Atlas - Windows 10をゲーマー向けに改変しパフォーマンスやレイテンシーを最適化

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Atlas OS Windows Showcase  Installation GUIDE  Windows  BUT Optimized for Gaming 10 27 screenshot




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▲ Atlas v0.5.2とWindows 10 21H1の比較画像も掲載されています。






  1. Download Rufus and open the application.
  2. Select your device (USB Stick) using the list box at the top.
  3. Import your desired .ISO file (
  4. Select your partition scheme (Most commonly GPT) & Target system to UEFI (non-CSM). If you don't know if your system is GPT, follow this guide. If you want to convert your drive to GPT, follow this guide. You may be on a BIOS/MBR system, if so select MBR & BIOS in Rufus.
  5. You may change the name of the USB Stick using the “Volume Label” option.
  6. Keep the default file system and cluster size, they won’t make a difference.
  7. Select START and then wait for it to extract the .ISO onto your USB Stick, this will clear all files.
  8. When it's finished, press WINDOWS KEY + R and then type “shutdown.exe -r -o -f -t 00” and it should boot you to your boot menu.
  9. Select your USB device, and it will boot you onto the Windows installation page.
  10. Find the drive which has the correct size as your main disk with Windows on, in most cases, it will be DISK 0. Select each partition of that drive (Example: Drive 0 Partition 0/1/2) and press “DELETE”. NOTE: Deleting a drive means you lose all files on that drive.
  11. When you've deleted all the partitions under your main drive, you will see “UNALLOCATED SPACE”, select this and press APPLY. This will then create a new disk with the full amount of space on your drive, then proceed by clicking next to install Atlas' files.
  12. Follow the installation steps, and you have a fresh installation of Atlas OS on your device.


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