
2024/07/24 16時〜2024/07/25 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

Maccy、ExplorerPatcher、iText Core、NeoVim、curl、DVDFab、Linux Kernel (stable)、Cyberduck等が更新されました。

Maccy ver 1.0.0 → 2.0.0.beta.1 レビュー 配布元 2024/07/24
2.0.0.beta.1 Pre-release

This is the first beta release of the Maccy 2.x version branch. See #790 for discussion.

Highlights of 2.0

  • The user interface has been rewritten from AppKit + NSMenu to SwiftUI + NSPanel.
  • Storage has been rewritten from Core Data to SwiftData.
  • Requires macOS 14 Sonoma or newer.
  • Backward compatibility with Maccy 1.x. You can downgrade to 1.0 or newer if you don't like it or encounter bugs.
  • No backward compatibility with Maccy 0.x.

Differences from 1.0

  • Appearance preference Number of items takes no effect. Instead, vertically resize the main panel window according to your needs.
  • Appearance preference
ExplorerPatcher ver 22621.3880.66.2 → 22621.3880.66.3 オープンソース(GPL) 配布元 2024/07/24
22621.3880.66.3 Pre-release

Tested on OS builds 19045.4598, 22621.3296, 22621.3810, 26120.961, and 26244.5000. (Note: 22621 and 22631 share the same OS files)


  • Taskbar10: Introduced a new taskbar implementation: Windows 10 (ExplorerPatcher). (146070d, 0b86e55)
    • You can try this implementation out by changing the "Taskbar style" to "Windows 10 (ExplorerPatcher)".
    • For now, this is only available for builds 22621, 22631, and 22635. Other builds will not have the option.
    • Refer to this wiki article for more information including important ones.


  • Taskbar10: Due to false positive antivirus de
iText Core ver 8.0.4 → 8.0.5 レビュー 配布元 2024/07/24

iText Core/Community 8.0.5

nanouh released this 24 Jul 11:24
· 10 commits to develop since this release

For our Q3 2024 release of your favorite open-source PDF library we’ve continued our work on refactoring the sign module, with further improvements to digital signatures thanks to a dedicated validation API.

The other big news is the addition of the CSS Grid Layout Module<

NeoVim ver 0.10.0 → 0.10.1 配布元 2024/07/24
NVIM 0.10.1
NVIM v0.10.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1713484068

Changes since 0.10.0:


  • lsp: Update LSP healthcheck format (#28988)

Build System

  • deps: Bump tree-sitter-query to v0.4.0
  • deps: Bump tree-sitter-c to v0.21.3
  • deps: Bump tree-sitter-vimdoc to v3.0.0
  • deps: Drop unused bundled bash, python parsers and queries
  • macos: Disable deduplication in link step
  • "popcount" name conflict on NetBSD #28983
  • Remove -O2 from gen_cflags
  • Reuse code for deps.txt for both deps and main build

Bug Fixes

  • Show swapfile warning as
curl ver 8.8.0 → 8.9.0 レビュー 配布元 2024/07/24
All changes ever made
Fixed in 8.9.0 - July 24 2024
8.9.0 8.9.0 8.9.0 only
curl: add --ip-tos (IP Type of Service / Traffic Class)
curl: add --mptcp
curl: add --vlan-priority
curl: add -w '%{num_retries}'
gnutls: support CA caching
mbedtls: support CURLOPT_CERTINFO
noproxy: patterns need to be comma separated
socket: support binding to interface *AND* IP
tcpkeepalive: add CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPCNT and --keepalive-cnt
wolfssl: support CA caching
(lib)curl.rc: set debug flag also for `CURLDEBUG` and `UNITTESTS`
asyn-thread: avoid using GetAddrInfoExW with impersonation
DVDFab ver → 配布元 2024/07/24
Skip to content DVDFab オールインワン:単品最安値が2,000円! 今すぐ確認
30%OFF DVDFab オールインワン
修正: 一部の Intel コアディスプレイでハードウェアアクセラレーションが利用できない問題を修正しました。
修正: DVD コピーで容量オーバーで出力できない問題を修正しました。
Linux Kernel (stable) ver 6.9.10 → 6.10.1 オープンソース(GPL) レビュー 配布元 2024/07/24
[view diff]
Cyberduck ver → 配布元 2024/07/24
TigerVNC ver 1.13.90 → 1.14.0 オープンソース(GPL) 配布元 2024/07/24
TigerVNC 1.14.0

