Microsoftは本日、Windows 10 20H1のプレビュービルド「Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.173(KB4552455)」をリリースしました(Windows Blog)。
公開された累積アップデートには新機能は追加されていません。Build 19041.172で修正された内容に加え、特定の古いアプリが開かない問題の修正や、特定のUSBマスストレージデバイスが動作しなくなる問題の修正、Your Phoneアプリで特定のデバイスのミュートボタンが動作しなくなる問題の修正などが行われています。
- We fixed an issue that prevents older versions of certain apps from opening by directing users to install the latest version of these apps.
- We have fixed an issue that fails to allocate resources during device initialization, which causes certain USB mass storage devices to stop working.
- We have fixed an issue that prevents the mute button from working on certain devices with the Your Phone app.
- We have fixed an issue that causes a fault in the input-output memory management unit (IOMMU) and a DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION (e6) error. This issue occurs after resuming from hibernate on systems that have Kernel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Protection and Dynamic Root of Trust Measurement (DRTM) enabled.
- We have updated the Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) to increase the coverage for automatic cellular provisioning on devices with mobile broadband.