Microsoftは6月26日(現地時間)、Windows 10 Version 1803(April 2018 Update)用の累積アップデートKB4284848を公開しました(MSPoweruser)。
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KB4284848 (OS Build 17134.137)
Version 1803用の累積アップデートKB4284848では、ビデオ設定のHDRストリーミング調整スライダが機能しなくなる問題の修正や、特定のライブテレビストリーミングコンテンツプロバイダで発生する互換性の問題の修正、Media Centerで以前生成されたメディアコンテンツが、Windows 10 April 2018 Updateインストールした後に再生されない問題などが修正されています。
- Addresses an issue that causes the Video Settings HDR streaming calibration slider to stop working. This is caused by a conflict with the panel brightness intensity settings configured by certain OEMs.
- Addresses streaming compatibility issues with certain live TV streaming content providers.
- Addresses an issue where media content previously generated by Media Center doesn't play after installing the Windows 10 April 2018 update.
- Addresses an issue in which SmartHeap didn't work with UCRT.
- Addresses performance regression in App-V, which slows many actions in Windows 10.
- Addresses an issue that causes Appmonitor to stop working at logoff if the Settingstoragepath is set incorrectly.
- Addresses an issue that causes Appmonitor to stop working at logoff, and user settings are not saved.
- Addresses an issue where client applications running in a container image don't conform to the dynamic port range.
- Addresses an issue where the DNS server might stop working when using DNS Query Resolution Policies with a "Not Equal" (NE) condition.
- Addresses an issue with T1 and T2 custom values after configuring DHCP failover.
- Addresses an issue that causes the latest versions of Google Chrome (67.0.3396.79+) to stop working on some devices.
- Addresses issues with the Remote Desktop client in which pop-up windows and drop-down menus don't appear and right-clicking doesn't work properly. These issues occur when using remote applications.
- Addresses an issue that causes a connection failure when a Remote Desktop connection doesn’t read the bypass list for a proxy that has multiple entries.
- Addresses an issue that may cause Microsoft Edge to stop working when it initializes the download of a font from a malformed (not RFC compliant) URL.
- Addresses an issue where some users may receive an error when accessing files or running programs from a shared folder using the SMBv1 protocol. The error is "An invalid argument was supplied".
- Addresses an issue that causes Task Scheduler tasks configured with an S4U logon to fail with the error "ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION/STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT".
Addresses a performance issue with Windows Mixed Reality on some laptops with hybrid graphics adapters, such as Surface Book 2.