GNU nano 8.0がリリース。モダンバインディングオプションが導入される

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GNUが開発するテキストエディタ「GNU nano 8.0」が5月1日にリリースされました(Phoronix)。

nano 8.0ではモダンバインディングオプション(--modernbindings)が導入され、「^Q quit、^X cut、^C copy、^V paste、^Z undo、^Y redo」のような現代的なプログラムで採用されているキーバインドが利用できるようになっています。


Use key bindings similar to the ones that most modern programs use: ^X cuts, ^C copies, ^V pastes, ^Z undoes, ^Y redoes, ^F searches forward, ^G searches next, ^S saves, ^O opens a file, ^Q quits, and (when the terminal permits) ^H shows help. Furthermore, ^A sets the mark, ^R makes replacements, ^D searches previous, ^P shows the position, ^T goes to a line, ^W writes out a file, and ^E executes a command. Note that this overrides option -p (--preserve).



• By default ^F is bound to starting a forward search, and ^B to
starting a backward search, while M-F and M-B repeat the search
in the corresponding direction. (See the documentation if you
want the old bindings back.)
• Command-line option --modernbindings (-/) makes ^Q quit, ^X cut,
^C copy, ^V paste, ^Z undo, ^Y redo, ^O open a file, ^W write a
file, ^R replace, ^G find again, ^D find again backwards, ^A set
the mark, ^T jump to a line, ^P show the position, and ^E execute.
• Above modern bindings are activated also when the name of nano's
executable (or a symlink to it) starts with the letter "e".
• To open a file at a certain line number, one can now use also
`nano filename:number`, besides `nano +number filename`.
and put the cursor on the first and last
row in the viewport, while retaining the horizontal position.
• When the three digits in an #RGB color code are all the same,
the code is mapped to the xterm grey scale, giving access to
fourteen levels of grey instead of just four.
• For easier access, M-" is bound to placing/removing an anchor,
and M-' to jumping to the next anchor.
• Whenever an error occurs, the keystroke buffer is cleared, thus
stopping the execution of a macro or a string bind.
• The mousewheel scrolls the viewport instead of moving the cursor


タイトル GNU nano
説明 GNUが開発するミニマルなテキストエディタ。
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