パスワード管理アプリKeePass 2.52がリリース

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人気のパスワード管理アプリ「KeePass」の最新版「KeePass 2.52」が9月9日(現地時間)に公開されました。

KeePass 2.52は最新の安定版で、2.xを使用しているユーザーは、2.52にアップグレードすることが推奨されています。最新版では、主にユーザーインターフェイスと統合の強化、その他様々なマイナーな新機能と改良が施されています。



  • Added 'Copy Initial Password' command in the
    tools menu of
    the entry dialog; it copies (to the clipboard) the password
    that was current when the dialog was opened.
  • When multiple entries are selected (containing at least one
    attachment), the number of
    attachments is now displayed in
    the 'Attachments' submenu of the entry menu.
  • Added option 'Alt. item background color' (supporting the
    states 'Off', 'On, default color' and 'On, custom color');
    this combines the previous two options 'Use alternating item
    background colors' and 'Custom alt. item color'.
  • Comment placeholders
    ({C:...}) may now contain balanced
  • In the auto-type
    entry selection dialog, values in the
    'Sequence - Comments' column are dereferenced now.
  • The time when the password of an entry was last changed is
    now displayed in the entry dialog on the
    'History' tab page.
  • The {FIREFOX}
    placeholder and the 'URL(s)' menu ('Open with
    ...' commands) now support detecting the Microsoft Store
    version of Firefox (in addition to the regular versions).
  • Added support for importing 1Password 8.7 1PUX files.
  • Added support for importing Key Folder 1.22 XML files.
  • Sticky Password XML import: added support for importing
    groups and expiry dates.
  • Steganos Password Manager CSV import: added support for the
    new encoding of double quotes.
  • Bitwarden JSON import: time-based
    one-time password generator
    settings are converted automatically now.
  • KeePass now checks the 'KeePass.exe.config' file and shows a
    warning message when finding a problem.
  • For development builds: added command for showing GC
  • Plugins can now load the header of a database file more
  • Plugins can now subscribe to a master key change event.
  • TrlUtil: added workaround for .NET tab control focus bug.


タイトル KeePass Password Safe Professional Edition
公式サイト http://keepass.info/
ソフトアンテナ https://softantenna.com/softwares/4085-keepass-password-safe-professional-edition
説明 オープンソースのパスワード管理ソフト。プロフェッショナルエディション。
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