Firefox 125がリリース - 暗号化メディア拡張機能(EME)でAV1コーデックをサポート

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Mozillaは4月16日(現地時間)、デスクトップ版Firefoxブラウザの最新版「Firefox 125」をリリースしました(英語版リリースノート)。

Firefox 125では、暗号化メディア拡張機能(EME)でAV1コーデックをサポートし、動画ストリーミングプロバイダからの高品質な再生が可能となりました。Firefox PDFビューアのテキストハイライトへの対応や、Firefox Viewへのピン留めされたタブを表示する機能の追加などが行われています。

EMEでAV1をサポートしたことで、NetflixやAmazon Prime Video等の著作権で保護された動画ストリーミングサービスの画質が向上することが期待されます


  • Firefox now supports the AV1 codec for Encrypted Media Extensions (EME), enabling higher-quality playback from video streaming providers.
  • The Firefox PDF viewer now supports text highlighting.
    RN image highlight
  • Firefox View now displays pinned tabs in the Open tabs section. Tab indicators have also been added to Open tabs, so users can do things like see which tabs are playing media and quickly mute or unmute across windows. Indicators were also added for bookmarks, tabs with notifications, and more!
    125 fxview pinned tabs
  • Firefox now prompts users in the US and Canada to save their addresses upon submitting an address form, allowing Firefox to autofill stored address information in the future.
  • Firefox now more proactively blocks downloads from URLs that are considered to be potentially untrustworthy.
  • The URL Paste Suggestion feature provides a convenient way for users to quickly visit URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL and the URL bar is focused, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click.
  • Users of tab-specific Container add-ons can now search in the Address Bar for tabs that are open in different containers. Special thanks to volunteer contributor atararx for kicking off the work on this feature!
  • Firefox now provides an option to enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) while configured to use system proxy settings.


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    説明 MozillaプロジェクトによるWebブラウザ。
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