TigerVNC 1.14.0 is now available. The most prominent changes in this release are:

  • Xvnc now supports hardware accelerated OpenGL and Vulkan on drivers that supports GBM¹
  • The viewers and servers now follow the XDG Base Directory Specification, like "~/.config", for storing files in the home directory. Existing users will continue using the legacy "~/.vnc" directory, but new users will get the XDG directories.
  • The native viewer now supports Apple's Diffie-Hellman and UltraVNC's MSLogonII authentication methods
  • The Java viewer now supports RealVNC's RSA-AES authentication method
  • Ubuntu 24.04 packages have been added
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 packages have been removed as they are EOL
  • The native viewer has received a mild refresh of the UI appearance
  • Reverse connections c
Little Snitch ver 6.0.2 → 6.0.3 シェアウェア(33.94ユーロ) 配布元 2024/07/24
July 24, 2024
Little Snitch 6.0.3 (7108)
Improved Demo Mode
Little Snitch now offers a free, fully featured 30-day trial for existing customers with a valid license for version 5.
New users without a license can still run Little Snitch in demo mode, where the network filter is turned off after each three hours of operation.
The current status of the trial is shown in the toolbar of the rules window and in Network Monitor.
New littlesnitch restrictions Terminal command to query the status of the trial.
New Features and Improvements
Increased precedence of blocklists so they can block connections that would otherwise be allowed by Any Process / Domain rules.
New littlesnitch profile command to enable disable profiles.
New littlesnitch rulegroup command to enable or disable rule groups.
New option --preserve-terminal-access for littlesnitch restore-model to prevent lockout.
Debugging of DNS encryption problems is now easier: If errors occurred recently, an error log is available in the DNS Encryption settings pane of Little Snitch.
A “Troubleshooting” menu is added to the Help menu when it’s opened with the Option key held down.
When copying rules from the rules window, blocklists are now represented as reference to the blocklist URL, not by copying a list of all blocklist entries.
Bug Fixes
When deciding about DNS encryption exceptions, Little Snitch now also considers DNS queries of type MX, PTR and others.
When an error occurs in the connection to an encrypted DNS server, Little Snitch now always attempts to reconnect to the server.
Fixed: When importing a backup, DNS encryption settings were not restored.
AnyDesk ver 8.0.11 → 8.0.12 配布元 2024/07/24
23.07.2024 - 8.0.12 (Windows)
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed crash when starting AnyDesk via Command Line Interface
16.07.2024 - 8.1.1 (macOS)
New Features:
- Preview files with QuickLook in the File Manager
- File Manager navigation with Keyboard
- Address Book hierarchical tags support
- Remote restart support for Macs with FileVault enabled
Fixed bugs:
- Sticky modifier keys issue addressed
- Improved Chat notifications
- Fixed mouse text selection issue when working with Pages and Numbers applications remotely
- Minor UI issues fixed
25.04.2024 - 8.0.10 (Windows)
Fixed Bugs:
fusenc ver 3.2.0 → 3.2.1 レビュー 配布元 2024/07/24
fusenc ver.3.2.1
ver.3.2.1 リリースノート
Copyright © 2004-2024 deepla. All Rights Reserved.
Chrome ベータ版 ver 127.0.6533.57 → 128.0.6613.7 配布元 2024/07/25
GitLab ver 17.2.0 → 17.2.1 配布元 2024/07/25
## 17.2.1 (2024-07-24)
### Fixed (1 change)
- [Fix PEP when SEC is available](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/5cbd3187cab87e736c260d374f75cf849997d66c) **GitLab Enterprise Edition**
### Security (7 changes)
- [Refactor import_export_upload to be user-based](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/07257efc00d8f4984eddf9576debd62edc6d485d) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4269))
- [Attribute BulkImport::Export to a particular user](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/53f8ad67517a92f1e914858c07829ec57e261cc1) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4284))
- [Don't include project-level analytics settings in DOM](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/639bf845ed2537e44487d8c9e804ec9ac4844045) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4271))
- [Fix for private dotenv artifacts not accessible to downstream jobs](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/49a4b36f4155702f8277e043d1d1c146b5a52e01) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4275))
- [Do not allow script execution on dependency responses](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/e1a84f999c73dab1ce45e9027738a59be977304e) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4276))
- [Remove prohibited tags after import](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/41db34926ea53f45215294138da716fba4ec03dd) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4268))
## 17.1.3 (2024-07-24)
### Fixed (2 changes)
- [Fix wildcard search for package.json in npm upload](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/f319a2257eca7ef742367b9b4636645ad4781ea2)
- [Ignore object pool already exists creation errors](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/01c080264ccb25ec17c04eeb470014389a916cfa)
### Security (7 changes)
- [Refactor import_export_upload to be user-based](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/70145f096f59d1729df3f0e1244a039c6e14f0b7) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4264))
- [Attribute BulkImport::Export to a particular user](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/68eb8994474a9b0fdd15d03ae2f0a75a61eecd1f) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4285))
- [Don't include project-level analytics settings in DOM](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/caf6a3a26a0bedfc309f8ba45bea605fc37e70f7) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4185))
- [Fix for private dotenv artifacts not accessible to downstream jobs](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/commit/ed6d149e28b4c8aafe36d6c6ff2824e1d459c651) ([merge request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security/gitlab/-/merge_requests/4242))
Zed ver 0.145.1-pre → 0.145.1 オープンソース(GPL) レビュー 配布元 2024/07/25


