Windows 11のファイルエクスプローラーはデザインが刷新された反面、ファイルの読み込みが遅く、検索結果を表示するのにも時間がかかるというパフォーマンスに関する問題が報告されています。
実際、Windows 11のBetaチャンネルビルドや、Devチャンネルビルドではファイルエクスプローラーに関する修正が多数行われている事が判明しています。
- We made some more improvements to help with the performance of loading Home. Also fixed a memory leak related to Home that would grow each time Home was refreshed or accessed.
- Fixed an issue where rapidly opening two File Explorer windows might make explorer.exe crash.
- Made a few more fixes to help improve File Explorer launch performance, including fixing a leak which would impact performance over time.
- Fixed an issue which could make explorer.exe crash when navigating away from Home.
- Fixed an issue where trying to open Gallery after new images had been added might result in a crash.
- Fixed an issue where the progress wheel in the tab would get stuck showing that File Explorer was loading a folder when the loading had actually already finished.