

タイトル lnav
URL https://lnav.org/
バージョン ver 0.12.4
更新日 2025/02/13
追加日 2024/11/21
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(その他)
説明 ログファイルを効率的に監視・ナビゲートすることができるユーティリティ。


lnav(The Logfile Navigator)はターミナルから利用できるログファイルビューアー。


  • 必要に応じた解凍
  • ログフォーマットを検出
  • ログファイルを時間ごとにマージして1つのビューに統合
  • ファイルのtail、リネームの追跡、ディレクトリ内の新規ファイルの検索
  • エラーと警告のインデックスを作成する
  • JSON行のプリティプリント





lnav v0.12.4


  • Log message timestamps are now represented with microsecond
    precision internally instead of just millisecond.
  • The log_time and log_level fields can now be hidden.
  • The "Op ID:" overlay that is added when the log_opid field is
    manually set on a message can now be hidden by hiding the
    log_opid field.
  • Pasting a command snippet when the input focus is on the main
    view will now execute it.
    For this to work: the terminal must support "bracketed-paste"
    mode, which most do;
    and, the pasted content must also start with one of the sigils
    for the desired operation (i.e. : for lnav commands, ; for SQL
    queries, / for searches, and | for scripts).
  • Ad
v0.12.4-rc1 Pre-release

lnav v0.12.4


  • Log message timestamps are now represented with microsecond
    precision internally instead of just millisecond.
  • The log_time and log_level fields can now be hidden.
  • The "Op ID:" overlay that is added when the log_opid field is
    manually set on a message can now be hidden by hiding the
    log_opid field.
  • Pasting a command snippet when the input focus is on the main
    view will now execute it.
    For this to work: the terminal must support "bracketed-paste"
    mode, which most do;
    and, the pasted content must also start with one of the sigils
    for the desired operation (i.e. : for lnav com
v0.12.4-beta2 Pre-release

lnav v0.12.4


  • Log message timestamps are now represented with microsecond
    precision internally instead of just millisecond.
  • The log_time and log_level fields can now be hidden.
  • Added a report-access-log script that generates a report that
    is similar to the output of the goaccess
  • Added a find-msg script that can be used to find the
    next/previous message with a field that matches the value of the
    field in the focused message.
  • Added a find-chained-msg script that can be used to find the
    next/previous message where a target field matches the value of
    the source

lnav v0.12.3


  • Files that contain a mixture of log messages from separate
    services (e.g. docker logs) can now be automatically
    de-multiplexed into separate files that lnav can digest.
  • The log_opid column on log vtables can now be UPDATEd
    so that you can manually set an opid on log messages that
    don't have one. Setting an opid allows messages to show
    up in the timeline view.
  • The Files panel now has a details view on the right side
    that shows extra information about the selec