Remote Development (alpha) for everyone 🖥️🌐

Edit files or run commands on your server over SSH, whether working solo or using Zed's collaboration tools to tackle tasks together.

Learn more about remove dev and its current limitations here: https://zed.dev/docs/remote-development


  • Added support for following into the assistant panel.
  • Added a /symbols slash command in the assistant panel, which automatically inserted the active file's symbols into the assistant.
  • Added function signature popovers (#4879, #5155; thanks tomoikey).
    • To disable, add "show_signature_help_after_completion": false to settings.json.
  • Added
Zed ver 0.145.1 → 0.146.0-pre オープンソース(GPL) レビュー 配布元 2024/07/25
v0.146.0-pre Pre-release


It is such a delight to share with you today the official launch of the Jupyter Powered REPL in Zed Preview!

You can run code:

  • Line by line
  • Block by block (# %%)
  • Any selection

View the blog post for more details.


  • Added ability to restore all windows that were open when Zed was quit. Previously only the last used workspace was restored. This is now the default behavior. To get back the old behavior, add the following to your settings: {"restore_on_startup": "last_workspace"} (Part of #4985 and #4683).
  • Added automatic restoring of unsaved buffers. Ze
Maccy ver 2.0.0.beta.1 → 2.0.0.beta.2 レビュー 配布元 2024/07/25
2.0.0.beta.2 Pre-release

This is the second beta release of the Maccy 2.x version branch. See #790 for discussion.

Highlights of 2.0

  • The user interface has been rewritten from AppKit + NSMenu to SwiftUI + NSPanel.
  • Storage has been rewritten from Core Data to SwiftData.
  • Requires macOS 14 Sonoma or newer.
  • Backward compatibility with Maccy 1.x. You can downgrade to 1.0 or newer if you don't like it or encounter bugs.
  • No backward compatibility with Maccy 0.x.

Differences from 1.0

  • Appearance preference Number of items takes no effect. Instead, vertically resize the main panel window according to your needs.
  • Appearance preference
Git for Windows ver 2.46.0-rc1 → 2.46.0-rc2 オープンソース(GPL) 配布元 2024/07/25
Git for Windows v2.46.0-rc2.windows.1 Pre-release

Changes since Git for Windows v2.45.2 (June 3rd 2024)

Git for Windows for Windows v2.46 is the last version to support for Windows 7 and for Windows 8, see MSYS2's corresponding deprecation announcement (Git for Windows relies on MSYS2 for components such as Bash and Perl).

Please also note that the 32-bit variant of Git for Windows is deprecated; Its last official release is planned for 2025.

New Features

  • Comes with Git v2.46.0-rc2.
  • Comes with OpenSSL v3.2.2.
  • Comes with PCRE2 v10.44.
  • Comes with OpenSSH v9.8.P1.
  • Comes with Git Credential Manager v2.5.1.
Chrome 開発版 ver 128.0.6601.2 → 128.0.6613.5 配布元 2024/07/25