PowerToys 0.53.1がリリース - ウィンドウを最前面に固定する機能が追加

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Microsoftは12月7日(日本時間)、Windows 10/11用の生産性向上ツール「PowerToys」の最新安定版v0.53.1をリリースしました(GitHubNeowin)。

最新版では、ファイルエクスプローラーのプレビューペインとサムネイルでのGコードのサポート、PowerToys Runの新しいウェブ検索プラグイン、新しいAlways on Top(最前面に表示)ユーティリティ(Win+Ctrl+T)などの新機能が追加されています。

S 20220107 205936

▲Always on Topはデフォルト有効で、Win+Ctrl+Tを押すとアクティブなウィンドウが最前面に固定されて表示されます。最前面に固定されたウィンドウには青い色のボーダーが表示されるため、他のウィンドウと簡単に区別することができます。ショートカットキーやボーダーの色は設定画面で変更可能です。


Things to be aware of

  • The new installer currently has a visual quirk when upgrade if you have a custom install path. It will show the default install path but it will actually overwrite the current location. We are investigating how to fix this.

Always on Top

  • Welcome to the family! With a quick Win+Ctrl+T, the window in focus is toggled to be on top. Toggle again, and it reverts back to normal.


  • HEX input improvements for adjust color menu including support for hex code without hashtag and short hex code like #CF0. Thanks @htcfreek!
  • Better bottom right screen detection for overlay


  • Increased negative space margin
  • Fix for not snapping child windows
  • Fix for clearing keyboard focus on editor launch
  • Fix to improve overlays to reduce brightness and hide numbers. Thanks @davidegiacometti

File Explorer

  • Added G-code support for thumbnails and preview pane. Thanks @pedrolamas

Image Resizer


  • Row highlighting + preview support now implemented. Thanks @niels9001
  • Fixed AltGR input issue
  • Improved folder renaming support
  • Opens on active monitor

PowerToys Run

  • Web searching has been added! ?? What is the answer to life will go to your favorite search engine via your browser. You can change the default action key too! Thanks @cyberrex5 for primary implementation and @franky920920 and @htcfreek for supporting
  • VS Code workspace improvements. Thanks @ricardosantos9521
  • Binary and Hex number support. Thanks @gsuberland
  • Ability to use factorials in calculations
  • PT Run will not show in Window Walker results anymore. Thanks @davidegiacometti
  • Fix log / ln calculations
  • Fix to make previous results clear
  • Fix to detect symlinks and prevent recursive loops
  • Fix for trackpad scrolling being too fast
  • Removed unneeded nuget package. Thanks @ChaseKnowlden
  • Better detection for if a packaged app can be elevated
  • Improve crash resiliency for Program plugin. Thanks @davidegiacometti
  • Improved Windows setting results. Thanks @htcfreek
  • Fixed a bug where some similar activation phrases aren't working as expected. Thanks @htcfreek and @cyberrex5.

Video conference mute

  • Disabled by default as this requires elevation to register the virtual camera.
  • Changed (default) hotkey for mute camera & microphone from Win+N to Win+Shift+Q to not conflict with a Windows 11 keyboard shortcut


  • Multiple accessibility, layout, image, string and icons fixes. Thanks @niels9001


  • Improved mutex support to prevent multiple PT Run instances from running



  • NOTE: The new installer currently has a visual quirk when upgrade if you have a custom install path. It will show the default install path but it will actually overwrite the current location. We are investigating how to fix this.
  • Large progress toward user based installing vs machine wide. Upgrade scenario still needs additional work.
  • Removed custom bootstrapper and now are using a WiX bundle.
  • Removed unused image assets that were still being shipped. Thanks @niels9001

ARM64 support

  • Setting WinUI3 proof-of-concept and validate we do need at least one more feature, elevation support from WinUI 3 unpackaged applications.

Dev improvements

  • New YAML based pipeline for building our signed installer. This will allow us to consolidate our CI to use same file. This was critical for us to unblock ARM64 and .NET 6 migration.
  • Our submodules will no longer auto fetch to prevent locking issues. If you want a refresher on how to do this, head to our dev docs
  • Localization system shifted to Touchdown from CDPx. This should remove many of the loc issues.
  • Consolidated a lot of the naming of EXEs and DLLs along with projects
  • Update to spell checker. Thanks @jsoref
  • /dup response has been added
  • /reportbug /bugreport will ask for a "report bug" zip

最新版はMicrosoft Storeや、GitHubからダウンロードできるインストーラーを利用してインストール可能です。

タイトル PowerToys
公式サイト https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys
ソフトアンテナ https://softantenna.com/softwares/7650-power-toys
説明 Microsoftによるパワフルな生産性向上ユーティリティ集。
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