Microsoft、Windows 11 22H2のプリンターバグを修正し、アップグレードブロックが解除

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Microsoftは11月18日(現地時間)、Windows 11 22H2で報告されていたプリンター関連の不具合を修正し、安全のために設定されていた21H2からのアップグレードブロックを解除した事を発表しました。

この問題は、Microsoft IPP Class DriverまたはUniversal Print Class Driverを使用してインストールされたプリンターが、プリンターとの接続に問題のあるWindowsデバイスにインストールされた場合、問題が発生することがあるというものです。



  • November 10, 2022: Any printer still affected by this issue should now get resolved automatically during upgrade to Windows 11, version 22H2.
  • October 21, 2022: A troubleshooter has been released which will automatically download and resolve this issue on affected devices running Windows 11, version 22H2. Once the issue with the installed printer is resolved, the safeguard should be removed and you should be able to upgrade to Windows 11, version 22H2. Please note, if there are no other safeguards that affect your device, it can take up to 48 hours before the upgrade to Windows 11 is offered. Restarting your device and checking for updates might help the troubleshooter apply sooner. For more information, see keeping your device running smoothly with recommended troubleshooting.
  • October 7, 2022: This safeguard hold has been updated to only safeguard Windows devices with printers using Microsoft IPP Class Driver or Universal Print Class Driver which currently only allow default settings. Please note, if there are no other safeguards that affect your device, it can take up to 48 hours before the upgrade to Windows 11 is offered. Restarting your device and checking for updates might help it to offer sooner.


[via Neowin]

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