
2024/06/15 16時〜2024/06/16 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

Mirror-DTC、LaunchControl、変愚蛮怒、Winpilot、Paper Plane xUI、win-vind、Scribus等が更新されました。

Mirror-DTC ver 1.431 → 1.44 2024/06/15
Copyright (c) 2011-2024 T.Ishii (t-ishii@js2.so-net.ne.jp) all rights reserved.
LaunchControl ver 2.5.6 → 2.6 2024/06/15
変愚蛮怒 ver → 2024/06/16

What's Changed

  • monraces_info をMonraceList に繰り込む作業 その6 by @Hourier in #4233
  • PlayerType::tracking_bi_id をBaseitemTracker に移した by @Hourier in #4234
  • old_race_flags 構造体をOldRaceFlags クラスに変えた by @Hourier in #4235
  • Prevent unhandled exception when corpse-eating player tries to eat by @backwardsEric in #4238
  • モンスターのHPバー管理をHealthBarTracker に移した by @Hourier in #4236
  • [Fix] 不足しているSTLヘッダのinclude文を追加 by @habu1010 in #4246
  • [Refactor] モンスター種族のシンボル文字による判定 by @habu1010 in #4245
  • JSON関連ファイルの改行をLFに修正 by @dis- in #4250
  • フラグ"PREVENT_SUDDEN_MAGIC"の廃止 by @dis- in <
Winpilot ver 2024.6.13 → 2024.6.15 2024/06/16
Winpilot 2024.6.15

You can now decide whether you want to use the intelligent web app with the WebView2/Edge Engine (Winpilot) or the classic desktop version (Clipilot). Both apps use the same dataset. The latter Clipilot now also hosts the old Bloatynosy modules. More information about the Clipilot project here. Perhaps I will start a survey regarding usage preferences, whether for the web app or classic desktop, to establish a direction.

For those who have completely uninstalled Edge, Clipilot is recommended as it does not require the framework.

Paper Plane xUI ver 6.4197 → 6.4197p1 2024/06/16
・Paper Plane xUI (+1)
・Paper Plane xUI(DirectWrite版) (+1)
・Paper Plane xUI Script Module(R21+1)
・Paper Plane xUI Script Module(R21+2)
- スクリプトを実行する PPx Module
・Paper Plane xUI Script Module(R21+3)
- スクリプトを実行する PPx Module
・Paper Plane xUI V8 Script Module(R3+4)
- Clear Script の V8 を利用して PPx 上で Javascript を実行する
↑Paper Plane xUI Version 1.97+1
   ppx197p1.zip ( MultiByte版, 659 Kbytes, 2024-6-15, Windows 95 - Me / Windows NT 4.0 - 11/2022(32bit/64bit))
   ppw197p1.zip ( UNICODE版,673 Kbytes, 2024-6-15, Windows NT 4.0 - Windows 11/2022(32bit/64bit))
   ppx64197p1.zip ( 64bit版,813 Kbytes, 2024-6-15, Windows XP/2003 - Windows 11/2022 64bit)
試験公開版です。 Version 1.97からの差し替え分のみとなってます。●変更点1.97→1.97+1
・*run コマンド実行結果をパラメータとして扱う関数を追加(%*run(command))
win-vind ver 5.13.0 → 5.13.1 2024/06/16


  • Fixed crash problem when computer is locked (#253)
Scribus ver 1.6.1 → 1.6.2 2024/06/16
Open Source Desktop Publishing
The current stable version of Scribus is 1.6.2.
Checksum verification is at https://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/1.6.2_Release
Source Archives:http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.6.2/
Windows 32 Bit (2000 SP4, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10):http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.6.2/
Windows 64 Bit (Vista, 7, 8, 10):http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.6.2/
Mac OS X Intel (mac OS 12/Monterey or higher (DMG):http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.6.2/
Mac OS X Apple Silicon (mac OS 13/Ventura or higher DMG):http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.6.2/
Solaris and OpenIndiana (IPS packages from project SFE) – (build recipes):http://pkgbuild.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pkgbuild/spec-files-extra/trunk/
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