

タイトル Battery
バージョン ver 1.2.2
更新日 2024/06/29
追加日 2023/10/29
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(MIT)
説明 Appleシリコン搭載MacBookの充電量を制限することができるツール。







v1.2.2 Bugfixes and new features (for CLI)

Thanks so much to everyone who committed their time and effort to add features to this release!

If you run into any issues, please open an issue and tag the user that created the feature that you are having issues with.

What's Changed

  • Disable MagSafe LED when disabling power adapter by @thdrmrphy in #244
  • Fix for #104: added integer check for charge command argument by @lodewijkvankeizerswaard in #233
  • Update by @ryanburnett in #274
  • README installation clarification for homebrew users expecting brew install to finish CLI installation by @johnmcdowell in #272
  • Reorder paths. by @gotgenes in #248
Version v1.2.1 - bugfix release

This release fixes some bugs to do with app logic and the homebrew path.

Thanks to all new (and existing) contributors. I'd like to emphasise that I'm very grateful that so many of you open pull requests when you see an improvement to be made, and are a pleasure to interact with online.

Thanks also to those of you that respond to issues opened by fellow users. Given that this is a side project I don't keep a very close eye on issues, and your efforts make new users encountering issues feel welcome and supported.

Aside from the awesome contributors below, a shoutout to @double-thinker for the pre-work on native limiting. If anyone has the time to work on something similar to #163 please feel very welcome to work on it.

What's Changed

  • Add a
Version v1.2.0 - magsafe turns green when maintain level was reached

This release brings the GUI up to date with the CLI update that makes the magsafe led turn green when the battery limit is reached.

Thanks to everyone in #71, notably: @jakjakob, @omniwired, and @ibrado.

Please test this and let me know if it performs as expected, I'm on battery power while traveling.

Full Changelog: v1.1.6...v1.2.0