SetVol - Windows 10のボリュームを変更できるコマンドラインユーティリティ

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通常Windows 10環境ではタスクトレイに表示されたボリュームアイコンや、キーボードのボリュームキーを利用して簡単にシステムの音量を調整することができます。


SetVolはWindows用のフリーソフトで CC 4.0ライセンスに従い無料で使用することができます。







setvol 80


setvol +10
setvol -10


setvol mute
setvol unmute


setvol 70 50:100


S 20200229 104823




SetVol v2.2 Help

 ?                 help

 n                 set the master volume to n where n = 0 to 100

 +n                increase the master volume level by n where n = 1 to 100; maximum result = 100
 -n                decrease the master volume level by n where n = 1 to 100; minimum result = 0

 x                 set the master volume level to x where x = "zero" to "one hundred" (without the quotes)

 align             make all channel volume levels equal the master volume level
                   most devices will have at least two channel levels
                   with the first channel representing the left speaker and the second channel representing the right speaker

 balance c1:c2:cz  set the audio/recording device's channel levels
                   cl is the desired volume level of the first channel where c1 = 0 to 100
                   c2 is the desired volume level of the second channel where c2 = 0 to 100
                   cz is the desired volume level of the last channel where cz = 0 to 100
                   values may be included for as many channels as the device supports
                   for example:
                       50 balance 100:100
                        set the first and second channel (usually the left and right speakers) volume levels to 50
                       100 balance 50:50
                        also set the first and second channel volume levels to 50
                       100 balance 80:100:70:100:90:85:50:100
                        set the eight  channel volume levels to the values specified
                       50 balance 80:40
                        set the first channel volume level to 40 (50 x 80%) and the second channel volume level 20 (50 x 40%)
                    when the balance option is used the greatest of the channel volume levels becomes the new master volume level
                    in the examples above the master volume level was specified
                    if the master volume level is not specified the current master volume level value will be used
                    and the master and channel volume levels be updated as in the last example above

 beep              beep after setting volume level(s)

 mute              turn mute on
 unmute            turn mute off

 nodefault         a pop-up error message will be displayed if a device name is not specified and the default sound output device is not set
                   the use of this flag suppresses that message

 report            reports the master and all channel volume levels for a device
                   the master volume level is reported on the screen and via the %ERRORLEVEL% return code for batch files
                   if a volume level is changed, the changed volume level is reported
                   if the device is muted, the %ERRORLEVEL% return code will be a negative number

 device            audio/recording device name
                   the device parameter is optional, if not used the volume levels will be changed on your default audio device
                   if used it must be the last parameter on the command line
                   if used with a valid audio device name, the volume levels for that audio device will be changed
                   if used without a valid audio device name, your system's audio and recording devices will be listed

 website           visit the SetVol website

 setvol 75
 setvol +10
 setvol seventy-five
 setvol 50 balance 80:100
 setvol mute
 setvol device
 setvol 32 report
 setvol 75 device Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 setvol website



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