ウィンドウサイズを保存し復旧することができるユーティリティ。







Stay 1.4 released
June 22, 2021
Version 1.4 of Stay is now available and can be downloaded here.
For App Store customers, Stay 1.4 is also available in the Mac App Store here.
Native support for Apple Silicon Macs.
Compatibility fixes for macOS 11 Big Sur.
Bug Fixes:
Compatibility fixes for Tweetbot, Stickies, and Skim.
General Changes:
Rewrite of Stay’s internals to better support development of new features.
Stay 1.4 requires a minimum of macOS 10.15.7. Stay 1.3 remains available for users running earlier versions of macOS and can be downloaded here.
Stay 1.4b3 released
April 23, 2021
Version 1.4b3 of Stay is now available. Thanks to everyone who tried out 1.4b2 and provided bug reports.
As this is a beta release, we highly recommend creating a backup of your Stored Windows prior to installing it. You can back up your Stored Windows by making a copy of the folder at:
~/Library/Application Support/Stay/
Stay 1.4b3 can be downloaded here. Stay 1.4 requires a minimum of macOS 10.15.7.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue that prevented stored windows from being saved to disk in some cases.
Fixed an issue that caused the wrong application’s windows to be stored when using a hot key to store windows for the active application.
Fixed an issue that caused the wrong window to be stored when using a hot key to store the active window.
As always, if you run into any problems with the beta version, please let us know either via email at or on Twitter at @cordlessdog.
Support for macOS 11 Big Sur and Apple Silicon
April 6, 2021
As this is a beta release, we highly recommend creating a backup of your Stored Windows prior to installing it. You can back up your Stored Windows by making a copy of the folder at:
~/Library/Application Support/Stay/
The current beta release (version 1.4b2) of Stay can be downloaded here. Stay 1.4 requires a minimum of macOS 10.15.7.
Native support for Apple Silicon Macs.
Compatibility fixes for macOS 11 Big Sur.
Stay 1.3 released
April 30, 2020
Version 1.3 of Stay is now available and can be downloaded here.
For App Store customers, Stay 1.3 is also available in the Mac App Store here.
General Changes:
Compatibility fixes for macOS 10.15 Mojave.
Improved reliability when restoring windows after wake from sleep.
Improved reliability when running “Store Active Window”.
Improved reliability of window identification when restoring windows:
Add approximate matching of window titles, favouring the closest match.
Add approximate matching of window sizes, favouring the closest match.
Improved behaviour when multiple title match patterns apply to a single window.
Stay no longer requests screen recording permissions.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that could prevent AppleScript Actions from running.
Stay 1.3 requires a minimum of macOS 10.14.6. Stay 1.2.8 remains available for users running earlier versions of macOS and can be downloaded here.
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Stay 1.2.8 released
December 12, 2018
Version 1.2.8 of Stay is now available and can be downloaded here.
For App Store customers, Stay 1.2.8 is also available in the Mac App Store here.
General Changes:
Improved compatibility with macOS 10.14 Mojave.
Support for dark mode on macOS 10.14 Mojave.
Stay can now resize and reposition the windows of Adobe CC apps.
Improved reliability when restoring windows for apps with a single window.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong display to be shown as the “main” display in the stored windows editor.
Fixed a bug causing Stay to crash if the active application had an empty name.
Fixed memory leaks.
Stay 1.2.8 requires a minimum of macOS 10.13.6. Stay 1.2.7 remains available for users running earlier versions of macOS and can be downloaded here.
AirVolume 1.0.3 released
May 28, 2018
Version 1.0.3 of AirVolume is now available and can be downloaded here.
Feature Additions:
Minor compatibility fixes for macOS 10.13 High Sierra. AirVolume 1.0.3 requires a minimum of macOS 10.13.
Stay 1.2.7 released
December 16, 2016
Version 1.2.7 of Stay is now available and can be downloaded here.
Bug Fixes:
Fixes a bug preventing the direct download version of Stay from recognising valid app store purchases.
Fixes a crash when running Stay with its menu icon hidden on macOS 10.11.
As with Stay 1.2.6, Stay 1.2.7 requires a minimum of macOS 10.11.6. Stay 1.2.5 remains available for users running earlier versions of macOS and can be downloaded here.
cordless blog
AirVolume 1.0.2 released
October 29, 2016
Version 1.0.2 of AirVolume is now available and can be downloaded here.
Feature Additions:
Minor compatibility fixes for macOS 10.12 Sierra. AirVolume 1.0.2 requires a minimum of macOS 10.11.6.
Holding the option key down while pressing the volume keys provides finer-grained volume adjustment.
The status item no longer appears disabled when “Use dark menu bar and Dock” is enabled.
Other minor bug fixes.
General Changes:
If AirVolume is running with its menu icon hidden, reopening AirVolume from the Finder will show the menu icon temporarily and display the preferences window, making it easier to enable the “Show AirVolume in the menu bar” preference.
Updated to the new Cordless Dog logo.
AirVolume 1.0.2 requires a minimum of macOS 10.11.6. AirVolume 1.0.1 remains available for users running earlier versions of macOS and can be downloaded here.
Stay 1.2.6 released
October 29, 2016
Version 1.2.6 of Stay is now available and can be downloaded here.
General Changes:
Minor compatibility fixes for macOS 10.12 Sierra.
If Stay is running with its menu icon hidden, reopening Stay from the Finder will show the menu icon temporarily and display the preferences window, making it easier to disable the “Hide menu icon” preference.