タイトル | DBeaver |
URL | https://dbeaver.io/download/ |
バージョン | ver 24.3.4 |
更新日 | 2025/02/03 |
追加日 | 2019/09/07 |
種別 | フリーソフト |
説明 | マルチプラットフォーム対応のデータベース管理ツール。 |
- SQL Editor:
- Added the ability to use multi-line variables in SQL scripts
- New autocompletion engine was improved and enabled by default:
- Autocomplete performance was significantly improved
- Fixed an issue with autocomplete failure after the dot
- Fixed autocomplete for JOIN conditions
- Fixed an issue with not executed included scripts
- Fixed alias case sensitivity in autocomplete
- Changed an icon for derived column in autocompletion proposals
- ER Diagram: added the ability to generate SQL with INNER JOIN and SIMPLE JOIN from a diagram
- Query Manager: query duration formatting was fixed
- Data Editor:
- Fixed an issue where unchange
- SQL Editor:
- Added support for SELECT INTO query smart completion
- Changed shortcuts for result set zoom: Ctrl+Aalt+0 and Ctrl+Alt+9
- Fixed the order of completion suggestions in the proposals list
- New completion engine:
- Fixed a bug with duplicating alias part during column completion
- Fixed autocomplete for join conditions when multiple joins are present
- Proposals list now contains only objects from the next hierarchy level
- Fixed autocompletion for SELECT statements with table hints for SQL Server
- Fixed the issue where the old result set tab didn't close when switching between multiple and single tab modes
- Fixed a stack overflow error that occurred when
- SQL Editor:
- New autocompletion engine was enabled by default
- New autocompletion was enhanced with support for USING, INSERT statements, nested queries, and fixes for multiple issues
- You can now use the @ai command followed by a natural language phrase to instantly execute it as a query (requires AI extension)
- Icons in SQL Editor toolbar were redesigned
- Data Editor:
- Dark theme support was improved, selection background was changed
- Row hints were redesigned: key information is now displayed, the foreign key editor can be accessed via a right-click on the icon, icon rendering was improved
- Context menu for Filters was simplified: all items are now on the same menu level
- Data Transfer: Added an o
- SQL Editor:
- Added AS before table alias in FROM clause for all relevant databases
- New autocompletion: added support for USING and some improvements for JOIN condition
- Fixed indentation behavior when adding a new line
- Added support for ${time} variable in data source variables for script templates (thanks to @pajonas)
- Data Editor:
- Cell hints were redesigned. You can configure them on the Context menu
- Added support for the composite types for Grouping panel
- Items with the too long text in query history were truncated
- Navigator: Saving filter for database objects was fixed
- Data Transfer: Added the ability to use comma as a delimiter in the Advanced Copy option (thanks to @GFreitas
Changes since 24.2.5:
- Data Editor:
- Row coloring mapping now respects the visual order of columns
- Fixed invalid thread access on editing data in multiple results in one tab mode
- Boolean icons display was fixed
- Ability to detach result tabs is now limited to tabs with data
- SQL Editor: underscore in identifiers are now supported in query validation
- Navigator:
- Multiline comment display was fixed
- Scrolling during drag-n-drop was fixed
- Data Transfer:
- Commit/rollback behavior during the data import was improved
- It's now possible to not specify quote and escape characters during the import of CSV files
- New Drivers: GBase 8s is now supported (
- New drivers: New LibSQL/Turso driver was added
- SQL Editor:
- Fixed script execution on disconnected state
- New autocompletion behavior was enhanced
- Added execution time in statistics result (thanks to @tlm365)
- Query manager: Time column now orders chronologically
- Metadata: Indexes have been returned to the unique constraint list, and the proper data type is now set when creating a new column for a new foreign key
- Data Editor:
- Fixed an issue with crash caused by too long tooltips
- Row coloring mapping was fixed
- Data Transfer: "Minimum column length" was renamed to "Default column length"
- Connectivity: "Driver properties" tab in the driver editing dialog was renamed to "Default
- SQL Editor:
- A warning is now shown instead of an error when a DROP TABLE statement contains IF EXISTS and the table does not exist
- Fixed script execution on disconnected state
- New autocomplete engine now expands the * symbol in SELECT statements when using "Ctrl + Space"
- New autocomplete no longer suggests query-start keywords in the middle of queries
- Metadata requests are no longer sent while typing a query when "Auto-activate on typing" is enabled
- Data Editor: exception on disconnection was fixed
- Navigator:
- Added the ability to refresh the database connection
- Filters were fixed
- Data Transfer: Added the ability to export JSON values as embedded JSON
- Connectivity:
- SQL Editor:
- "Show values setting" in the autocompletion section is disabled by default due to performance issues
- Added highlighting and validation of synonyms
- Semantic error style was changed
- Fixed issues with highlighting that occurred when saving the script
- Metadata: Fixed and exception that appeared on right click on table properties
- Connectivity:
- Fixed an issue where script execution would not stop when disconnected
- Added an ability to export driver files from the "Edit driver" dialog
- Fixed user name display in SSH profile
- Miscellaneous:
- Added additional Java configuration file independent of the product version update
- Added the ability t
- SQL Editor:
- 'Cmd+Enter' shortcut was added in addition to 'Ctrl+Enter' on macOS due to the conflict with new system hot keys in Sequoia
- Fixed an error in multiple tab mode execution when the new execution results replaced old ones
- The amount of problems being displayed per script query was limited
- Complicated table qualifiers (database.catalog.schema.user) are now supported
- Fixed incorrect highlighting after the database disconnect
- Query execution time is now displayed in seconds/minutes
- Added an ability to select the text between brackets using 'Ctrl+Shift+]' hot key
- Background Tasks view now shows progress of autocompletion engine
- Data Editor:
- Presentation and editing o
- SQL Editor:
- Smart syntax highlighting was significantly improved
- Pseudo columns highlighting was improved
- Table aliases were fixed in smart completion
- Issue with pinned tabs was resolved
- Syntax highlighting fixed for single quoted strings (thanks to @tlm365)
- SQL console save was redesigned (it now asks for confirmation)
- Data editor:
- Commit/rollback buttons now enabled only when transactions are applicable
- Column description rendering was improved for dark theme
- Database navigator: horizontal scrolling was fixed, now action icons are always visible
- Object editor: bottom toolbar layout was unified for all tabs
- Data transfer:
- CSV p
Changes since 24.1.5:
- SQL Editor:
- Fixed highlighting of block $$ for functions and procedures when the semantic analysis option is enabled
- Warning and errors handling and presentation was improved
- Subquery semantic analysis was enhanced
- Improved CREATE and DROP queries handling
- Autocompletion for fully qualified names was fixed
- Duplication of proposals with new completion engine enabled was fixed
- Incorrect suggestions with new completion engine enabled were fixed
- AI Assistant:
- Added new model 'gpt-4o-mini'
- Removed deprecated model 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16K'
- Fixed query generation when enabled formatting
- Data Editor: